HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-10-01 • i HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMSSSION A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday, Octo- ber 1, 1975, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, Lexington. Present were Coamii.ssioners Wilbur M, Jaquith, Chairman; Georgia H. WiIllams, Secretary; Thomas J. Holzbog; Donald J. Shawl and S. Lawrence Whipple, A hearing was held at 7s55 P,M. on the application of the Lexington Minute Men, Inc, for a Certificate with respect to the erection and display of a free- standing sign and a parking sign on the premises at 1314 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Munroe Tavern District. Representing the applicant ware John McWeeney of 70 Spring Street, Clerk of the Minute N:ren; Norman Daigle of 19 Donald Street, Captain Commander; Joel Schulman of 10 Asbury Street; and Herbert Grossimon of 52 Winthrop Road. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and application. Mr. McWeeney submitted scale drawings of the free-standing sign which is current- ly located behind the hedge and photographs of said sign, He said that there is a second sign at the driveway of the property with lettering on one side only to direct people to the parking area across the Avenue at Seasons Four. The sign behind the hedge is a double faced wood sign painted white and has bxown letter- ing. There are two additional signs which they suspend below the main sign to designate hours the museum is open - one showing summer hours from April through Labor Day and the other showing winter hours from after Labor Day until April. Mr, Shaw said that he thought the top of the sign looks like a couple of beehives while the Munroe Tavern sign looks colonial. Mr, Shaw said that the parking sign should only be high enough sc that plowed snow will not cover the top of the sign. He said that a 6 1/2' high sign is too tall and that this sign should be cut down, Mr, Holzbog said that he would like the parking sign lowered to 5'. The hearing was adjourned at 8s 30 P.M, A hearing was held at 8:30 P.M. on the application of F. William Smith with respect to the maintenance of electrical boxes and fences for the Russell Square Condominiums at 1505 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Munroe Tavern Dis- trict. Mr, Jaquith read the legal notice and application. In addition to Mr. Smith, Lloyd and Ruth McIntosh owners of Unit #11, and Barbara Gilson owner of Unit ~7 were present for this hearing. Mr. Jaquith stated that the fences were not included in the original Certificate of Appropriateness which was issued in April 1974. Mr. Jaquith asked Mr, Smith who owned the electrical boxes and who chose the location for them. Ns, Smith said that the electrical boxes belong to Boston Fdison Co. anti that Boston Edison Co, chose the location for the boxes. Mr. Smith stated that he was requesting permission to maintain seven short fences (between units 5 and b; units 7 and 8; units 8 and 9; units it and 12; units 13 and 14; units 14 and 15, and units 15 and 16) and a longer fence across the rear of units 11 and 12, Mr, Smith submitted plot plans showing location of the fences and electrical boxes and photographs of the fences. He stated that the colors of the fences would match the colors of the units where located and that they con- sist basically of the same siding as was used on the garages. He said that the fences between the units are about 6" high and that there are two 20' sections of fence behind units 11 and 12. He stated that the transformers are different sizes, Mr, Jaquith asked if Boston Edison tells the builder where the electrical boxes are to be located and Mr, Smith said that they do, Mr. Jaquith asked Mr. Smith if • HISTORIC DISTRICTS COA7MISSION - page 2 October 1, 1975 he had any plans to screen the electrical boxes and Mr, Smith said that he would be glad to screen the one on Woburn Street that shows, Mr, Shaw said that the longer fences seemed to be very close to the slope along Woburn Street and Mr. Smith said that this is the location that the owners of the two units prefer. Mr, Whipple said that he was not happy with the way the fences between the units are attached to the units and feels that they are poorly put together. Mr. Whipple asked how the fences were anchored at the end and Mr. Smith said by a post in the ground. Mr, Jaquith said that he wants to see more of the long fence hidden by screening, Mr, McIntosh said that they want to keep this long fence as it helps hide the gas station across Woburn Street and Bullocks truck which is parked across the street practically all of the time. He said that he feels the light in the photographs submitted is distorted. Mr. Smith said that he will place shrubs around the electrical box. Mr, Whipple asked Mr, Smith if he would object to installing plantings along the Woburn Street elevation of the long fence and Mx, Smith said that ha would object unless the Commission requires plantings, Mr, McIntosh said that they want to place some low yews on the inside of their section of the fence and that this would hide the open spaces. Mr, Jaquith said that members of the Commission would look more closely at the fenc- ing before making a decision. The hearing was adjourned at 8:,55 P,M. A hearing was held at 9s00 P.M. on the application of F. William Smith for a Certificate with respect to changes in the exterior architectural