A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Thursday,
April 25, 1974, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, Lex-
ington, Present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Georgia H.
Williams, Secretary; Donald J. Shaw; and Associate Commissioners Oliver F.
Hooper and S. Lawrence Whipple. Mr, Whipple was appointed to fill the va-
cancy on the Commission and Mr. Hooper was appointed to serre for Commissioner
Thomas J. Holzbog who was unable to be present.
Mr, Jaquith announced that S, Lawrenoe Whipple had been appointed a
Commissioner for a five year term ending January 1, 1979 as a nominee of the
Lexington Arts & Crafts Society. Mr. Jaquith announced that Mrs, Rnth Adams
had been appointed an Associate Commissioner for a five year term ending
January 1, 1979 to succeed Mr. Whipple as a nominee of the Lexington Arts &
Craft Society. Mr. Jaquith announced that Mrs, Amelia G. Samolyrenko had been
appointed an Associate Commissioners for a five year term ending Jammary 1,
1979 to succeed George W. Emery as a nominee of the Lexington Historical
Society, Mr. Jaquith announced that Royston T. Daley had resigned as an As-
sociate Committer.
Mr, Jaquith stated that the four hearings advertised for April 7J+, 1974
and ad3ourned due to a lack of a quorums world be held at the times adver-
timsed at this meeting,
A hearing was held at 8:06 P,M, on the application of Laurence J. and
Cecilia R, Kipp for a Certificate with respect to changes in the premises at
531 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. Mr.
Jaquith read the legal 'notice and application. Mr. Kipp submitted a sketch
of the three unit kitchen windcnr to replace the existing window near the main
structure, This window in the ell would have a fixed center section with a
double hung window on each side with solid wood permarmtnt mnntins and is not
easily visible from Massachusetts Avenue. He stated that a white picket fence
would be installed across the front of the premises. This would be similar
to the fence in front of their dwelling at 517 Massachusetts Avenue and he
submitted photographs showing this fence, Mr, Kipp stated that he world like
to install round ball finials on the posts which would be in keeping with the
fence brut different from the posts on the fence in front of his o~mrn residence,
Mr, Kipp stated that they would like to paint the house a brown color with
white trim on the doorways and blinds, The doors and muntins would be the
same brown color, He said that they world replace all blinds with 16" xood
blinds on the front and two sides. He said that the portico world be painted
white. Mr, Kipp said that a nemr roof of a slightly lighter shade asphalt
shingle has been installed and submrtitted a smaple of the roof shingle. The
hearing was closed at $t40 P. M,
A h®aring was held at Sm45 P.M. on the application of Norton, Kleven and
Co „ Inc. for a Certificate with respect to changes in the building and the
erection and display of a directory sign on the building at 3 Fletcher Ave-
nue, which is within the Battle Green District. Robert Norton represented
HISTORIC DISTRICTS COI+glLSSION -page 2 April 25, 197+
the applicant and snbedtted three scale drawings of the front of the build-
ing showing the doors and directory sign and photographs of the building.
Mr. Norton stated that they wished to replace the xood door with an anodised
bronze door and sidelights. He said that the railing would be repainted
black. He said that they would like to install a matching lighting fixture
on each side of the doorway and would prefer a bronze finish to match the
door. He subsrlttsd four styles of lighting fixtures. He stated that they
would like to install the words "Three Fletcher Aveime" in the panel over
the dooriray and following discussion, it was decided to install "No. 3" in
this panel. Mr. Norton said that there xonld be a directors sign on the
building on which would appear their logo at the tops Norton, IQeven and Co.,
Inc. belo~i and a tenant's nano at the bottom. The hearing was adjourned at
9:32 P.M.
A hearing was held at 9e45 P.M. on the application of Lawrence B. and
Sarah W. Hunt for a Certificate with respect to a change in the exterior
architectural feature of the dwelling at 8 Hancock Avemie, which is within
the Hancock-Clarke District, Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and applica-
tion and submitted a sample of the asphalt roof shingle to be installed on
the main portion of the house, This shingle would match that installed on
the ell of the dwelling under Certificate of Appropriateness X72 C-39 issued
by the Commission on December 20, 1972. The hearing was closed at 9:48 P.M.
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously YOTED to issue a Certificate of
Appropriateness to Lawrence B. and Sarah W. Hunt with respect to a change in
the exterior arohiteotural feature of the dwelling at 8 Hanooek Avenue, which
is within the Hancock-Clarke District. Participating in this decision were
Commissioners Wilber M. Jaquith, Georgia. H. Williams, Donald J. Shaw, and
Associate Commissioners 3. Lawrence Whipple and Oliver F. Hooper.
A hearing was held at 9:50 P.K. on the application of F. William Smith
for a Permit for Demolition or Removal of the barn and a shed on the premises
at 1505 Massachusetts Avenue, which ie #ithin the Munroe Tavern District.
Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and application. Three scale plot plans
showing the location of the barn and shed and a photograph of the barn were
submitted. The hearing was closed at 9s 55 P.M.
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously YOTED to issue a Permit for
Demolition or Removal to F. William Smith with respect to the Demolition or
Removal of the barn and shed on the premises at 1505 Massachusetts Avenue,
which is within the Munroe Tavern District. Participating in this decision
were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Georgia H. Williams, Donald J. Shaw,
and Associate Commissioners S. Lawrence Whipple and Oliver F. Hooper.
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of
Appropriateness to Helen F. Potter with respect to the erection and display
of a sign on the historic house at 1295 Massachusetts Avenue. which is within
HISTCfftIC DISTRICTS CO?~IISSION - page 3 April 25, 194
the Munroe Tavern District, Participating in this decision were Commission-
ers Wilbur M, Jaquith, Georgia H. Williams, Donald J. Shaw, and Associate
Commissioners 5. Lawrence Whipple and Oliver F. Hooper,
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of
Appropriateness to Ianrence J, and Cecilia R, Kipp with respect to changes
in the dwelling and premises at 531 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within
the East Village District, Participating in this decision were Commission-
ers Wilbur M. Jaquith, Georgia H. Williams, Donald J. Shaw, and Associate
Commissioners S. Lawrence Whipple and Oliver F, Hooper,
The meeting was adjourned at 11s00 P, M.
y1 ~ `
Georgila H. Williams