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A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday,
November 13, 197, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building,
Lexington. Present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Georgia
H, Williams, Secretary; Donald J, Shaw; S, Lawrence Whipple; and Associate
Commissioners Oliver F, Hooper and Amalia G, Samoylenko, Mr, Hooper was ap-
pointed to serve for Commissioner Thomas J, Holzbog who was unable to be
A hearing was held at 7s 55 P,M. on the application of James C, and
Robin D, Orr for a Certificate with respect to the erection of fencing on
the premises at l Oakland Street, which is within the Battle Green District.
Mr, Jaquith read the legal notice and application. This application is for
two fences, a stockade fence along the boundary line of the parking lot ele-
vation and a shadow box fence parallel to the front boundary line of the
premises, The application of Peter S, and Maria W, Nelson for a Certificate
with respect to the erection of fencing on the premises at 3 Oakland Street,
which is within the Battle Green District, was read, At 8s00 P. M. the legal
notice for the application of Peter S, and Maria W, Nelson was read and it
was stated that the application had already been read, Mrs. Orr represented i
both applicants, Also present was Mr, Sacco, tenant of the Nelsons and owner
of the property at 7-9 Oakland Street, Mrs, Orr stated that their property
has a low board fence along the stone retaining wall adjacent to the parking
lot and that the Nelsons' property has a 5' picket fence with about every
other picket missing along the same retaining wall, She stated that there
is a low stone wall about 4' high behind their property and about 12' of the
Nelsons' property and that this stone wall becomes higher behind the rest of
the Nelsons' property and the printing building property. She said that the
proposed stockade fence for both rear property lines would be about 1' inside ~i
the retaining wall and would be 5' in height, The Orrs and Nelsons propose
to install a smooth, regular standard stockade fence which would be left to
weather in its natural state and that the rounded side would be on the park-
lot elevation, Mrs, Orr said that the shadow box fence they propose to in-
stall would consist of two 8' panels and a 4' gate, in height, with the
gate identical in style to the fencing, and all would be painted white, The
hearings were closed at 8s30 P,M.
Mrs, Williams withdrew and Mrs, Samoylenko was appointed to serve for
Mrs, Williams, An adjourned hearing on the application of the Lexington His-
torical Society was held at 8s35 P.M. Roland Greeley, President of the
Society, and Charles Cole, Architect, represented the applicant. Mr, Jaquith
stated that Mr, Whipple was an officer of the Society and asked if there was
any objection to his serving on this hearing, There being no objection, Mr,
Jaquith declared that Mr, Whipple might serve, Mr, Cole stated that the
drawings previously submitted with the specifications were as authentic as
possible, Ms, Greeley said that they were using the painting done between
1800 and 1830 for details and that they were trying to duplicate this paint-
ing as best they could as it is the only item that the Society has which
illustrates the sheds. He said that the house has painted clapboards and
that the sheds appear to be weathered boards, He was asked what the addition
should be called by the Commission in a Certificate, Mr, Greeley said that
it was a wing attached to the House, He said that they were trying to re-
produce what appeared to be a shed and carriage house for the addition to the
' ~ .
HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMhffSSION - page 2 November 13, 197
Hancock-Clarke House, Mr, Greeley said that the interior would not be at
all similar to the original but that the exterior would be reproduced as
closely as possible, Mr, Cole said that the new wing would be designed as
closely as possible on the exterior to the details of the painting referred
to previously, He said that it would be a concrete block core with horizon-
tal or vertical strapping on the exterior, Mr, Cole said that Robert Gold-
man of Vermont Barn Boarding Company supplies reproductions of old materials
for those wanting them, Mr, Cole said that vertical siding is only siding
called obverse and that reverse means batons inside, Mr, Cole said that
this would be new wood stained and treated with a preservative, He said
that Vermont barnboard would be used and that this is made, cut, and treated
at the Vermont Barn Boarding Company, Robert Goldman was introduced and he
said that they strip, cut random width, distress the wood, open it, and heat
it in Cabot or Olympic stain to 160°, He said that this wood is kept in a
kiln for several weeks until all but 5-7',$ of the moisture is removed. Mr,
Greeley asked if the boards would be butted and Mr, Cole said that they would
not be because the painting shows that they were not, Mr, Goldman said that
the wood would weather more and that the wood never has to be touched again,
He showed examples of wood treated to resemble old wood. He also showed an
exact copy of old nails which are available but said that he would recommend
a seven penny screw type nail rather than these, Mr, Cole said that there
would not be gutters and that they might use these boards for cornerboards,
He said that the doors would be vertical plank doors, copied as closely as
possible from the aforementioned painting. Mr, Goldman said that their plant
is in Wilmington, Vermont which is between Brattleboro and Bennington and
invited the members of the Commission to visit the plant to watch the process
used, He said that they use northeast white pine as buildings of the 1600s
and 1700s were made of this wood, Mr, Cole said that they would use butted
type doors with batons inside, He said that the hardware will have to be
researched and that it is possible to obtain old hardware, He said wrought
iron hardware would be used, He said that detailed design features will be
submitted to the Commission for approval prior to installation, He stated
that the windows will be fixed, Mr, Cole said that any material used on the
exterior will be submitted to the Commission if so desired, He said that
there would be a 3-4'soverhang and that a planked board i" x 4';would be
used for cornices, Mr, Cole said that there would be approximately 1 1~2
between the vertical boards, Mr, Whipple said that this seems wide, Mr,
Cole said that the building would be 12' wide and that the boards would be
6-12"'wide, with most of them 8"`"or 9" in width, Mr, Jaquith said that the
Commission could leave this to Mr, Cole's judgment or could ask him to bring
in detailed drawings for approval, Mr, Shaw said that he would like to see
detailed drawings. The Commission gave general approval for a Certificate
with details to be submitted later, Hazdward, pattern of siding, layout,
window details, shingle sample, brick sample, etc, are to be submitted, The
muntins are to match those in the Hancock-Clarke House and the windows are
to be plain plank frame windows, Mr, Cole stated that the wood louvre in
the attic for ventilating the attic would be made from Vermont pine, He said
that asphalt roof shingles would be used, Mr, Cole said that they could eli-
minate the louvre by springing the boards, He said that they planned to use
a threaded wire seven penny nail. The hearing was adjourned at 1Os00 P,M.
HISTORIC DISTRICTS COM,NffSSION - page 3 November 13r 1974
Mrs, Williams resumed her seat, Mr, Eisenberg submitted three scale
drawings for the Berglers' residence at 22 Hancock Street, He said that all
windows now match existing windows, except for thethermopane casement win-
dows to be used in the kitchen, He said that Anderson casement windows have
snap-in muntins and that these casement windows will be used in the kitchen.
The hearing was closed at 10:25 P,M,
Mr, Jaquith submitted two bills as follows: Barbara Gilson, Clerk, for
October 1974 for $70,55 ($10.55 for postage and stamps; $30,00 for hearings;
and $30,00 for clerical services) and Ingalls for $17.28 for supplies, It
was moved, seconded, and VOTED to approve payment of these bills,
Mr, Jaquith said that construction had begun on the west elevation side-
walk on Clarke Street, He stated that the Town Engineer has been told to
apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness but no application has been re-
ceived, It was suggested that the Chairman write a letter to Allen Kenney,
Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, with a copy to Walter O'Connell, Town
Manager, concerning this matter, The other alternative is to request a
meeting with the Board of Selectmen to discuss items that come under the ~
jurisdiction of the Historic Districts Commission,
Mr, Jaquith said that he had received a letter from Fred Bailey that
they are working on possible alternatives for the new Cary Library tower.
Mrs. Samoylenko was appointed to serve for Commissioner Williams who
was unable to sit on the application of the Lexington Historical Society.
Mr, Shaw moved that a Certificate be issued to the Lexington Historical
Society, Inc, for the erection of the proposed wing addition to the relo-
cated Hancock-Clarke House at 36 Hancock Street subject to the requirements
that drawings and specifications for the following items be submitted to and
approved by the Commission prior to installations the layout of all vertical
and horizontal siding, trim detail, doors, design and style of leaded diamond
pane glass window, shingles, treatment of ventilation of attic, brick, and
all exterior haniware, Seconded by Mr, Hooper and so VOTED, Participating
in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M, Jaquith and Donald J, Shaw,
Associate Commissioners Oliver F, Hooper and Amalia G, Samoylenko, and Com-
missioner S, Lawrence Whipple who abstained from voting,
The meeting was adjourned at 11e40 P,M,
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eorg~a H, Williams