HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-23 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMlI.SSIOId A meeting of the Hiatorio Diatriots Commission ass held on Wednesday, April 23, 1975. ~ ~ Ssleotmen's ldseting Room, Town Office Building, Lex- ington. Present were Commiasionera Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; t3eorgis H, Williams, 3eoretary; Thomas J. Holzbog; Donald J. Shaw; S. Lawrence Whipple; and Associate Commissioner Sarah P. Harkness. An ad~onrned hearing on the application of Consumer Halos Storey for a Certificate with respect to exterior architectural changes for the store front at 1719-1721 Maaasohuaetts Av®nue ass held at Sa00 P.H. l~lrs. Harkness was appointed to serve for Commissioner Shax. Mr. Teolis submitted seals drawings of the proposed store front and samples of Belgrano material to be used for the base of the store front. He stated that the present material is marble and that it is in poor condition and that they are proposing a dark material. with blue in it to replace the marble. 3/8" think, clear, plate glees panels will be installed above this material. Abave the glees panels is a cement strip and. above that is a transom which they want to restore. A stucco strip is above the transom. Mrs. Harkness asked it they wanted an awning. Mr. Teolis said that they xould have to replace the caning frame as well as the awning. if they want orie. He said that the glass panels would be in three sections and sealed together. The blank anodised aluminum double door would be recessed and a concrete aaik eloping up to the doorway would be installed. There was a discussion of using brink instead of concrete for the walkway and the Commission aembers all pref®rred a brink walk. Mr. Tsolia said that they plan to ezterd the rear out 24' to meat the rear of the other stores and this would be of Girder block with a brick veneer. There xould. be no aindowa but there would bs a door. In answer to a question Mr. Teolis said that the condensing unit of the air conditioning syateat will be on the root. Mr. Jaquith said that the Commission needs to know exactly xhere this unit will tee located and the exact wise of the unit. The hearing was ad~ourr~ed at 9s00 P.M. 1Kr. Shaw resnwed his asst. Three hearings are scheduled for May 21st: exterior changes in the rear vt the store at 179-1721 Maasaahuastta Avenue, sign for the C.H. Fabrics store on Waltham Street, and sign for Mary Washburn at 1620 Msssaohuaetta Avemte. Hrs. Washburn said that she was asking for a free standing sign as her antique store is in the rear of the building on the second floor. Ruth liorey, member of the Board of Appeals, said that this building might possibly need a directory sign as well as at least four other signs. An ad3ourned hearing ass held at 9:10 P.M. on the application of Carol Johansen and Evelyn O'Leary for a Certificate with respect to the erection and display of signs for the building at 1620 Masaaohusetta Avenue, which is within the Battle tire.n District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and. acid that an application had been received about the middle of March. The appli- canta aubanitted three scale drawings of the proposed signs and stated that they propose to bang the larger sign in front of the windows and the smaller sign to the right of the larger sign. 1~. Jaquith stated that the signs wars lade before the application was anbadtted and that they had been made to hang on the railing with the larger one above and the smaller orie attached to it. Mr. Jaquith said that the Commission had suggested that they try hanging the signs from the ~reh lintels when an informal meeting was held regarding this application. He stated that the Building Inspector has to decide if these are to be considered two signs and whether, it hung in this manner, they are attached to the building. If the Building Ir~apeetor decides that these are HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMlff35ION -page 2 April 23. 1975 two signs and are hanging signs, then this xould be a Board of Appeals case. Mr. Hol$bog said that the Commission has to consider the total building or else we could have a hodgepodge of signs o» the building. W3131am nailer, representing the oxnera of the property, stated that there world be two stores or a store and an office on the first floors Washburn Antique Store, Bnahanan Realty, and o~ other (probably an offioe} on the ssaond floor, Hs said that he had no ob~eotion to this sign but would ob~eot to five signs of this ales. Mr. Jaquith said that o» several buildings the landlord had deter- mined. the policy on signs so that they xould be uniform and suggested that this be done for this building. Mr, Jaquith stated that, if the Commission approves this sign and aomsona wants one of the same sire for the other first floor store or offioe, then the Comni.asion would have to approve that sign. Mr, Dailey asked the Commission if they xould like a directory sign similar to the one at the Lexington Mews or what they xould like. Mr. Jaquith said that he Pelt a directory sign World be most preferable. Mr. Whipple suggested that the address number "1620" be put on the building in a prominent loesation as identification. Mr. Ho2$bog suggested a double-faded directory