HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-03-05 HI3TfIRIC DI9TR2CT3 CC3+~3320H
A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission xaa held on Wednesday,
March y, 1975. the Selectmen's feting Room, Sown Office Building, Lex-
ington. Present were Commissioners Wilbur M, Jaquith, Chairman; Georgia H,
Williams, Secretaryt Thomsa J. Holsbog~ 3. Lawrence Whipple' ared Ase~iate
Commsissioner Rath B, Adams. I~Ers. Adams was appointed to serve for Commia-
sioner Donald J. Shaw who was unable to be present,
A hearing was held at 8:15 P.M. on the application of Mildred E, Whitney
for a Certificate with respect to the erection and display of a sign on the
historic Burbanie-Yaffe House at 1415 I~L?ssaohnastta Avenue, which is within
the Munroe Tavern Distriot, Mr, Jagaith read the legal notice and applica-
tion, Mrs. Whitney submitted three seals drawings of the proposed sign and
photographs of the house. Mr, Whipple suggested that "c" be put before the
"i808" becaase of the uncertainty of the actual buildir~ date. Mr. Holsbog
suggested that the edge of the sign have sons-half inch routed edge, painted
gold, Mrs. Whitney agreed to both suggestions. The sign xould be mounted by
four brackets fastened to the beak of the sign and nailed to the house through
the small profeations. Mrs. Whitney was given the choice of two locations for
placement of the sign as follotvse it could ba mounted and centered in the
apace between the upstairs a:d dawnstaira righthand windanra on the front ele-
vation as one faces the house or in the apace between the same righthax~d win-
dows but more to the right directly antler and aba?o the extreme righthand
shutters, The hearing was adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
A hearing was held at 8:45 P.M, on the appliaation of Walter R. and Carol
G. Bergler for a Certifioate to amend Certificate loo. 74 C-~'' issued by the
Ccmmisaion on December 18, 1974 with respect to ohangss in the existing dwell-
ing at 22 Hancock Street, which is within the Hancock-Clarks District. Mr,
Jaquith read the legal notice and application, Herbert Eisenberg, architect,
represented the applicants. He submitted three copies of a set of two draw-
ings, shaming the proposed changes which wets elimination of the porch roof
and columns on the westerly elevation of the iwslli»g and redaction of the
length of the aeaord floor bathroom window on the northerly elevation of the
dxs].ling. It was moved, seoorded, and unanimonAly YtYTF~D to amend Certificate
no. C-,52 to include the two changes proposed. The hearnng was alossd at
8:50 P.K.
A hearing was held at 8:50 P.M. on the application of Depositor's Trust
Company for a Certificate with respect to a change in the exterior arehitee-
total features of the building at 10 Depot Square, whioh is within the Hattie
Green District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and application, William
Asara, oontractor from Medford, represented the applicant. The change is from
slate to asphalt shingle roof for the bank. Mr, Aaaro stated that the roof
leaks, many slates are missing, and the cost of a elate roof is prohibitive.
e s d t w old be diffioalt to tah the axiati elate roof He
H ai the it o eery ma ng
submitted samples of Bird asphalt shingles. Mr, Asaro said that he would try
to get a sample of an asbestos file shingle dsaoribed by Mr. Holsbog which
looks more like elate and would be sate permanent although more expensive than
the shingle sample subadtted, It was stated that this world be more attractive
for this ia~ortant building. Of the samples submitted, the preference was for
BIRD shingl®, Moire Blaok, of the "'Wixdseal" groap, The hearing was ad3ourned
at q:3O P.M.
A bill for February 1975 From Barbara Gilson, Clerk, for $85.15 (poat-
age - $i.ig~ hearings and mset.inga - $33.00= and olerioal aervioes - $51.00)
was anbmitted, I1: was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOT'BD to approve payer
ment of this bill.
A hearing was held on the application oP the Church of Our Redeemer for
a Certificate with respect to changing the color of the main doors and the
panel behind the gold cross from gray to white. It was moved, seconded, and
unanimously VOTED to isau® a Certificate to the Churoh of Our Redeemer with
reapeot to changes in color of the building at 6 Mariam Street, xhioh is with-
in the Battle Green District. Participating in this deoision were Commisaian-
era Wilbur M. Jaquith, Georgia H. Williams, Thomas J. Holzbog, 3. Lawrence
Whipple, and Aasoaiate Commissioner Ruth B. Adams.
Mr. Jaquith stated that SherKin-Williamat officials wish to oome in to
disenss their sign. He stated that a hearing has been aeheduled for Maroh
26th on the application of Rowe Chevrolet for an internally lit 6' x 6' free
standing sign which has already been approved by the Hoard of Appeals. Mr.
