HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-05-07 HISTCEtIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION A meeting of the Historic Diatrlcts Commission was held on Wednesday, May 7, 197'5. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Toxn Office Building, Lexing- ton. Present were Commissiorw,rs Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Georgia H. Williams, Secretary= S. Lawrence Whipple; and Associate Commissioners Rnth B. Adams and Oliver F'. Hooper. Mrs. Adana was appointed to serve for Com- missioner Donald J. Shaw who was unable to be present and M'r. Hooper was appointed to serve for Commissioner Thomas J. Holsbog who was unable to be present. A hearing waa bald at Sc00 P.M. on the application of Matthew 3akakeer~,p d/b/a The Minute Shop Por a Certificate with respect to exterior arohitee- tural changes in the building arxi the erection aril display of signs on the building at 9 Mussey Street, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read the legal notice and application. Mr. 9akakeer;y submitted plans for the installation of a new doorway entrance on the front elevation of the building. Robert Callahan and Frederick Pohl of Lexington Carvers & Signmakers submitted three sets of drawings of the proposed three signs and photographs of the building showing proposed locations of the signs. Ths signs for the front and rear are to be of 2" sugar pine, burnt finish with eight costa of urethane and inoised gold letters. A gold bevel edge will be installed around these signs. It was stated that the sun bleaches the burnt urethane finish so that in time it will not be as dark a color as the sample shown. Both signs are to have Roman style letters of 5" height for the words "MINOTL SHOP" and 9 i/2" high block style letters for the words "ARTS", "DRAFTING", CRAFTS", nod "FRAMING". The sign on the front elevation of the store is to be approximately 2" above the molding at the top of the fascia board above the first floor windows and doorway of the store and is to be 10' long x 2' high. The sign vn the rear elevation is to have the bottom of the signboard 9`6" from ground level and is to be oentered horiaontally between the doorways of the elevation. The sign is to be tt~ same as the sign on the front elevation except that it is to be slightly smaller to conform with the Town of Lexington Sign By-Iaw. Mrs. Williams acid that she would prefer to have the word "ARTS" centered over the word "DRAFTING" and the word "CRAFTS" centered over the word "FRAlffNG". Mr. Jaquith said that he likes having the words balanced at the ends but he feels that perhaps the words should come in more from each end. M`r. Hooper, Mra. Williams, and Mr. Jaquith stated that they feel the words should be moved in another inch so that they are 3 1/2" in from eaoh end rather than the 2 1/2" shown in the drawings. It was stated that none of the signs would be lighted. Ths third sign proposed is to be of the same thickness and the acme material but shaped like an artist's palette. Throe 2" natural pine brushes will be notched into the sign and there will be ovals of oolors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, whits, and black) around the top and bottom edges of the sign. This sign is to be located on the Masaachuaetta Avemre elevation of the building. The bottom of the sign will be approximately 9' above ground level. The sign will be 3' in height and 4`4" across. The sign may be centered between the first two windows of the first floor elevation or at another location preferred by the Commission. HI3TOltIC DISTRICTS COMi~1T33I0N -page 2 May 7, i975 Mr. Jaquith said that he felt the 4" x 6" colored spots made this too mach of a multicolored sign. Mr. 5akakeeny said. that spots the aiss of a half doLLar should be large enough, Mr. Jaquith asked if they could Dopy this sign, fill in the aolora and brushes, and place on the building ao that the members of the Commission could see it as it would appear. Mr. Callahan said that this could be done and he agreed to have it hung in place Saturday morning for the members to see, l+lr. 3akakeer~q stated that Custance was do- ing the alterations on the front elevation of the building and that they would use the same outside frame. A single 42" wide door with aids ligista will be installed. It was stated that the building is a Dream Dolor and that this door and the existing recessed door will be painted the same Dolor. The meeting was adjourned at 8150 P.M. A hearing xas held at 855 P.K. on the application of 3. J. Ingalls Stationer, Inc. for a Certificate with respect to the erection and display of taro signs for the store at 1785 Maasaohuaetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and application. Mr. 3evero submitted drawings of the proposed store front sign and stated that the letters would be individual wood out out letters 3/4" thick. Mr. Whipple said that hs thought the letters were too weak for their height and that they did not have enought body to them. Mr. Jaquith requested that the word "IIR;." bs removed. Mr. Whipple suggested that they reduce the height of the letter: on the front elevation and widen them. Mr. 3evrro said that at thez:prssent time they plan to need the letters from the name Ingalls from the Depot Square store over the door at the rear of the building. Be stated that all letters will be painted black. The hearing xas adjourned at 9si5 P.K. Mr. Jaquith stated that he had written Benjamin and Clara Palmer anti requested that they be present at 9s00 P.M. at this meting to advise the Commission of their plans to complete painting of their dwelling at 1$06 Masaaohnsetta Avsnw. