A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday,
July 23, 1975, in the Selectmen`s Meeting Room, Tawr? Offioe Building, Lex-
ington. Present w®re Commissioners Wilbur M, Jaquith, Chairman; Thomas J.
Holzbog; S, Lawrence Whipple; and Associate Commissioners Sarah P. Harkness
and Amelia G. Samoylenko. Mrs. Samoylenko was appointed to serve for Com-
missioner Georgia H. Williams who was unable to be present, Mrs. Harkness
was appointed to serve for Commissioner Donald J, Shaw who was unable to be
present. Mr. Whipple moved that Mrs. 3amoylenko serve as Secretary Pro Tem,
seconded by Mr. Holzbog, and so VOTED.
A hearing was held at Sc20 P.M. on the application of G. Ruth McCormack
and Maryelene R. Dailey for a Certificate with respect to the erection and
display of signs for the building at 1620 Massaehusetts Avenue, which is
within the Battle Green District. Attorney William J, Dailey, Jr. repre-
sented the applicants. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and application
for a Certificate of Appropriateness, Mr. Dailey said that the Board of
Appeals was having its hearing on their application on Thursday, July 24th,
at 7:40 P.M. Mr, Dailey submitted three drawings of the proposed sign-
boards with proposed lettering and a rendering of the building showing where
they propose to have the five signs hung. He said that they propose to use
the same lettering as that on the "Original Harderafts" sign now hanging on
the building, Mr. Whipple said that this lettering is too difficult to read
and that he would prefer a Roman style lettering. Mr. Dailey said that the
signs would have a black matte finish with painted gold leaf letters and a
painted gold leaf border around the beveled edges of each sign. The signs
would be 5'8" in length, 8" in height, and have 4" high letters. The mem-
bers of the Commission adjourned and went across the street to view the ex-
terior of the building and to see how they felt the proposed signs would '
appear. Then followed a brief discussion on the length of the signs. Mrs,
Samoylenko suggested that the signs have 4" high letters but that the sign-
board lengths eovld vary depending on the legend to be painted on the sign-
board. Mrs. Harkness said that she would agree with the suggestion of hav-
ing varied lengths for the signs, i e two might be 6' long. two might be
5' long, and the fifth might be 5 1 2' long. Mr. Jaquith said that the
signboards should be hung from the veranda soffits. Mr. Jaquith stated that
the Commission would not make a final deoision on the application until the
Board of Appeals had issued their decision, The hearing was ad~ourrred at
9:25 P•M•
Mr. Jaquith said that Attorney Reginald Howe had Balled him to report
that Judge Donahue had rerriered a decision in favor of the Commission in the
Forg cases.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P,M,
Amelia G. 3amoylenko
Secretary Pro Tem