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A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wedtuaday,
February 5. 1975. in Room G15, Town Office Building, Lexington. Present
were Commiaaloners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman Georgia H. Williams, Secre-
tarq: Thomas J. Holsbogi Donald J. Shaw= 3. Lawrence Whipple and Associate
Commiaaionera Sarah P. Harkness and Oliver F. Hoapsr.
A hearing was held at 8120 P. M. on the application of S~rwin-Williams
Company with reapeat to the erection and display of signs on the building
at 25 Waltham Street, xhioh is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Jaquith
read the legal notice and application. Don Grasso of The Square 93gn Co.,
who will erect the signs, submitted three scale drawings of the proposed rear
sign and an advertiaeeunt showing what Sherrrin-Wil].iama proposes to use for
signs throughout the country. Hs said that the company is changing thsi.r
trademark to six aolore. The front sign would be 3' x 29' and the rear sign
would be 2• x 15'. Mr. Grasso said that he had talked with the sign manafaa-
turing oompargr headquarters in Columbus, Ohio and that the signs in 7wxington
can be muds using only two colors, blue and white, They xvuld spread white
letters aorasa a blue backboard with a white molding of about 1 1/2" aretnnd
the sign whioh world be made of matte blue plastic. Cummings of Colambaa,
Ohio is the fabricator of the signs. The letters would be 18-20" in height.
He said that the molding is extruded alumirnme painted white with a seadgloss
finish. The sign would be flat on the Ease of the building. Abort 1 1/2"
of blue would show at each end of the sign. The baakboard is 3/16" plastic
with interlocking seams. 12" high letters are proposed for the rear sign.
The molded letters are done when the backboard is molded and the letters
would be raised about i/4". There xould be no interior lighting. Mr. Grasso
said that they oar have the letters pro~sot out from 1/8" to 2" or 3" depend-
ing on the depth of the out out letters placed under the clear pLatia form.
This form is then heated, the letters sprayed white axd baks~.on. The blue
is sprayed on the backboard and this is then heated. This would be a matte
finish sign. The letters would be rounded letters.. Mr. Shaw and Mt. Holsbog
both said that they wanted the "legs" remaved from the letters "L". Follow-
ing discussion, it was decided that not more than 20• of the front sign
should contain letters whioh should be centered horisontally and vertically
acid that the letters should be not more than 18" in height. It was stated
that there should be a blue border at both the top std bottom of the sign and
that the "legs" should be omitted from the letters "L". The rear sign would
be the same as the front sign except scaled down with letters not more than
12" in height. Mr. Hooper asked if we would gain aeathstically by shortening
flat sign and Mrs. Harkness said that she feels we would on the frost sign bat
that it does not make mush diSferenoe on the rear sign. Mr. Holsbog said that
the rear sign is not that important but would be worth doing if it would im-
prove the appeararioe of the sign. The hearing was adjourned at 9155 P.M.
A hearing etas held at 10:00 P.M. on the application of Bernard P', and
Jane C. Burke for a Certificate with respect to changes in flu sxbrior arohi-
teatural Peatm~sa of the dwelling at SO Bloomfield Street, whioh is within the
Munroe Tavern Diatriat. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and application.
Mr. Burke stated that they wish to enclose an open porch with casement winr-
dogs. He said that there would be ~b~ro seta of Pour easement wirdonns on the
side elevation and one set of four casement windaWa at the front and rear
elevations. He submitted drawings of the proposed enclosures and photographs
of the house. He $aid that they would install clapboards to match the existing
HIST~tIC DTSTRICT9 C~SSIOK -page 2 F®br~ry g, 19'15
ones on the house bslox the xindowa aril. a cornerbaard at the erd, said
that there? is a aerttsrpost on the tong side which xould be between the txo
sets of wirdcwa, Mr. Burke said that they rant all of the xitdoxa to open.
H® said that the wirdowa xould be Anderson ther~apanr aassernt xindows, Mr.