features of the dwelling at and fora Permit for Demolition or Removal of ells on the dwell- ing at 1037-1039 Massachusetts Avenue, aril fora Certificate with respect to changes in the exterior architectural features of the dwelling at and for a Per- mit for Demolition or Removal of a barn on the premises at 1009 Massachusetts Avenue, both of which premises are within the East Village District. Mr, Jaquith read the legal notice and application. Present for the hearing were F, William Smith, the applicant; Anne Grady of 10 Trotting Horse Drive and Richard S, More- house of 37 Moon Hill Road, members of the Lexington Historical Commission= Ann Toomey of 9 Spencer Street; Souren and Mary H, Ouzounian of 7 Spencer Street; Ida B. Fisk of 10 Spencer Street; Margaret Kelley of 17 Spencer Stxeet~ Beatrice M, Casey of 9 Maple Street; Paul J. MacKenzie of 13 Maple Street; Francis McNamara of 9 Joseph Road; and William P. and Margaret J. Casey of 1063 Massachu- setts Avenue, Mr. Jaquith said that the hearing would begin with discussion of the changes for the property at 1037-1039 Massachusetts Avenue, Mr, Smith sub- mitted a topographic map showing both premises with existing buildings and photo- graphs of the dwelling at 1037-1039 Massachusetts Avenue taken prior to start of renovation, He stated that he is converting this two-family house to a one- family dwelling, He said that he felt the original part of the dwelling had probably been a farmhouse constructed in the early 1800s as there are handhewn timbers in the front section of the dwelling and that the rear section was added in the 1920s, He said that he proposed to remove the overhead roof over the front entrance and replace with a simple doorway. The existing sidelights would be retained, He said that he proposes to install a cap over the doorway similar to that on the front of the old house at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Forest Street. He said that they have replaced the single or two pane windows with 6 over 6 pane windows and he has replaced the asphalt shingle roof with red cedar fireproof shingles, He said that some or perhaps all of the blinds may HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - page 3 October i, 1975 have to be replaced. but that the existing blinds will be matched, On the east- erly side of the rear elevation he said that he wants to remove a two-story structure that probably was a backhall which is about 6' x 8', This would be replaced with a fixed center door and a door on either side which would open. These doors would be of wood and have solid permanent wood muntins, He said that he plans to eliminate two windows on the first floor and one on the second floor of this elevation and also remove the bulkhead. There would be two single windows and one double window on the second story of this elevation. He said that he also plans to remove a small shed, Mr, Smith said that eventually he wants to add a second unit on the east elevation of this dwelling. On the west elevation he plans to install a door with a triple window on the right side of the door and to eliminate two windows, He said that he plans to install a bulkhead on this elevation, Mr, Jaquith stated that this Commission is con- cerned with architectural changes of exteriors, additions, removals, etc, and has no authority to consider use, Mr. Whipple asked about the chimneys and Mr, Smith said that they would remain as are and that they have been pointed up, Mrs. Ouzounian asked if some exterior changes had already been made and Mr. Jaquith said that there have been. Mrs, Ouzounian asked what happens if the Commission does not approve the changes. Mr. Jaquith said that the Comm~tssion would require the individual to restore the building to its prior state. Mr, Smith said that the only exterior changes made had been the replacement of the windows and the roof, Mr, Jaquith said that the Commission probably would have approved both of these changes if the hearing had been held before the construc- tion work was begun. Mrs. Ouzounian asked to what extent the Commission has jurisdiction acid Mr, Jaquith said that the Commission only has jurisdiction over exterior architectural changes, additions, removals, etc. that can be seen from a street, sidewalk, parking lot, etc, Mr, MacKenzie said that it is generally known that Mr. Smith has plans for developing more of this property and wondered why it was not all presented at this time. Mr, Smith said that when the house was purchased it was vacant and he chose to refurbish the house as soon as pos- sible, He said that at this time his plans are not complete but, when they are, he will then came back to the Commission for a Certificate, Mrs. Casey said that, if this is now c one-family house and he wishes to convert to a two-family house, can this be done and it was stated that this property is zoned for two- family dwellings. Mr, Jaquith said that what would come before this Commission would be arohitectural plans only. Mrs, Grady said that the Historical Commis- sion believed that this dwelling was erected around 1820. Mr, Mackenzie said that it had been part of the Pierce property and that the Pierces had acquired the land from Jonathan Brown about 1791. Mr. Jaquith asked Mr, Smith if there was any chance of changing the location of the bulkhead and Mr, Smith said that he would look into this again, Mr, Jaquith said that the East Village enjoyed its most