A meeting of the Historic Distri.ata Commission Bras held on Wednesday,
I~rch 2?, 29?~+, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Toxn Offiae Building, Lex-
ington. Present were Commissioners Wilber M. Jaquith, Chairman; Georgia H.
Williams, 3earetary; Thomas J. Holzbog; and Associate Commissioners Oliver
F. Hooper .and S. Laxrsnce Whipple. Mr. Whiple xas appointed to fill the
vacancy on the Commission and Mr. Hooper xaa appointed to sit for Comnds-
sioner Donald J. Shaw who was unable to b0 present.
A hearing was held at 8slf0 P.M. on the application of Lexington Salon,
Ire, for a Certificate with respect to the erection and display of a sign
for the store at 5 Mariam Street, which is within the Battle Green District.
Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and application. Carl Severo of Metal
Letters Corporation submitted three scale drawings of the proposed sign.
The hearing was adjourned at 8:08 P.M.
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously YOTED to iasne a Certificate
of Appropriaterseas to Lexington Salon, Ina. with respect to the creation and
display of a sign for the store at 5 Mariam Street, which is within t~ Bat-
tle Green District. Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur
M. Jaquith, Georgia H. Williams, Thomas J. Ho2sbog, and Associate Commi~sion-
ers S. Lawrence Whippl® and Oliver F. Hooper.
A hearing was held at 8:16 P.M. on the application of F. William Smith
for a Certificate with respect to alterations and additions to the existing
buildings and the creation of additional buildings resulting in a 16 unit
condominium complex on the premises at 1,505 Massachusetts Avemie and 1,5
Woburn Street, xhich is within the Munroe Tavern District. Jaquith read
the legal notice and application. Representing, the applicant xere Mx'. Smith,
Attorney John Niles, Nicholas Parker architect of Royal Barry Wills, and
Mark Moore. Mr, Smith stated that the Board of Appeals had granted variances
needed to permit constrcation of the 26 condominium units. Mr. Niles sub-
mitted three plot plans, three sets of scale drawings and specifications of
the proposed units, photographs of the exlating buildings on the premises.
and photographs of lighting fixtures. It xas stated that the ell at the rear
of the Russell House xould be removed and the roof lino of the building
changedi two new buildings world be added in place of the ell which had been
added to the original house; the one and ors-half story building at one end
of the property would be moved easterly a short distance and a new addition
erected on this; four new buildings would be erected ao that there world be
16 condominium units; garages xonld be aonstruoted under the decks on the
four units of the Rvssell House; and two open shed type buildings would be
ereatsd to hold one ear for each of the other units. The main entrance xould
be from Massachusetts Avenue. The stone wall and as many of the trees as
possible xould be kept. Then folloxsd detailed disaussiona of each of the
units and colors proposed for the blinds and doors, The buildings x111 be
White and the asphalt roof shingles x111 probably be black. Most of the xin-
dows will have solid permanent rood martins. Wood blinds will be installed.
The hearing was ad3ourned at 11ml8 P.M.
The meeting was ad3ourned at 12x30 P.M.
~rgi.~ H. Williams