HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-10-30 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday, October 30, 197, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, Lexington, Present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Georgia H, Williams, Secretary; S. Lawrence Whipple; and Associate Commissioners Oliver F. Hooper and Amelia G, Samoylenko, Mr, Hooper was appointed to serve for Commissioner Thomas J, Holzbog who was unable to be present and Mrs, Samoylenko was appointed to serve for Commissioner Donald J, Shaw who was un- able to be present, A hearing was held at 7s 55 P,H, on the application of Walter H, and Carol G. Bergler for a Certificate with respect to changes in the existing dwelling at 22 Hancock Street, which is within the Hancock-Clarke District, Mr, Jaquith read the legal notice and application. Present were Mr, & Mrs, Bergler and Herbert Eisenberg, architect, who submitted three sets of scale drawings showing the proposed changes, On the south elevation a paneled door with muntined glass sidelights and a long slim window which is the re- sult of the kitchen layout will be installed, Anew porch which will not be seen from the street is proposed for the north elevation, This porch will change the appearance of the dwelling, Mr, Jaquith said that he does not feel that this is important since it will be not seen from any street. It was asked if the wirxlows on the east elevation could be muntined windows. Mr, Jaquith said that the Commission rarely diverged from the theory that, if a dwelling has muntined windows, then muntined windows should be retained throughout, Mr, Eisenberg said that he considered the ell an addition and that this should not apply to the windows of the ell, He stated that double hung windows are difficult to operate when over a sink so plans to use case- ment windows in that location, He stated that they still have problems with the basement in the rear, Mr, Jaquith said that, if cannot see from any street, the Commission does not have to consider this, Mr, Eisenberg said that they were removing the chimney at the rear of the dwelling as it is not being used, It was stated that there were no problems with the front door change, or with the porch on the north elevation, It was stated that the problems were with the windows proposed for the kitchen, bathroom, and family room, The hearing was adjourned at 9:25 P,M, I Mr, Jaquith said that, if the Commission approves the proposed changes, they must be prepared to receive more applications of this type, Mrs, Samoylenko said that the inconsistency of the windows bothers her, Mr, Jaquith said that the Commission has power only over parts of buildings that can be seen from a street or public way. Discussion then ensued on the sidewalks for Clarke and Muzzey Streets, Mr, Jaquith said that he had talked with James E, Chase, Town Engineer, and also had written him stating the feelings of the Commission, Mr, Chase told Mr, Jaquith that the sidewalks are out for bid and that 6' cement sidewalks will be installed except on the west side of Clarke Street where 5' sidewalks will be installed, Mr, Chase also stated that they want to realign the curb- ing on both streets today, HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - page 2 October 30, 1974 Changes in the Certificate of Appropriateness for the Planning Office of Urban Affairs, Inc, were submitted, Mr, Whipple moved that the Certifi- cate of Appropriateness to be issued to the Planning Office of IIrban Affairs, Inc, approved by the Commission at its meeting on October 16, 1974 be changed to read in accordance with the draft of the Certificate submitted at this meeting. Seconded by Mrs, Williams and unanimously VOTED. Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M, Jaquith., Georgia H, Williams, S, Lawrence Whipple, and Associate Commissioners Oliver F, Hooper and Amalia G, Samoylenko, It was moved, seconded, and VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriate- ness to F. William Smith with respect to changes in color in condominium dwelling unit nos, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, is, and 16 being erected under Certif- icate of Appropriateness No. 74 C-10 issued April 17, 1974 on the premises at 1,505 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Munroe Tavern District. Par- ticipating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith who abstained from voting, Georgia H. Williams, 5. Lawrence Whipple, and Associate Commis- sioners Oliver F. Hooper and Amalia G. Samoylenko, The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P,M, ~/~J 202~~ r~- ~ eorgia H. Williams Secretary