A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday,
July 9, 1975, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, Lexing-
ton. Present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Georgia H.
Williams, Secretary; Donald J. Shaw; S, Lawrence Whipple, and Associate
Commissioners Oliver F. Hooper and Amelia G. Samoylenko. Mrs. Samoylenko
was appointed to serve for Commissioner Thomas J. Holzbog who was unable to
be present.
A hearing was held at 7s55 P.K. on the application of The Lexington
Masonic Associates for a Certificate with respect to a change in the exterior
architectural features of the building at 1 B~ifoxd Street, which is within
the Battle Green District, Associate Commissioner Oliver F. Hooper was ap-
pointed to serve for Commissioner Donald J. Shaw who was unable to sit on
this hearing. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and application. Lawrence
Larssen of 269 Wood Street represented the applicant and submitted photo-
graphs of the building and a sample of the asphalt shingles which they pro-
pose to install on all pitched roofs of the building now covered with slate.
Mr. Larssen said that the slate roof is in a very deteriorated condition and
that the "Royal Gray" shingles by GAF are fire resistant shingles. Mr.
Whipple said that he preferred gray colored shingles as closer in color to
slate. The hearing was closed at 8x10 P.M.
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of
Appropriateness to The Lexington Masonic Associates with respect to a change
in the architectural features of the building at 1 Bedford Street, which is
within the Battle Green District, Participating in this decision were Com-
missioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Georgia. H. Williams, S. .Lawrence Whipple, and
Associate Commissioners Oliver F, Hooper and Amelia G. Samoylenko.
Mr. Shaw resumed his seat,
A hearing was bald at 8x15 P.M. on the application of Karsten and
Nancy Sorensen for a Certificate with respect to a change in the exterior
architectural feature of the dwelling at 1 Vinebrook Road, which is within
the Battle Green District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and applica-
tion. Mr. Jaquith stated that the Sorensens had met informally with the
Commission and, following discussion, had been given informal approval for
the installation of Bird "Cypresswood" shingles on the roof of their home,
Mr. Sorensen submitted a sample of the "Cypresswood" shingle and photo-
graphs of the dwelling. The hearing was closed at 8c20 P.M. ~
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of
Appropriateness to Karsten anti Nancy Sorensen with respect to a change in
the exterior architectural feature of the dwelling at 1 Vinebrook Road, which
is within the Battle Green District. Participating in this decision were
Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Georgia H. Williams, Donald J. Shaw, 5.
Lawrence Whipple, and Associate Commissioner Amelia G. Samoylenko.
Than followed discussion of a Notice of Determination on the applica-
tion of Brigham's, Inc. for a Certificate of Appropriateness which had been
prepared by the Chairman. Following minor changes, the Notice was approved
as had been discussed at the meeting on June 18, 1975 when it was voted to
disapprove the application of Brigham's, Inc. for the erection and display
of a sign on the store front at 1777 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within
the Battle Green District.
An adjourned hearing on the application of Consumer Value Stores for
the erection and display of signs on the store at 1719-1721 Massachusetts
Avenue was held at 8x35 P.M. Mr. Teolis submitted drawings and photographs.
Mr. Jaquith and Mr, Shaw said that each had seen the store sign in Waltham
lighted and each said that he liked the appearance of the black word "phar-
macy" but that hs did not like the red letters "CVS". Mr. Shaw said that
he ob3ects to the letters "CVS" as they stick out too much and are too red..
Mr. Jaquith said that the thickness of the letters is one of his ob3ections.
Mr. Whipple asked what the backboard would be and Mr. Teolis said it would
be white baked enar~l aluminum with a matte finish atxl inserted in the tran-
som area. H® said that there is less light intensity with a 2' letter than
with a 3' letter as the 2' letter has only a single fluorescent tube. M'r.
Teolis said that it might be possible to ceat the inside of the red "CVS"
letters. Mr. Jaquith said that, if this sign is permitted, the Certificate
would contain a condition that the coating must be maintained. Mr. Teolis
said that the lighted letters would be on a time clock and that the lights
would be off when the store is closed. Mr. Whipple asked what the thickness
of the rear sign backboard would be and Mr. Teolis said 6", Mr. Jaquith
asked if there would be a rear entrance door and Mr. Teolis said that it
would be a receiving and safety exit door only. Mrs. Williams asked if they
could not have a simple sign on the rear and Mr. Jaquith asked if they would
consider if they need a lighted sign on the rear. Mr. Teolis said that hs
would look into this and discuss it with his superiors. Mr. Jaquith said
that the letters for the word "pharmacy" would also be black acid the red
letters for "CVS" would be coated inside letters. The letters on the rear
sign would have a single fluorescent tube and it was requested that the
light intensity be as low as possible. The hearing was ad3ourned at 9130 P.M.
An informal meeting was held at 9:35 P.M. with Lucille Roseman of
Xenergy, Inc. concerning a sign for 7 Muzsey Street. It was stated that the
sign would probably have to be on the door.
The meeting was ad3ourned at 1Ot45 P.M. ~j
Georg~.a H. Williams