sign with ver- tical signs off the building. Mr. Jaquith said that a directory sign world probably have to go on the lain. Mr. Dailey suggested possibly having two signs for the first floor and addable-Faced directory sign with three parole for the upstairs stores or offices. The hearing was adjourned at 10010 P.M. Mr, Jaquith stated that he had xrittern the Palmate regarding oompletion of the painting of their house at i~$ Massachusetts Avenue and had sahedvled a meeting with them for 9:00 P. M. on May ?th to discuss this matter. Mr. Shaw reported that he had met with Dr, Ma»ickas regarding the fenc- ing at $O5 Massachusetts Avenue. Hs said that he felt the most ob3eationable part of the fencing was that running up the walk to the door and he had sug- gested that this be out off to the first crossbar and dropped to ground level. Mr. Whipple asked if the fencing had been approved and Mr. Jaquith said that it had not. Mr. Whipple said that the Commission aonld tall him, to take it down, Regarding the application from Brigham's for a new sign, Mr. Shax said that he world vote to disapprove it as it is not compatible with other signs on that building. Mr. Jaquith read s letter from Wilson Farms, Ire. regarding removal of the porch on the dwelling at 61$ Massachusetts Avenue as it was in very poor condition. Mr. Shax said that he feels the Commission should request an ap- plication for a hearing for a Permit for Demolition of this porch ao that there world be a reoord on file of this demolition, It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to approve payment of the Maroh 19?5 bill from Barbara Gilson, Clerk, for $82.40 ( stage and stamps - $t4.40o hearings - $31,50= and clerical services - $46,,50 Mr, Jaquith read a letter regneating permission to erect temporary signs directing tourists to Church parking lots and, following br3.ef disausaion, it was deoided that this request will be approved. Mr. Jaquith stated that he had received a request Eros the Board of Selectman for suggestions of people to serve on the new Hiatoriaal Commission and a discussion of name followed, I HI,ST~IC DISTRICTS C014lISSION -page 3 April 23, 1975 Mr. Shaw mentioned that a sign had been ersoted on the J. F. Hsnnedy School property ooncsrning the use of organio f®rtilisera and that he f®1t that they should have to apply for erection of thla sign. lbs. Harkness was appointed to serve for Commissioner Williams who con3.d not serve on the follaoting hearing. An adjourned hearing ma held on the application of the Lexington Historical Soaisty with respect to amerrling Certificate of Appropriateness No. q4 C-45 issued November 24, 2994 for the erection of a zing addition to the Hanooak-Clarke House at 36 Hanaoak Street, whioh 1s within the Hancock-Clarks Matriot. Mr. Jaquith read the legal no- tice and stated that the hearing had been adjourned from April 2nd to April 23rd for laok of s quorum. He stated that the Society xished to amerxi the original Certificate as folloxst 1) use of fire-proofed xood shingles in lieu of asphalt shingles; 2) substitute double hung windoxs for two diamond paned wirdowa; and 3) eliminate false barn door. Drawings were submitted. Mr. Shaw said that the plans look alright to him and that hs would approve them. Mr. Jaquith said that he feels these changes are good. Ih•. Holzbog said that there is nothing that the Commission oan do now except approve the changes. Imo. Jaquith acid that the problem goes back to the orginal draxinge which were not as complete as they should have been. It was stated that a sample of the brick for the wallnrays had not been submitted as yet. It xas maned, ssao:ded, and VOTED to issue a Certificate of Apprapriatenesa to the Lexington Historical Society with respect to amending Certificate of Apps- priateneas No. 'j4 C-45 issued November 20, 19~+ for the erection of a zing addition to the Harnsook-Clarke House at 36 Hancock Street, which is within the Hancock-Clarke District. Participating in this decision xere Commis- sioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Thomas J. Holzbog, Donald d. Shaw; Associate Com- missioner Sarah P. Harkness; and Commissioner 3. Laxrence Whipple xho ab- stained from voting. 14rs. Williams resumed her seat. Since no one was present to represent the application of Design Con- sultants for a Certificate xith respect to the creation and display of a sign at 11 1Kazzey Street, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to der?y this application without prejndiae if an extension rrere not received prior to April 25th. Then follared a discussion on the proposed memorial on the Battle Green. l~r. Hol$bog said that he tends to think that nothing should be erected as too mush is being erected on the Green. I+Irs. Harkness said that she felt the Green could get too cluttered. Mr. Jaquith said that this is an important deoision for the Commission and that, if it is done, the Commission moat see that it is done properly. Hs stated that the Commission has no control over digging on the Green but that it could stop the removal of existing monuments. He said that the Bicentennial Committee could put in stones xithottt cementing them without approval from the Commission. The meeting xas adjourned at 12e15 A.M. tw ~~//G~~.S' or H. Williams 3ecretar3*