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Palmer was present. The Chair- man stated that he bad not heard from them regarding this matter. A hearing was held at 9:15 P.K. on the application of Brigham•s Inc. for a Certificate with respect to the erection and display of a sign on the building at 1777 Maaaaehuastta Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and application. Fred Hetder- son represented Brigham's and Harold Chapin rspreeentsd the Back Bray Sign Company. Mr. Henderson stated that Brigham's hsd changed their corporate logo so that they world Klee to ohsnge the existing sign tc match the new logo. Mr. Ghalfin submitted drawings of the proposed sign. In addition to changing the letters of the word "Brigham's", they would like to add a red and blue garland to the sign as that is their new logo. Jaquith said that hs lilted the existing sign and said that this proposed sign is quite a gaudy sign. Mr. Henderson said tksat it is theft registered trademark now and that the trademark incorporates the red and bins garland. Mr. Jaquith asked if they had dropped the script letters and Mr. Henderson said that HISTORIC DISTRICTS COM~R33ION - page 3 May 7, 1975 they had. Mr. ChaZfin submitted anather type of drawing xhioh was very similar. Mr. Jaquith asked if th® logo is now the garland. Mr. Henderson said that the name and garland are the logo. Mr. Jagnitis said that the Com- mission xould have no abjection to their retaining the existing sign. Mr. Whipple said that the letters of the word "Hrigham's" in the blue proposed are more objectionable than if they xsre boned in. Mr. Jaquith said that he dose not like the letters of the xord "Brigham"s" at all, that they are not easily readable, and that they do not fit the l~ew Eaglad corxsept of sign letters. Mrs. Williams said that she feels the letters of the word "Brigham'a" are terribly "mod" and asked if they could go to a plain letter. Mr. Hooper said that he felt batter spacing would make the xord easier to read. Mr. Chaffin asked if they oould bring in color ohipa and a couple of variations of the sign and the Commission agreed to this suggestion. The hearing was adjourned at 9e45 P.M. An adjourned hearing was held at 9e5o P.M. with David Teolia of CYS. He stated that the signs xere down aed that the transoms xere in verg poor con- dition. The transoms are 2.~-90" high xith martins beta?een the glees. He said that the oeiling of the store that is being. installed would Donee to the oenter of the transom so that clear glass cannot be used. He stated that the build- ing is painted a light cream color and that there rill be a problem matching the existing paint. He stated that the transom world have to be removed as the wood is rotted and the glass is painted and cannot be cleaned up. It xaa suggested that a brick ramp leading up to the door from the aidexalk level be installed rather than concrete and Mr. Teolia said that this xas a possibility that would be considered. He submitted another sample of Alliance Wall Porce- lain Enamel, Dolor onyx, for the bottom panel. Mr. Teolia said that the let- ters for "CVS" xonld be installed on a xhite matte finish aluminum over p1y- xood which xould be used to Dover the existing transom area. Ae said that the signboard would fit xithin the transom area. He stated that plain red letters illuminated from within would be used. Each 3" thick letter is molded indi- vidually. Mr. Jaquith said that the Commission would not want red letters and that no interior lit signs have been approved in the center of Lexington. Mr. Jaquith acid that this xould bs a major change in policy and would present a problem. Mr. Teolia said that they may add a pharmacy to the store and, if so, they would rant to add. the word "pharmacy" to the sign. The hearing xas ad- journed at 10e45 P.K. Mr. J uith submitted a bill from Barbara Gilson, Clerk, for April 1975 for $88.25 (postage - $1.25; hearing and meetings - $21.00; and clerical ser- vicea - $66.00). It xas moved, seconded, and VOTED to approve payment of this bill. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Consumer Value Stores with respect to changes in the exte- rior architectural features of the front elevation of the building at 1719-1721 HI3TCitIC DISTRICTS CQlfl~lI39ION -page 4 May 7, 1975 Maasachuaetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Grsen District. Partici- pating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Georgia H. Williams, 3, Lawrence Whipple, and Associate Commissioners Ruth B. Adams and Oliver F". Iiooper. The meeting was adjourned at 1145 P.M. ~J lI~/~~/1 %~l Geor H. Williams secretary