HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-12-10 t HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMi~ffSSION A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held at 7s45 P.M. on Wednesday, December 10, 1975. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Of- fice Building, Lexington. Present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Georgia H. Williams, Secretary; Thomas J. Holzbog; Donald J. Shaw; S. Lawrence Whipple; and Associate Commissioners Sarah P. Harkness and Oliver F. Hooper. Mr. Jaquith stated that two hearings would be held tonight. The Chairman read an application dated November 9, 1975 and an additional let- ter detailing changes aril additions fora Certificate oP Appropriateness and a letter of November 17. 1975 fora Permit for Demolition or Removal. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notices as follows: on the application of F. William Smith fora Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the addition of two garages and one dwelling unit to the existing buildings and the erection of three additional dwelling unite, one attached and one detached garage and connecting driveways and walks on that part of the pre- mises at 1009-1049 Massachusetts Avenue which is within the Eaat Village District, said additions being part of a proposed it-unit condominium com- plex on said premises, 5 units of which are not within the Historic Dis- trict" and on the application of F. William Smith for a Permit for the Demolition or Removal of an existing shed and part of the existing store building on the premises at 1037-1049 Massachusetts Avenue; and the applioation of F. William Smith fora Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to changes in said store building on said premises which are within the East Village District." Present for the applicant were F. William Smith and Richard Wills, Architect. Also present were Pavl J. and Nancy B. Mac~en$ie of 13 Maple Street. Three sets of scale drawings of the pro- posed buildings and changes and one copy of the site plan were submitted. Mr. Jaquith stated that the Commission met on December 3rd with Mr. Smith to go over the condominium units which are within the East Village Dis- trict. Then followed a discussion of the buildings to be erected or changed that are within the Eaat Village Distriot. It was stated that unit ~1 would be attached to unit #2 with a two oar garage attached on the westerly side. IInit #1 is planned to be a one and one-half story dwelling with a gambrel roof and set back 1012• from the existing house (unit ~2). They want to preserve a large maple tree at the rear of unit #1 which is the reason for choosing the gambrel roof architecture. The dwelling will have a red cedar shingle roof, clapboards on the front of the dwelling, and shingles on the ell. One window on the front elevation was shaven with oaty one blind and Mrs. Harkness said that she did not feel that the one blind was necessary. Mr. Holzbog said that having only one blind did not both®r him and Mrs. Williams agreed with Mr. Holzbog. Mr. Wills said that the window was only 19-20" in width and that the blind was not really nec- essary. Mr. Jaquith asked if they planned to submit colors and an exterior lighting program at a later time and Mr. Smith said that they did. Mr, Smith said that, where possible, they would place lighting under plantings. Mr. Macgenzie asked if, considering the historic significance of the East Village, any consideration had been given to the use of gas lighting fix- tures. Mr. Smith said that gas fixtures would be very nioe but that he r ~ • w HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMLSSION - page 2 December 10, 1975 cannot get gas light fixtures. Mr. Jaquith asked if there was any chance of the roof being raised and 1~. Smith said that there was not. Mrs. Harkness said that she thought it looked very nic®. Mr. Jaquith asked if the chimney world. be straight or if it would break out and Mr. Wills said that the center is broken. Mr. Jaquith said that it looks as though ver- tical flush boards were planned for under the bay window and Mr. Wills said that they were. Mr. Holabog asked if it would be stained or painted and Mr, Smith said that it would be stained. Then Followed a discussion of the Store at 1049 Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. Smith said that one of the conditions of the Board of Appeals' Permit was that the store would have to be removed at the erxl of the lease which would be in December 1979. Mr. Smith said that he planned to remove the vacant half of the store and im- prove the appearance of the remainder of the building. Mr. Smith stated that the foundation to support the new exterior wall has been installed in the baseemint. The parapet, roof, and one-half of the store will be re- moved and a redesigned roof and store front installed. The existing brick around the front will ba painted white. The gable end will be of flush boards. Mr. MacKen$ie said that this design is a vast improvement over the existing store building. Mrs. MacKensie said that she would like to see the store remain in existence, Mr. Smith said that under the Permit issued by the Hoard of Appeals he must remove the store at the e~xl. of the lease. IInit #3 was next discussed. This will face onto the open space in the center of the complex and will be a one and one-half story building with attached garage at the rear with a small rear yard which will have to be screened with plantings. Two diamond shaped leaded pane windows are shasmm on the front elevation of the dwelling. A bay window is shown and the side sections of this are to open. Mr. Holsbog, Mrs. Harkness, and Mr. Shaw said that they didn't feel the leaded pane windows will bother too muoh and that they will not be too visible from Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. Whipple said that he did not like the leaded pane windows. I~r. Wills said that a storm window would be installed on the inside oP th®se win- doRra. Mr. Jaquith asked if there world be combination windows and 1~. Smith said there probably would be. Mr. Jaquith said that the Certificate would include provision for installation oP combination windows on a71 double hung windows at the discretion of the applicant. Brick steps are shown on the rear of this dwelling. IInits 9 and 10 were then discussed, It was stated that these units are in the middle oP the site. ISach will have a deck with a two car garage under the deck. Hip roofs will be used on these dwellings. Wood clapboards will be installed on the two units. 7 1/2" wide cornerboards have been substituted for the quoins shown in the drawings submitted December 3rd, but the quoins have been left around the door. There world be a stone retaining wall going into the Dement founda- tion and then along part of the driveway. Mr. Holzbog stated that he did not like the elaborate doorway and that he did not feel that it belonged on the unit. It was stated that the carport would contain space for Pour cars and world be similar to the shed garages at Russell Square. The win- dows of the carport would be double hang 8 over 12 paned windows. The carport would be 15` from the lot line. The shed west of IInit #2 and be- hind the driveway is to be removed. A garage is to ba added to the dwell- ing at 1009 Massachusetts Avenue. The hearing was ad3onrned at lOsOO P.M. • HISTC~tIC DISTRICTS C019~QSSION -page 3 December 10, 1975 Mr, Jaquith submitted a bill from Barbara Gilson, Clerk, for November 1975 for $94.55 (Pose $1.80= hearings and meetings - $36.75= and clerical services - $56.00), It was moved, seconded, and VOTED to approve payment of this bill, The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P,M. ,~~~~~~~~~f orgy, Williams Secretary