HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-06-25 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday, June 25, i975, in Room G15, Town Office Building, Lexington, Present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairmen; Georgia H. Williams, Secretary; Donald J. Shaw; S, Lawrence Whipple; and Associate Commissioner Oliver F. Hooper, Mr. Hooper was appointed to serve for Commissioner Thomas J. Holzbag who was unable to be present. It was stated that a building permit had been issued fora new sign for Brigham's at the Stop and Shop shopping center without a hearing before or approval from the Commission, Mr. Shaw moved that the signs of "Hearth & Homespun" be disapproved without prejudice unless an extension is received on or before June 30th extending the time of the application to July 31, 1975. Seconded by Mr. Hooper grad unanimously VOTID. An adjourned hearing was held at 8:i5 P.M. an the application of Grace F. Rows and Rowe Chevrolet fora new Erse-standing sign on the premises at 37-41 Bedford street, which is within the Battle Green District. Attorney David Murphy and Kenneth $onner represented. the applicants. Mr. Murphy said that they have done an investigation to see what is more acceptable, He said that atmaller sign, 4'9/16" x 4'9/16", can be erected on a single black sign pole 17' high. The sign can be illuminated from within but the guts can be removed and the sign illuan?i.nated from without, The sign would be 12-15" thick. On the face of the sign would appear the logo, Chevrolet, and Rowe Chevrolet below. The sign would be white plastic with aluminum casing and the steel pole would be painted black. The logo is painted on the inside. If the sign is not interior lit, then floodlights would be nec- essary. Mr. Jaquith asked Mr. Murphy what they expect to gain from this sign. Mr, Jaquith said that the existing sign has the word "Rowe", the logo, and the word "Chevrolet". He asked how much mars the proposed sign would do than the existing sign if the Commission doss not permit an in- tenor lighted sign. Mr. Bonner said that Chevrolet is trying to stand- , ardi$e all of their signs throughout the country. Mr. Murphy said that they had to eliminate the letters "GM" but that it would still be a standard sign if the sign is white with blue letters which more readily identifies a Chevrolet dealership, Mr. Jaquith said that he has no abjection to the ex- isting sign and that he cannot see that this proposed sign is really going to accomplish anything more than the existing sign. Mr, Murphy said that General Motors has done studies on signs and want to standardize all of their signs. Mr. Jaquith said that this is a different type of community and that General Motors should consider location and community in designing signs. Mr. Whipple asked how the sign would be lighted if not interior lit and Mr. Bonner said by floodlights which are not good, Mr. Jaquith asked what would happen to the floodlight on tap of the existing sign grad Mr. Bonner said that nothing would be allowed on the sign pole, Mr. Jaquith asked if ar:Tp thinner sign is made and Mr, Pfurphy said that this is the standard thickness, Mr. Shaw said that he does not like the proposed sign and. that he likes the existing wood sign. Mrs, Williams said that she feels the same way, The hearing was adjourned at 9s00 Y.M, i HIST~tIC DISTRICT3 COMMLSSION - page 2 June 25, 1975 Mr. and Mrs, Karsten Sorensen of 1 Vinebrook Road met informally with the Commission to discuss changing the roof shingles on their dwelling to Bird's "Cypresswood". The Commission gave th®m an inforcm?.1 approval and scheduled a hearing on their application for July 9th. Then followed a discussion of a proposed Notice of Determination dis- approving the application of Brigham`s, Inc. fora Certificate of Appropriate- ness with respect to the erection aril display of a sign for the store at 1777 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Shaw moved that the Notice of Determination in the form presented at this meeting setting forth the reasons for the disapproval of the application be issued to the applicant provided however that the Chairman, after dis- cussion with Town Counsel. is authorized to make minor changes therein if he deems such changes appropriate. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Williams and unanimously VOTED. Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Georgia H. Williams, Donald J. Shaw, S. Lawrence Whipple, and Associate Commissioner Oliver F. Hooper. It was stated that Baskin Robbins wants an awning for their store at 1727 Massachusetts Avenue. Then followed a discussion on the application of Consumer Value Stores for a Certificate with respect to the erection and display of signs on the store at 1719-1721 Massachusetts Avenue, Mr, Whipple and Mr. Shaw both said that they had made two trips to Waltham but that the store sign was not lighted either time and Mr, Jaquith said that he had made one trip to Wal- tham but that the store sign was not lighted, Mr, Whipple said that he had seen the sign on the store in Belmont and he thought it was horrible. Mr. Jaquith said that he felt that the signs wanted are not suitable for Lexing- ton and Mr, Shaw agreed. It was decided that Mr, Jaquith would advise Mr, Teolis that the Commission would not approve the thick plastic red letters eith®r lit or unlit, but that a thin red painted wood or plastic sign might be approved. A discussion on lighting such a sign then followed. Mr, Whipple said that he preferred a thin red plastic letter with hood lighting. Mr, Shaw moved that the application of Grace F, Row® and Rowe Chevrolet for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the ereotion and dis- play of a new free-standing sign for the store at 37-41 Bedford Street be disapproved as being inappropriate for the Historic District order the pur- poses of the Historic Districts Act, Seconded by Mrs. Williams and unani- mously VOTED. Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Georgia H. Williams, Donald J. Shaw, 5. Lawrence Whipple, and Asso- ciate Commissioner Oliver F. Hooper. Mr. Shaw moved that the application of Brigham's, Inc. for a Certifi- cate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection and display of a new sign for the store at 1777 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District, be disapproved as being inappropriate for the Historic Dis- trict under the purposes of the Historic Districts Act. Seconded by Mr. Hooper and unanimously VOTED. Participating in this decision were Commis- sioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Georgia H. Williams, Donald J. Shaw, S. Lawrence Whipple, and Associate Commissioner Oliver F. Hooper. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION -page 3 June 25, 1975 Mr. Whipple moved that a Notioe of Determination for issuance to Grace F. Rowe and Rowe Chevrolet setting forth the reasons for the Commission's determination be prepared for consideration at the next meeting. Seeorded by Mrs. Williams and unanimously VOTED. Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Georgia H. Williams, Donald J. Shaw, 3. Lawrence Whipple, and Associate Commissioner Oliver F. Hooper. Mr. Jaquith reported that he had discussed the erection of Brigham's sign in the Worthen Rand-Bedfozd Street shopping area with the Assistant Building Inspector in the absence of the Building Inspector and found that a permit for the erection of the sign had been issued to Brigham's on the application of Back Hsy Sign Company. Mr. Jaquith said that he had informed Mr. Belly that the Historic Districts Commission had not issued a Certifi- cate of Appropriateness for this sign and it was decided that there should be a review of the situation and there would be further discussion of the sign. The meeting was ad3ourned at 11200 P.M. , ,~O / h- / / /-(PLC A-r~ S org~ H. Williams Secretary