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• HISTt~IC DISTRICTS COMMISSION A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday, March 26, 1975 in the Selectaa<n's Nesting Room, To~rr? Office Building, Lex- ington. Present xere Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman= Georgia H. Williams, Secretary= Donald J. Shaw= S. Lawrence Whipplea and Associate Commisafoner Amelia G. Samoylenko. Mra. Samoylenko was appointed to serve for Commissioner Thomas J. Holabog rho xas enable to be present. A hearing was held at 8t12 P.M. on the application of A. Peter Nanickas Tor a Certificate with respect to the erection of fencing on the premises at 805 l~aaachusetts Avernte, which is xithin the East Village District. The legal notice and application sere read by the Chairamn. Dr. Manickas anb- mitted aphotograph of the fence and stated that the fencing is brown stain and matches the one already in existence at 809 Massaehuaetts Avenue. Mr. Whipple asked. xhat the purpose of the fencing was and Dr. Manickaa said to protect plantings and spring bulbs from bicycles. He said that there cur- rently is a poet and rail fence between his properties and the McCormack property and that he may eventually decide to replace the post and rail fence with fencing matching the other fencing. Mr. Shaw asked Mr. Whipple, if painting the fencing to match the building xovld minimise the fence, and Mr. Whipple said that it might. Dr. Manickas asked if the Commission wanted the fence lo~rered. Mr. Shaw suggested that the bottom of the Tence bs ant ofT and the crossbeam replaced in the proper place. Mrs. Samoylenko asked if the fencing could be cut off at the top of the crossbeam and capped. Nr. Shaw said that he xould prefer a loxer picket fence. Dr, Manickas said. that he doss not want to eliminate the walkway fenos. Mrs. Mtnickaa said that the Dolor was chosen to match earth valor and that the plantings au[ Tlowera were put in for the people inside the buildings to see. Mr. Jaquith said that he xonld like to see a lower fence. The hearing was ad3onrned at 8x43 P.M. A hearing xaa held at 8045 P.M. on th. application of Grace F. Roars and Rows Chevrolet for a Certificate with respect to the erection and .splay oT a sign for the premises at 39-41 Bedford Street, which is xithin the Battle Green District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and application. Gsorgs ROwe, Jr., Attorney David P. Murphy, and Mr. Bonner represented the applicant. Mr. Murphy said that they xould like to remove the present free standing sign and replace with a new, larger, free standing sign„ a Permit for xhioh had been granted by the Board of Appeals last air. He submitted one photo- graph of the present sign. sketches of the proposed sign, plot p1.ar?s ahaKing location of the existing buildings and proposed sign, elevation drawls, and a rendering ahwing the proposed sign which would bs approximately 6 1/2' x 6 1/2', double faced, xith the Chevrolet symbol, the letters "GM', the word "Chevrolet", and the words "Rowe Chevrolet" on each aide. He said that the sign xould have blue letters on a whits bacigground and world be interior lit. He ahcAred photographs of three similar signs already erected in differsn~ locations. Mr. Murphy said that this is the smallest standard available bet that it can be lowered to is'. He said that poaalb].p General Motors might do something abort the interior lighting and that lam. Benner xovld discuss this. Mr. Mnrphjr acid that, xhen the Commission makes its decision, it 1a • i HISTtaRIC D23TRICT3 ca~isslop -page 2 March 26, 1975 snppaaed to consider location and appsaranoe and should aonaider the tae gas station signs and the foot that this property is xithin a baainsaa eared area. l~r. Whipple aalcaed if the location of this nex sign xauld bs appraaci- seatsly the same sa tla existing sign and l~r, Marphy said that it voald bs xithin one foot of the present sign. Mr, Bonner said that abort txo xeeka ago Gsrseral Motors designed an exterior illuminated sign which could. be iss- stalled in place of the interior lit sign. Hs acid that on a:ch side of the sign these xas a single lamp shove the sign with the lights reflecting dam on the sign. He said that the same sign vonld be seed bat xithoat the ten interior lamps, Mr. Banner said that al.l the letters and the logo are raised about Sj2" and that the sign is designed for ten years and has a ten year gssaratsty. He said that the sign company aleana the sign inside and ontaide ossos a year and that they paint the pole xhsn needed. It xaa stated that Mr, Rove xould rust the sign. Mr. Rare stated. that his tattier did rat feel it xas xorth the monthly raesrE ao had created his oxn sign several years ago. It eras stated that 72~ of the General l~tors dealers have this sign. Mr, 9hax said that he did not like thla sign in arty looatian xhers hs had seen it and that hs feels the preaesst sign is an attractive sign and that he likes this sign. Mr, Bonner said that General Motors is trying to make all signs uniform. Mr, Jaquith said that one problem the seaxnsfsatarers are creating far oosmaanities like T,exington is designing a sign of this type and not trying to develop a sign to meet the needs of dealers in anoh comrmsni.