A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday,
May 29, 1974, in the Selectmen's feting Room, Town Office Building, Lexing-
ton. Present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Georgia H.
Williams, Secretary; Thomas J. Holzbog; Donald J. Shaw; S. Lawrence Whipple;
and Associate Commissioners Amelia G. 3amoylenko, Ruth B. Adams, and Oliver
F. Hooper, Mrs. Samoylenko was appointed to serve for Commissioner,.:Georgia
H. Williams who was unable to sit and Mrs, Adams was appointed to serve for
Commissioner S, Lawrence Whipple who was unable to serve, It was moved,
seconded, and unanimously VOTED that Mr, Holzbog serve as Secretary Pro Tem.
A hearing was held at 8s10 P.M. on the application of the Lexington
Historical Society fora Certificate xith respect to the erection and dis-
play of a bronze plaque on the Hancock-Clarke House at 35 Hancock Street,
which is within the Hancock-Clarke District. Mr, Jaquith read the legal
notice and application. Roland Greeley, President of the Society, sub-
mitted photographs of the House shoring three possible locations for the
bronze plaque which was prosented by the National Park Service designating
the Hancock-Clarke House as a "Registered National Historic Landmark" antler
the provisions of the Historic Sites Act of 1933. Mr. Greeley stated that
the three locations being considered ware the left hand side of the doorway
entrance, below the Society's sign, or at the lower right side of the door-
way entrant®, all on the northerly elevation of the House. Following di~-
cussion, it was decided that the lower right side of the doorway entrance
was the best location. The hearing was closed at 8:20 P,M.
Commissioners Georgia H. Williams and 3. Lawrence Whipple then assumed
their seats.
A hearing xas held at Ss20 P.M. on the application of William A. and
Joan P. Sommers fora Certificate with respect to alterations in the dwell-
ing at 7 Hunt Road, which is within the Munroe Tavern District. Mr, Jaquith
read the legal notice and application, Mr, Sommers submitted three sets of
plot plans, proposed porch enclosure and drawings of the house. He said
that very little, if ac~p, of the pornh can be seen from either Massachusetts
Avenue or Hunt Road. They propose to enclose the existing porch on the rear
of the dxelling and Mr. Sommers stated that rood shake shingles matching in
exposure and type the existing wood shake shingles of the dwelling would be
used, He stated that there is to be a xindo~t installed on the southerly
elevation of the porch which would be a double hung sash xith permanent wood
muntins matching in size, number of lights, and other details the existing
first floor xindow between the new window and the stone chimney. Mr. Sommers
stated that a double door xould be installed in the westerly elevation of the
porch and that the frames would be aluminum finished in white baked enamel
and have thermal glass. One door would be a 6' sliding door with screen and
the other door would be fixed. He stated that the new woodwork would be
painted white to matoh the color of the existing woodwork of the dxelling.
The hearing xas closed at 8:45 P.M.
Mr. Hooper stated that he would be away from July 7th to August 3rd.
Associate Commissioners Ruth B. Adams and Amelia G. 5amoylenko assumed
Commissioners Georgia H. Williams' and S. Lawrence Whipple•s seats. It was
moved, seconded, and unanimously YOTID to issue a Certificate of Appropriate-
ness to the Lexington Historical Society with respect to the erection and
display of a bronze plaque on the Hancock-Clarke House at 35 Hancock Street,
whioh is within the Hancock-Clarke District, Participating in this decision
were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Thomas J. Holzbog, Donald J. Shaw, and
Associate Commissioners Ruth B, Adams and Amelia G, Samoylenko.
Commissioners Georgia H. Williams and S. Lawrence Whipple resumed their
An adjourned hearing was held at 9s05 P.M, on the application of Seasons
Four for a Certificate with respect to changes in legend of the existing sign
at 1265 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Munroe Tavern District.
Roman Garulay submitted a new drawing and drawings of three removable panels
to be used on the sign to designate days open and hours of operation. The
sign backboard is to be white, the letters are to be in a dark brawn color,
and the existing logo is to be used. He stated that there would be no changes
in the "Gold Star" sign. Following discussion, Mr. Garulay was requested to
make changes as listed below and to submit them to the Commissions
1. Make two copies of principle sign and submit with original
2, Furnish color sxatches ofs
a. brown color for letters and logo
b. green color for logo
c, xhite for sign backboard
3, Remove pointed caps on posts in drawing so that top of
posts are even with edge of cap of signboard so that posts
will remain as currently exist.
4. Change hours on first panel to 9-8.
5, Make two additional copies of each panel.
6 Cha a Toes Thru Sat to Tues -Sat
The hearing was adjourned at 1Os00 P.M.
Mr, Jaquith submitted a bill from Barbra Gilson, Clerk, for May 1974
for $89,60 (Postage and stamps - $2,60= meetings - $18.00= and clerical ser-
vices - $69,00), It xas moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to approve
payment of this bill.
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of
Appropriateness to William A, and Joan P. Sommers with respect to alterations
in the dwelling at 7 Hunt Road, xhich is within the Munroe Tavern District.
Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Georgia
H, Williams, Thomas J. Holzbog, Donald J. Shaw, and S. Lawrence Whipple.
The meeting was adjourned at lla .M,
~ g~ ' ~ ;
Thomas J. Hdlzbog
Secretary Pro Tem