HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-22 . HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION A seating of the Historic Districts Commission was held at 4:30 P,M. on Monday, November 22, 1976, in Roos G15, Town Office Building, Lexington. Present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman= Georgia H. Williams, Secretary; Asalia G. Samoylenka; S. Lawrence Whipple; and Associate Commis- sioner Oliver F. Hooper. Mr. Hooper was appointed to serve for Commissioner Thoflas J. Holzbog who was unable to be present. 3 The first matter of business was a review of the data forming the basis for the vote taken at the fleeting on November 18, 1976 by which the Coflmis- sion unanimously dis&pp]roved the aliplieation of Frances M. Broussard for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install white vinyl clapboard siding and cornerboards on the house at 1358 Massachusetts Avenue in place of existing aluminum siding and cornerboards. Following discussion, the Chairman said that ~?s-a preliminary step to issuing~a Notice of Determination the Commis- sion should act on three supplementary votes supporting the denial of the application and he submitted a draft of proposed votes for consideration. In the discussion on the proposed votes a question was raised as to whether the prisary issue involving the installation of the vinyl siding was its appropriateness as related to the Broussard house alone or the coflpatibility of having such siding on the house as it related to the group of buildings Waking up the Munroe Tavern setting. The consensus of opinion was that, due to the proximity of the house to the Munroe Tavern, the appropriateness of vinyl siding pertained to both the Broussard house and the other buildings as a group. The Chairman reported that on November 20th he notified Mrs. Broussard of the November 18th decision of the Commission and endeavored to explain to her the reasons therefore and subsequently on the same day he discussed the decision with Mr. Broussard. He further stated that to date neither Mrs. nor Mr. Broussard was willing to accept the fact that the Historic Districts Act became effective as to their property in 1986 and that they should have requested a Certificate of Appropriateness when the aluminum siding was in- stalled in the early 1960'x. The Chairman also said that an application for replacing the aluminum siding with new aluminum siding was received from Mrs. Broussard subsequent to his November 20th conversations. After further consideration, upon motion made by Mr. Whipple and sec- onded by Mr. Hooper, it was unanimously VOTED: That the changes requested in the exterior architectural features of the dwelling at 1358 Massachusetts Avenue consisting of installing white vinyl clapboard siding and cornerboards in place of the existing white aluminum sid- ing and cornerboards are not appropriate for the purposes of the Historic Districts Act. Upon motion made by Mr. Hooper and seconded by Mrs. ililliams, it was unanimously • HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - 2 - November 22, 1976 VOTID: That there are no conditions especially affecting the building involved, but not affecting the Historic Dis- trict generally, under xhich failure to approve the application x111 involve a substantial hardship to the applicant and that such application may not be approved xithout substantial detriment to the public welfare and xithout substantial derogation from the intent and pur- poses of the Historic Districts Act. Upon motion wade by Mrs. Samoylenko and seconded by Mr. Whipple, it xas unanimously YOTEDs That the application for a Certificate of Appropriate- ness for the installation of white vinyl clapboax~. sid- ing sad cornerboards on the building at 13$8 Massachu- setts Avenue has been disapproved for the reason that s3ueh changes in exterior architectural features are con- sidered to be inappropriate for the purposes of the His- toric Districts Act, Chapter 4117, Acts of 1956, as amended, in that the building involved is one of a group of buildings in the vicinity of the historic Munroe Tav- ern xhich forms the architectural setting for the Tavern, ~ and to allow the substitution of vinyl material on this building for the existing aluminum material (xhich the Commission also considers inappropriate) would tend to continue the impairment of the architectural integrity of the building, caused by the existing aluminum siding and cornerboards, and its relationship to the other buildings of the group xhich comprises the setting for the historic Munroe Tavern. It xas moved, seconded, and VOTRII that the Chairman prepare the Notice of Determination on the basis of the above votes. Participating in this decision were Coamissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Georgia H. Williams, Secretary; Amelia G. Samoylenko; S. Lawrence Whipple; and Associate Commis- sioner Oliver F. Hooper. The next order of business xas to discuss and act upon the application of BayBank Harvard Trust for a Certificate of Appropriateness for replace- ment of the existing signs on the building at 1761 Massachusetts Avenue with new legends consisting of the word "BayBank" in Italic Gothic and "Harvard Trust" in Roman letters. The Chairman said that he had looked at the BayBank Newton Waltham sign on the bank building in Weston Center and that the word "BayBank" looked better than he had anticipated. Mrs. Williams said that she thought the Commission should not approve the signs as proposed because it would be inconsistent with the architectural style of the building and that she thovght that all Roman letters would look much better. Mrs. Samoylenko stated that other signs on the Avenue had mixed lettering and that the pro- posed sign xas more attractive than some of the existing signs. She also f HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - 3 - November 22, 1976 said that she didn't think the Commission should hold the BayBank Harvard Trust to higher standards than those imposed on other signs in the vicinity. Mr. Hooper said that he did not agree xith this position because of the difference in architectural style of the buildings involved. Following further discussion, upon mmotion made by Mrs. Samoylenko and seconded by Mr. Whipple, it was VOTED: That the txo styles of lettering of the signs proposed for the BayBank Harvard Trust are appropriate for the purposes of the Historic Districts Aet. Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Amelia. G. Samoylenko; and 5. Lawrence Whipple voted in favor of the motion and Commissioner Georgia H. Williams and Associate Commmissioner Oliver F. Hooper voted against the motion. The Chairman said that, since the vote xas three in favor and two against, a Certificate of Appropriateness could be issued. The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 P.M. s eor H. Williams Secretary