Jaquith stated that Dr. Maniekaa has requested a hearing on the fenee which
has been installed on the premises at 805 Msaaaehuaetta Avenue. Ha said that
the Bicentennial Committee is proposing, as a permanent memorial for the 200th
anniversary, outlining in fieldstone on the Green the lhca,tiona of the Second
Meeting Honse, the Belfry, and the School Honse. The Coffiaaion questioned
whether more fieldstonea on the Common will clutter it up too mnoh. Mr.
Jaquith said that, two sign applications hams been receimsd and aohedtiled for
hearing on April 2nd: or=e Prom Design Consnltanta at 11 Mnszey Street and one
from Carol Johansen and Ebelyn O'Leary for 1620 Masaaohusetta Avenue.
Then Followed discussion on the Hancock-CLrke Ha+nae addition. The Com-
mission approved, in general, the aoheme of the original drawings eaoept for
the louver at the gable end. Ths Coffieafon then examined corking drawings,
the first which have been presented to the Ceaaeisaion. The Coffiasion ap-
proved loosely butted (not over one-halt inch) rA~edoes_~dth Vermont Barn
boards, rather than the separation oP approximately one and one-half inohea
proposed at the hearing. The Commission did not approve the outward opening
of the shad entrance door, ragniring that it open fenrard into the building
instead. The diamond paned window is not to bs installed. The Commission
did not approve the louver on the gable erd. It was moved, aecoredsd, and
VOTSD that the Chairman send a letter to the President of the Lexington His-
torical Society setting forth the action of the Coffiasion on the set of re-
vised drawings aubeaitted to the Commission for the approval of design detail
as required order Certificate No. 74 C-45 iaansd Nevembsr 20, 197l? as tollcnrs:
I. Design of the front {east) elevation and rear (west) elevation oP Sections
i and 2 of the addition as ahem on drawing A-8 dated 12/18/74, inolvding the
vertical aiding oP Section 1 and horizontal, aiding of Section 2 and the trim
detail except as folloKSt i. The vertloal sidir>g of Section i is to be loosely
butted with not more than one-half inch apses between the boards instead of
the one and one-half inch apses proposed at t.M hearing and apparently shaem
in the aforesaid drawing aced 2. The diamond paned windows of the east an3
north elevations of Section i are to be eliminated and double hung windows
with solid, permanent wood muntins matching in detail and design the double
a • •
hnt~ windaas of the gambrel roof part of the existing horse are to be in-
ata2led, and 3. The barn door on the seat elevation of Section 2 of the ad-
dition is to be eliminated and the horisontal siding is to be substituted
therefor. II. The detailed design of the north elevations of Sections 1
and 2 of the addition on said drawing A-8, including the vertical aiding of
Section i and horisontal siding of Section 2 except as follows: 1. The lou-
ver shown on this drawing was not approved under Certificate No. 74 C-45 and
the Commi.asion reaffirms by this vote its disapproval of this louver. 2,
The diamond-paned window of the north elevation of Section 1 of the addition
is to be eliminated and double hung window matching in design and style the
double hung window approved under said Certificate for the front facade of
3eotion 2 of the addition is to be installed. It was moved by Mr, Holsbog,
seconded by Mr, Whipple, and VOTED that the Commission informally approves
the ohanges in the design of the addition oontained in the letter from Roland
Greeley, President of the Lexington Historioal Society, dated February 21,
1995 as follars: 1. The use of fir-proofed wood shingles on the roof of the
addition instead of wood-grained asbestos shingles, 2. Substitution of
double hung windows having aoiid, psrmatrant wood martins t~tohing in design
and style the double hung winders of the gambrel roof part of the existing
house, and 3. Tlra elimination of the barn door and covering of the space
where the door appears in the drawings with horisontal Vermont barn boards.
Mrs. Adams moved, seoonded by Mr, Holsbog, and wsattimou+sly VOTED that the
ohange in the detail for the door of the east elevation of Section 1 to per-
mit the door to open ontwatd is not approved by the Commission for the rea-
son that such change in detail would eliminate the sharply defined recess of
the door opening and create a pronounced change in the appearance of the
entry elevation.
The Chairman presented for consideration a draft of a Supplementary
Notice of Determination prepared by Attorney Reginald Hare in contraction
frith the Forg applications, which were fcr installation of vinyl aiding on
the dwellings at 1894 and 1900 Masaaahuaetta Aveawe, to be filed in Middle-
sex Superior Court in contraction with the order of the Court entered in
Equity Cass No. 35391. The Chairman informed the Commission that Atty. Hare
proposed to file the 3uppleteentary Notice with the Court following cation by
the Commiaaion and that two copies oY the Notice were to bs filed with the
Tam Clerk, one copy for each application. After discussion upon motion
duly made b9 Mr. Whipple and seconded by Mr. Holsbog, it waa~~unanimoualy
VOTED that the draft of the 9uppletaentary Notice of Determination is approved
and that the Chairman is instructed to execute on behalf of the Commission a
Supplementary Notice of Determination in final form substantially in the form
submitted to the Cotmmiaaion.
The meeting was ad3ovrned.
Geor~is H. Williams