prosperous period from the 1820s to the i$$Os and the Commission is try- ing to retain that part of the East Village's heritage, Mrs, Casey asked if the store is part of this property and Mr, Smith said that it is a separate property, The hearing then turned to the property at 1009 Massachusetts Avenue, Mr, Smith said that he wanted to change the 2 over 2 windows to 12 over 12 pane windows, replace the roof with cedar shingles, and install blinds on the first and second. floors, He said that he wishes to remove the barn which is attached to the house as it is in poor condition, Mr, Jaquith asked what would happen to the air HISTCItIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - page 4 October 1, 1975 conditioner on the west elevation aril Mr, Smith said that it would be removed. Mr, Jaquith asked if this would remain a one-family house and Mr, Smith said that it would, Mr, Jaquith asked if there would be any changes in the rear ele- vation of the house and Mr, Smith said that there would not be except for where the barn would be removed acrd that this area would be covered to match the existing house. Mr, Jaquith asked why he wanted to change the windows and Mr, Smith said that he did not believe the windows were original and Mrs, Grady said that the Historical Commission dated this house at 1804 and that windows of the existing size were not available at that time. Mr, Whipple asked if he planned to install combination windows arx3 Mr, Smith said that he did not plan to install them now but probably would later. Mr. Jaquith asked if he had looked into saving the barn and Mr, Smith said that it is constructed of mill cut lumber which suggests a much later date and that it is in very poor condi- tion, Mr, Jaquith stated that the Hoard of Appeals was holding a hearing on this property Thursday evening and that the Commission would not make its deci- sion until after the Board of Appeals decision is made. Mr, Whipple asked Mr, Smith if he planned to change the door and Mr, Smith said that he did not. Mr, MacKenzie asked Mr, Jaquith why the Commission should wait for the Board of Ap- peals decision as this application is not really imrolved in tomorrow night's hearing, Mr, Jaquith replied that, in cases imrolving the Board of Appeals, the Commission usually did not act until after the Board of Appeals acted. Mrs. Grady said that what Mr, Smith is proposing sounds fine. The hearing was ad- journed at 10:20 P,M, An adjourned hearing was held at 10:30 P,M, on the application of the Burlington Bank and Trust d/b/a Old Colony Bank for a Certificate with respect to exterior changes on the building at 5 Depot Square. Charles Cole submitted new drawings, He stated that his clients were opposed to the Commission's re- quest that the location of the night depository box be changed. Mr, Cole now proposes to install the depository in one pane of the window using a dark bronze color for the deposit door and dark tinted panes with whits muntins for the remainder of the window. He stated that the chute and chest would be encased in cement, He said that one step would be installed under the window containing the night depository box and that the windows are all the same height. Mr, Holzbog said that he likes this solution. Mr. Shaw said that he would go along with this proposal but that he would like to have the night depository box dropped down to the bottom pane if possible, Mr, Cole stated that the doors would be aluminum to match the oth®r doors of the building, Mr. Jaquith then polled the members of the Commission and all voted in favor of this proposal. It was stated that there would be studs behind the letters on the fascia board. The hearing was adjourned at 11:00 P,M. An adjourned hearing was held on the application of Francis G, and Barbara W. Fuery for a Certificate with respect to changes in colors of the dwelling at 678 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. Mr, Jaquith said that he had heard nothing from the Fuerys, Fie said that he had talked with California Paint Company in Cambridge and that the person he talked with could not cite any places where their paint had been used over aluminum siding, It was stated that any paint will eventually fade and that dark brown will cover the f • • HISTORIC DISTRICTS COAII~ILSSION - page 5 October i, 1975 gray better and is apt to last better than other colors. Bob Adam told Nir. Jaquith that he thought aluminum siding could be covered but that latex paint should be used. Ms. Holzbog said that he did not like the combination of dark brown and pewter and he stated that he has heard that aluminum siding can be covered satisfactorily. It was stated that the dwelling would be painted a dark brown, have pewter color window sash, retain the white around the doorway, and retain the red door, It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Francis G, and Barbara W. Fuery with respect to change in colors for the dwelling at 678 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District, Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Georgia H. Williams, Thomas J. Holzbog, Donald J. Shaw, and S. Iawrenee Whipple, It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to approve payment of the September 1975 bill of Barbara Gilson, Clerk, for $117.50 (postage - $2,00; hearings and meeting - $26.25; and clerical services - $89.25). The meeting was adjourned at 1ic40 P.M, , orgia(H. Williams Secretary I