- tiea as Lexington. lfr, Mssrphy said. that isstsrior lit signs tied been pointed out as a problem at the informal meeting and that this could be eliminated with an exterior lamp on each aide of the sign. Mr. Shaw stated that patting np a large sign can start encroachment oP business dam Bedford Street, Hr, Jaquith said that th,e Cosamd.ssian runs into the problem where signs are de- signed for psnrpose rather than aesthsti.cs, Mr, Marphy said that be believes the Cosmdasion ahoald consider the saonossic hardship of Rare Chevrolet xhen considering appropriateness of this sign. Mr, Whipple asked Mr. Aare xhat pescentage of his bnsineaa is transient and Mr, Roars said 2Q-30~. Hs said that he spends $5!)00,40 a month in advertlating and that he believes xith this sign he could eat his advertising post in half, Mrs, Williams said that she likes the present sign and that she feels they oonld sohieve what is desired by emphasising the logo on the present sign. Mr, Jaquith said that the Com- mission considers signs for identification and not for advertiairig parpoaes, Mr. Marphy said that in srsotir~ this sign it vas the intent of Mr, Rare to attract people. for bnsineas. Mr, Rare xaa asked if tltie exi.ating sign an the building could be seen xhen the exterior 2lghts are on and he said that the sign can be seen. Mr, Jaquith said that he feels the gas station sign serves as tie in for immediate need of motorist and potential ear buyer. Mr, Bonner said that the loxer aeation is custom made with dealer's rsas~ on it and that General Motors is only cosapar~ presently doing this. Mr, Jaquith asked if they had considered making changes in the present sign. Mr. Rare said that Mr. Marphy reprssersts the sign company and Mr, isetsphy said that Mr, Roars xanta this nex sign. Mr, Jaquith said that the Cosmdasion had ohanged its policy to allay Rove Chevrolet to have the logo on the present sign. Mr, Bonner ~ as]s ghat vas tl~ main problem with the proposed sign. Mr. Whipple said the problems acre the plastic and steel sign, the rise of the sign, and the interior lighting of the sign, Mrs. Williams said that with aigsus of this HIST(~tIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION -page 3 Nash 26, i97S type Lexington is losing its image. Mr. Shaw acid that he does not feel the sign would enhaness the town. Mr. Whipple suggested that the logo on tt~ ex• iat'ing sign could. bs emphasised more. Nr. Jaquith said that this proposed sign dose not belong in this location as it is a highly oome~ercialiaed sign although at the edge of a business area and that it would make a mayor ohangs in the area. Mr. Jaquith said that it is much thicker than the wooden sign. Mr. Shaw said that the proposed sign is almost twice the square footage of the present sign. Nr. Jaquith said that the sign is right on the street and that lowering the sign would hit people differently than world a higher sign. Mr. Whipple asked what would be done with the existing light standard and Mr. Rowe said that he did not know. Jaquith said that ha wished that they world consider doing something with the existing sign. Mr. Bonner said that he would like a ruling on this application. Mr. Jaquith said that the Commission could sot on the application as presented or sot on an application with modifications, Mr. Murphy then gave the Commission an extension to May 27th on the application. The hearing was adjourned at 9155 P.N. A hearing was held at 9x55 P.M, on the application of the Lexington Bi- centennial Committee for Certificates for the erection on the Common of a permanent memorial for Lexington's Bicentennial Commemoration consisting of marking with fieldstone installed at ground level where the Second Meeting House, Belfry, and School House stood on the Cocmeon on April 19, 1?75 and the erection within the marked areas of granite slabs having descriptive plaques, said Common being with the Battle