HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-03-06 g . ~ ffs~c a~sc~ ctcssiti'~ ' A mspt3:ng of the Hiatori~'iti..ptriets. Caaeaiaaion ~e held on :~y> Mstr~t< 6y i9~,. in Itoeta GiS, Term 0lfiele_'.tlding,~ ~ IAA~dngtion..•- B3•esesnt ale ~ , : C~aiasionfra A~flbur fit. Jaquith,, Chairmani L3esrgia M. 1~11]3.at~ti ~opr.ta~~ ; . , The~raa d. •fie2abbgt Dsnalr~ d Shawt: stnd Asa~eeiatw Gemmiasierar~a ~3:~ l.asr~nea Whipple and OliRer F. Beeper. iihpgl.o Man apgo3s~ted to '~.ll : tM raea;ritsy,. '~a rzs ' Mr. Jagnth'ataited that hs had reeaolwd an ~xteaaies: to May 3rd Eros the Planning Ceunoi.l of 1Trban Affairs et the Arahdipq!tme of Heeten.-' kit, 3hsw awed. that. the ebctsnsion tsl. May 3,y 197! of the fifes for taldn~_ setion , on the appZicat3.ca of the Planning C1t't°itme., af' t7rbap Affaiga .For the hou>ang develepmant at a Wa;then R~oac aab~.ftte~ bg Jaffa 8. I~sry Jr. dstod Msreh 5e 19?t+ be and hereby is ace+epted~ ascended try Mr.' Whipple;-and 'se: YO'1`RD. " Mr. Jaquith sctated that: tvs heaMnga xere aohedulerd fex ~aroh 2'jth. lr&. dagtid.th stated that hs bad talked frith Da*d Rngk~a and #.hs•,C the._ Cerrinai.asion sate sae the Tmrts Offiee ~fldirg en WednoacLrr . n'lghta tee' 1ta ~ 'k s. rasetinga. - ~ , . , An inforaal. ~aeting wasr h®ld xith Roman Garalar~r,~ Manager of $eaaosf6 ` ' Ferar, .who srhoxed a drawing of propeaed chasq;ea .lx the free stitxding sign at the entranee to their prsmia•s at 3'265 1Katrsatohnaetts Airetme. Diaeaars~n ~ : ~o7lewed sn the proposed changes arx3 it trasy:iA6reed: that the z~stbere' wantsd~ an off~vhite backboard xith letters 'in .a 'hrer~m Dolor :nd the -plant in a , green color rather than.:tttr esiora aa,ahenn. s _ ~ ~j An inferatol meting xas -held with P'. ~Tilliaat Sadth regardit~ ttana .~'or ; • . the dwelopa~nt of the fer~ror 1Riis3a~,l. Mare pragerty, into ib ~tanrnhaaai? condoadntum units. Mr.` ~ad'th showed plat' p].en and drawings sf the P~F~~ 4p xk nnita and diae>:saed the detrelopatent at 1505 ~laeaaehusstta A~neinae and 10 ~ ; l~obronnr Street.. It xaa dseidetl~ ;that the ~e?~ebert<, ;of 'the r Coa~iesier, ~rors3.d' meet ' ~:t'the site at 2sOf1 P,M, on Sanday~, •Alareh ifith} to ,riser the area acct also- ~s~ the Raaaell HAns~o. The fernral hearing osi this pro~eat is? achsd}iled :for,: a 8:15 P.M. on Marsh 27th. ~ 2. Mr. Jaquith aubadtted a b3:1], tits Fwbrmary 1974 fr.Na He?rbara Giles., , Clerks fee $69.40 E~1.15 fare pestago seal ~8.z5. ter olerieal serrlaob)., I.t xas movecla a®oonded* and. tunan3,wiously VQ'IT~D to appears Payment bZ" this bi12, The matting was. ad~ogrtsed at iis@G P.M. 7 ~o ~ M. wtl3sasa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Secretary ~~39 a YY . - ja I ~ ~