HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-12-17 • HISTORIC DISTRICTS C01~9ISSI01~ A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday, December 17, 1975. at $:80 P.M. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Towr? Of- fioe Building, Lexington. Present ware Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Thomas J. Holzbogi S. Lawrence Whipple; and Associate Commia- sionera Sarah P. Harkness anti Oliver F'. Hooper. Mrs. Harkness was appointed to serve for Commissioner Georgia H. Williams, Secretary, who was nr~able to be present. Mr. Hooper was appointed to serve for Commissioner Donald J. Shaw who was unable to be present. It was moved, seconded, and VOTED that Mr. Whipple serve as Secretary Pro Tem. Also present were Roland Gubisch of 627 Massaohuaetts Avenue and Elizabeth Reinhardt of 10 Eliot Road who is Chairman of the Lexington Historical Commission. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Permit for Demolition or Removal to F. William Smith with respect to the demolition or removal of the existing shed northerly of the existing dwelling at 103'-1039 Massachusetts Avenue and the southeasterly half of the existing store building at the westerly front corner of the premises at 1049 Massa- chusetts Avenue, both premises being within the East Village District. Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Thomas J. Holzbog, S. Lawrence Whipple, and Associate Commissioners Sarah P. Harkness and Oliver F. Hooper. Mr. Holzbog moved that the application of Gaetano Squillanta d/b/a The Pillage Beauty Salon with respect to the emotion of an awning for the atom at 846 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village Dis- trict, be disapproved for lank of prosecution and that a Notice of Dis- approval be issued to the applicant. Seconded by Mr. Hooper and unanimously VOTED. Participating in these votes wem Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Thomas J. Holzbog, S. Lawrence Whipple, and Associate Commissioners Sarah P. Harkness and Oliver F. Hooper. Then followed a discussion concerning the sample of light Barm Gra- nite with sand blast lettering left by John McSweeney, Town Engineer, for the Commission to consider as a mplacement of the marble marker on the Revolutionary Monument which was damaged this fall. Three samples of let- tering ware given and Mr. Whipple said that none of the lettering is suit- able. Mr, Jaquith said that what is them now is marble with the letters destroyed. Mr. Whipple suggested that the Town go back to slate which was need originally on the monument, Mr. Jaquith said that the 1797 plate of the monument is in the Hancock-Clarke House and that he does not feel that this granite is suitable. He stated that this is the oldest Revolutionary monument in existence. Mr. Whipple said that the slate tablet is about 50" in height and between 30 and 36" in width. Mr. Jaquith said that granite is foreign to that monument and that sandblast letters do not belong on a 1797 monument. Mr. Holzbog said that he does not like the sample and sug- gested that the Town try to duplicate the slate plate. All present agreed that the material and lettering am not appropriate for the monument. Then followed a discussion of F. William Smith's condominium applica- tion for the pmmises at 1009-1049 Massachusetts Avenue, which premises are within the East Pillage District. Mr. Holzbog said that some of the r • • HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMtff.SSION - page 2 December 37, 1975 residents in the area feel that this is in violation of the venaoular of the East Village and oited three exampless gambrel roof addition (unit #1) is Labeled anachronistic; the quoins should be removed Prom the doorway of the unit in the center; and the hexagonal leaded diamond paned windows should be eliminated. Mrs. Harkness said that she objects more to the decks and garages ben®ath th® decks. Elizabeth Reinhardt said that she ob3eata to the doorway with the quoins which is an exact copy of the 1749 Royal House doorway in Medford and that she feels this doorway can be eratde more appropriate for the East Village. Mr. Holzbog said that he thinks that the diamond paned leaded windows are awful. Mr. Jaquith said that the doorway is an interior one and faces the inner courtyard and will not be very visible from Massachusetts Avenue. 1~. Hooper said that it could not be seen from the Avenue and he did not feel it was that important. Mr. Jaquith said that the visibility of the doorway will be very slight and agreed that it was not 1820 to 1850 style architecture. Mr. Gubisch said that diamond paned windows are inappropriate to the period of arehiteoture which is being copied and that it is worth disagreeing about the windows. Mr. Gubisoh said that both he and Mrs. Reinhardt agree that the gambrel roof house should be changed as this is a "bastard" type architecture. Mr. Jaquith said that this unit should not compete with the unit to which it will be attached. Mr. Whipple said that he could accept the gambrel roof over the diamond leaded paned windows. Mrs. Harkness said that this dwelling is not "pure" and she does net know how "pure" it should be. She said that she feels the gambrel roof works and feels it will give a good impression and be more of a plus than a minus. Mr. Jaquith said that the architects cannot come up with a better plan than the gambrel roof design submitted. Mr. Holzbog said that he could not think of any way to solve the problem. Mr. Jaquith said that unit ~1 is most important as this is visible from, faces the, and is fairly close to Massachusetts Avenue. He said that, if possible, another solution world be preferable but he does not Peel there is another solution. lbs. Harkness said that she thought the Commission should ask that the doorway with the quoins be changed. Mr. Jaquith said that he does not like the roofline over the bay on unit ~i but will ooncedathat this unit is all right. He said that the doorway with the quoins is too massive and that he feels they oar get a better door design. Mr. Holzbog stated that he is strongly pre3udiced against diamond leaded paned windows. Mr. Holzbog moved that the three diamond paned windows be removed and replaced with windows with panes of approximately the same size. Mr. Whipple seconded the motion. Mr. Jaquith, Mr. Holzbog, Mr. Whipple, Mr. Hooper, and Mrs. Harkness unanimously VO~PED in favor of the motion. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously tTClfED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to F. William Smith with respect to the erection of four condominium unite, a four car shed garage, three attached garages, and connecting driveways and walks on that part of the premises at 1009- 1049 l+~asaohusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District, with modifications as discussed and voted above. Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Thomas J. Holzbog, S. Lawrence Whipple, and Associate Commissioners Sarah P. Harkness and Oliver F. Hooper. The meeting was gd3ourned at 11/:00~P.M. v ~ , S. Lawrence Whipple Secretary Pro Tem ,