Green District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice std application. Richard Michelson represented the applicant. Also present were Roland Robbins, aroheologiat, and Roland Greeley. President of the Lexington Historical Society, I~r~orie Weerts of 1906 Mas9achuaetta Ave- i rue, and Rita Wright of 41 Woodland Road. Mr. Michelson said that the Bi- oentennial Committee had deoided that permanent marking on the Battle Green of the locations of the Second Meeting House, the Belfry, and the School House would be an appropriate memorial for the 200th anniversary of the Bat- tle of La~dngton. Hs said. that fieldstones marking locsations of the build- ings world be used. He said that they would bm apprcximatsly 18" x 24~' for the Second Meeting House and that bronse plaques with suitable quotations would bs installed at the. corners. He stated that the School Home probably stood where the Revolutionary Monument was boated and, if ao, this would not be marked. Mr. Robbins staged that he had dog some preliminary probing to determire~ the location of the Second Nesting House and that they propose to reoreate this foundation when the location is determined. 1~. Greeley asked if markings would be installed if they do not find arr,P tangible evi- dence of the location. Mr. Robbins said that limited probing had been dons and that ttssy did find old nails, machine out Haile, anti charcoal which the Rev, Harold Handley has. He said that they found the general area but that it is difficult to locate the exact site without a oellar. Mr. Jaquith said that the Commission xould sot favorably only if the exact locations were found atri asked what world be done if they do not find the exact looationa. Mr. Robbins said that he feels that they x111 find the location and that they have found enough to do more research. Mrs. Samoylenko said that the idea is to bs commended but that a lot of time would have to be devoted to this and that it should have been done txo or three years ago. Mr. lRichelaon said - - 1 • • f HIST~tIC DSSTRICTS CESSION - page ~ Marsh 26, 1975 that they have no intention of finding the site prior to April 19th. lfr. Robbins said that they hope to find the exact a1te. Mrs. Weerta said that she ob~eata to patting more stones on the Green and is offended by the idea. Mrs. Wright said that from the archeologists vier she feels this should not be done. Mrs. Sanwylenko acid that she ob~ecta to putting markers if they do not find the exact site. Mr. Greeley said that there xere txo parts to this programs first, finding oat xhat really xas there and than adding to our lrnoarledgs t arxi asaond, marking the location or locations for flatm~e generations. He said that this needs to be done carefully and aocnrately arrl that the exploration is more imp©rtnnt than the markir~. Mr. Jagaith said that at this point the Commission does not have enough information to males a decision. I4. 9hax asked xhat the time estimate xas and Mr. Robbins said that it xould be a lengti~y process unless they can find some ledge er foundation stones. He said that they xoald photograph before, during. and after sash dig. Kr. Kichelaon said that, if the site is boated. it xoald be marked at ground level so that people could xalk mror the area. He asked xhether or not it is appropriate to obtain a Csrtifiaate. Mr. Jaquith said that the Commission could peas on the gaeation of marking t2a looationa aab- ~eat to ootxiitiona requiring that the Committee return to the Commission for a Certifiaats for the marking. At that time the Commission xould revisx the tub~ect axd determine on the basis of mabrial submitted then if it xonld be appropriate .for the Commission to issue a Grtifiaate for the marking of the Battle Green. Kr. Kicheleon said that. if the Commission gives a favorable decision at this time, then this xoald bs incorporated in the rededication of the Green. I~Rra. Wesrta again said that she ob3ects to any additional markers on the Green and that she dose not feel that this is appropriate. The hearing xaa ad3oarned at 1it15 P.K. Kr. Jaquith aaiei that Brigham's xant to make changes in their store sign. Kra. Samoylenko moved, Mra. Williams seconded, and it xaa unanimonaly VO'PISD that the Chairman aerd a letter to Mr. Michelson stating that the Com- mission doss not have sufficient information to issue a Certifieuts at Chia time and that no mention be made of the Historic Districts Commission ap- proving of this proposal bs made at the rsdediaation of the Green. The meeting xas ad~oarnsd at 1145 P.M. ` .ea ~ s org~ H. Williams 3eoretary