HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-03-19 BISTExtTC DIS2t~ICTB COMlff83TON A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission xas held on Wednesday, March 19. 19~,~, in Room 111, ToNn Oftiae Building, Lexington. Present xere Commissioriera Wilbar M, Jaquith, Chairman' Georgia H. Williams, Beoretary' Thomas J. Holxbogi 3. Laxrenoe Whipple= and Associate Commiaaioner Amalia G. 9amoylenko. Mra, 3amoylenko xaa appointed to serve for Commissioner Donald J. 3hax xho xaa enable to be present. An informal. meeting xas held at 8s i5 P,M. xith Carol Johansen and A`velyn O'Leary regarding their proposed signs for their handoraft shop in the building at 1620 Maaaaohusetts Avemua. They said that there xould pro- bably be txo suites on the first floor and three on the aeoond floor. An antique shop is located on tl~ rear of the second floor and the other suits: rill probably be offices. They are asking for txo hanging signs and ahoxed the smaller of the txo to the Commission, It xas suggested that the signs be hung up for a temporary period so that the Commission members could look at them. The Commission members then rent across t~ street to viex the building and see xhere the signs might be hang. An informal meeting xas held with 8tsven Oren of Lexington Realty re- garding align for 18~i4 Maaasohusetts Avvnne xhsre he is opening s reel estate offioe. Be said that he probably xovld 2iks to ham a sign over the doorKay and the f3.rat xirdox. Mrs. samoylenko suggested that a sign be hung i perpendioular to the building and Mr, Oren said that he xonld imroatigats this poaaibility, It xaa moved, seconded, and unanimovaly VOTED to iaau®a Certificate cf Appropriateness to the First Pariah Unitarian-Ur~iveraalist Church xith respect to the erection of a "Wayside Pulpit" and tlss display therein of xrittsn material for the Church premises at 7 Barrington Road, xhieh is xithin the Battle Green District, Participating in this decision xere Com- miasionera Wilbur M. Jaquith, Georgia B. Williams, Thomas J. Bolsbog, s. Laxrenee Whipple, and Associate Commiaaionar Amalia G. lSamoylsnko, The meeting xas adjourned at 10:45 P,M, - C y~ S ~GeO H. Williams 3eeretary