Burke said that theta is a fieldatormr foundation under the ea3atit~ open
posh. l+frs, Harkness anggested that theg add a fifth xindoa at each end
std tfir. Holsbog said that he fit that this xov7,d improve the a~ of
the po:lth. Mr. Jaquith said that he agreed with the two architects xho setts
on the Commission. Mr, Backe said that he would prefer to have Klydomr xith-
aut mtmtins, Mr, Holsbag said that he xould agree to five wiffioetyt xithottt
mnntins and Mr, Shaw said that he liked the idea of five windows instead of
four at the ends of the porch, Mr. Burke said that the porch is about ig"
above grannd level std 'that they xovld install about 3if" of clapboards
painted xhits to match the eacis#.ietg clapboatrds on tare house. It was decided
that five windows xithout mwttins xould be pref®rable at the front std sear
elevat3ona oP the porch, The hearing was closed at i4t2g P.M,
A het?ring xas held at id:30 P,M. on the application of The First Pariah
IInitarian-1lniwrsaliat Church for a Certificate xith reapsot to the erection
of a Wayside Pulpit on the premises at 7 Harrington Road, which is within
the Battle Dreen District, Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and appliaa-
tion. Mr, Hooper represented the Church and aubed.tted three sasle draxin~gs
of the prapossd "Wayside Pulpit" xhiah is to replace one destroyed a font
years ago, He atat~ that it would be erected in about the same location as
the prsxious one bettraen the sidewalk and the left aide eieration of the
Church as you lack at the Church from the ~tt1e dawn. Ths Pulpit xauld be
of plywood std would bs painted whits. Tito inside xould have a black baala-
grourd xith xhitw plaatia changeable letters. On Friday through SurJday the
Oteiar of Serriae xovld be posted and different messages xould appear each
week on Motday through Thursday. The sass of the letters xou].d vary depetx!-
ityg an the length of the message, etc. The asv~er xentld be of pleacigLts aa~
unbreakable glass. There xould bs a sapper cap. The Pulpit would be '1'10"
to tJts peak, The hearing was adfovrnad at IOi55 P,M,
Mr. 3hax stated that he xould not bs available to attend meetings front
about the middle of F®bruuy until. the end of Town Meeting, Mr, Reaper said
~ that he xould be axay for t~ atanth of March,
An infornal meeting was bald with Herbert Eisenberg concerning t~ alter-
atiat~ being dome on the dwelling at 22 Hanaook Street. Mr, Eisenberg acid
that the Berglera xould like to omit the roof and aolmmti an the southerly
slevatlon parch std that they xant to use a smaller xindow in the bathroons an
the esootd floor.. Mrs. Harknsaa said that the small®r wirdox ntakea sore
sense. The members of the Commission agreed that the above two changes would
lee aaoeptable but that a formal hearing would have to be held follawittg re-
ceipt of a formal application.
Then Yol].otrod a diaoussion on the Aanaook-Glarke Hawse. It xaa atatad
that the fontdation is mush higher than xhat was appramed arxi that bartldttg or
aoete form of lardsaaping mould have to be done, Mr. ffiaenberg asked if it
xanl8 be out o! cosier for the Cammiaaion to xrite and ask the Le~dngton His-
torical Soaietg xhat try plan to do about landscaping for the b~uiI,dis~g, Zt
woos decided that Mr, Jaquith xould xrite RoLnd Eixwl.ey abort landscaping for
the Hones,
+ ~ •
HISTORIC D23TRICT9 COM~Q39ION -page 3 February S, 1975
I~$'. Jaquith said that the Boaxd Of Sel~otmen haw notified Brigham'a
that they Dan haw reeep~taoies autsids their store,
Ada. Harkness salad that the grilles Deer tM aitedotn of the Libruy
addition should b painted dark to mstah the aindess rather than xhite ahioh
they haw ban painted.
It xas stated that berating xoald b held on Mash Sth on tb applica-
tions aP M17,dred F~. Whitney fa~a a pSaqua far her have at i415 Massachusetts
Awttms t Walter H. and Carol 0. Berglsr for oh4nges ls>< the eae:teriar arohitee-
tural features of the dwlling st 22 Hanooek streets and Depositor's Tract
Company for changes in the exterior arohitsetura7. features of the building
at 10 Depot Square. 2~. Jaquith said that Depositors Trust xish to replace
the slate ahingleQ roof xith an asphalt shingled roof.
It aaa ntgrved, seconded, and unrrimonsly VOTBD to issue a CertlSiette of
Appropriatettpas to Bsremrd F. std Jars C. Burks xith respect to changes in
the sodsting drreiling at 10 Bloomfield Street, xhioh is xithin the Monroe
Tavern District. Participating in this decision sere Cossoti.ssionere Wilbur
M. Jaquith, Qaorgia H. Williams, Thomas J. Hol$bog, Dona],d J. Shax~ and S.
Laxretaee Whipple,
1~. Jaquith subsdtted a bill tram Barbara Gilson, Clerk, Por Jattnary
19?5 Par $140.05 ($5.80 for Pos'Caget $27.75 for hearings and sswtingst and i
$115.50 for aUriaal sereiaes). It xaa moved, seconded, and unanimously
VCT® to approve payetsnt of this bill,
Mrs. Harkness discussed the Colonial Building abets the CV3 stars is to
b loafed, She suggested that the backboard b run across the en~:+e store
iroxit xith the Setters "C4S" centered, that tats glass trana~ b
thst thraee clear glass xitxiaarra b installed i,nstsad of mntithnsd alaadors! std
that sLts b installed blaa>i the xindars.
Mr. Jaquith submitted Harr draxinga for the addition to the Haraoo3r-
Clar~as House.
The meeting sae ad5onrrsd at 12100 midnight,
t yrf-
r~a H. Williams