A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday,
November 5, 1975 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, Lex-
ington. Present were Commissioners Wilbur M, Jaquith, Chairman; Georgia H,
Williams, Secrete.ry; Thomas J. Holzbog; Donald J, Shaw; S. Lawrence Whipple:
and Associate Commissioner Oliver F. Hooper.
A hearing was held at 7:45 P,M, on the application of C. J. Eliades d/b/a
Heritage Homes for a Certificate with respect to the erection and display of
a sign on the building at 703 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East
Village District. Mr, Jaquith read the legal notice and application. Mr,
Eliades submitted a xerox copy of the B. Tillinghast sign which he proposes
to change and also xerox copies of the proposed new legerxi reading as follows:
"HERITAGE HOMES INSURANCE Mr, Holzbog asked Mr, Eliades ii" he planned
to use the same signboard, repainted black with the new legend and Mr. Eliades
said that he planned to use the same signboard and that it would be repainted
black with the new legend painted on it. He said that he would use the same
brackets, Mr, Jaquith asked if he would use a black sand finish and Mr. Eliades
said that he would if it was possible to do so. He said that the letters of
"Heritage Homes" would be the same size as those of "B, Tillinghast". He said
that the metal backboard would be painted black, would have a wood molding
around it with wood posts at each end, all wood would be painted white, and
that the letters would be painted with a gold color paint, The larger letters
would be 2" thick and the smaller letters would be 1 1/4" thick. A discus-
sion on the height of the letters followed and it was decided that IO" and 5"
letters would be preferable to 12" and 6" letters. Mrs, Williams stated that
she would like a dull black matte finish rather than a glossy finish and Mr,
Jaquith said that he would like a black sand finish for the signboard, Mr,
Jaquith asked if the members of the Commission had any objection to adding
the word "Insurance" to the legend and there was no objection. Mr, Jaquith
and Mrs, 'rilliams requested that the final "E"s of "Insurance" and "Real
Estate" be lined up and Mr, Eliades agreed to that change. The hearing was
adjourned at 8:4g P,M,
A hearing was held at 8:4g P,M, on the application of Rowe Chevrolet, Inc.
for a Permit for Demolition or Removal of the building at 47-4q Bedford Street
(located on Camelia Place), which is within the Battle Green District. Mr,
Jaquith read the legal notice and application, George Rowe and Attorney
Frederick Conroy represented the applicant, Mr, Conroy submitted a Plot Plan
of the Rowe complex showing the house to be demolished or removed, He stated
that the house is in very bad condition and that Mr, Rowe would like to demo-
lish it. He stated that there is a 33` right of way from the railroad tracks
and 30-35' grass strip between the firemen's parking and rear of the Fire
Station, Camelia Place is 16' wide, Mr, Rowe would plan to blacktop all ex-
cept where there are trees and other screening. Mr, Whipple suggested berm
be used between the blacktopping and the Fire Station. Mr, Shaw said that he
would prefer rai7.roa,d ties, The hearing was closed at 9:30 P,M.
y • •
HISTORIC DISTRICTS C02~'R9ISSION - page 2 November 5, 1975
A meeting was held at 9s40 P.M, with Amelia Samoylenko, Trustee of the
Lexington Mews Trust. M,rs. Samoylenko said that the architect was working
on new drawings. She said that, if two-story, the second floor would be 12'
x 45' and usable only as office space, and that this would be too expensive
for office space. Mrs. Samoylenko said that under the Town of Lexington
Zoning By-Laws glass could not be used as too close to the property line.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.M.
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Permit for
Demolition or Removal to Rowe Chevrolet, Inc. with respect to the demolition
or removal of the building at 47-49 Bedford Street (located on Camelia Place)
which is within the Battle Green District.
It was moved, seconded, and VOTED to approve payment of a bill from
Barbara Gilsan, Clerk, for October 1975 for $121.88 (postage - $1.95; tele-
hone call to Mr. Jaquith in Annisquam on 9/7 - $1.80; hearings and meetings -
~41.13; and clerical services - $77.00).
The meeting was adjourned at 1is15 P.M. ,
Georgia x, Williams