HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-01-23 _ e a', ' SL9TDRIC DISTRICTS C~lI33ION • - asuti»g et tine Histerie Dietriata Cosatisafeu+ hold on W*daeaday~ A ~ :January .2~;r 19?~~ 1n Rosin G1~ Tepm Qt`tiee B~n3ldnge, Ie~ad,m~insrRr' .Pr~earu?t . xers Ceaedasiensra Wilbar K.. Jaquith, Charm} The®as ,t; `8el>db~eg~ Hi~ald. ~ r J. Shax~ 6eergis M. Wi1lia~ra T . asd Associate Gas~ed.ua` ~ . Whipple.. Mr' iihi~?p].e tract appeitet~d to servo ter t3esaais~riesss' :Plop ~ ' ' Parsonp wko was aaatilr tt±s p~wset. ShsR tbist i~hrs;..~Till3ama , . ' serve as Sserstary Pro ~mt? aecondod by Itir, Helabega.aiui ee.«I~• 4n ad~surned ha?Mag xaa held:at 8t0d P.K, with Pebsr B 1ti~.o7r~' Prsaider~t of Fatriit ~iilsl Its, Kr+ Taylor submitted ono -sesZe • of the sign proposod'tor thet"rant of the store at 1760 Hsssachwtts•A . >snay; color ehipss~ and sh,awod thA sign whl,ah they pa~r~ee to erect rvrr the. rear entranar to the store. Diseesaioa of tho Pfd trebt :igs felles+od~ .u dmriug xhsh it aiRa . ~otw~ia+d that tlsa 1+~Lnutsstaa 2,gRe ahexld. ice ,wlrod , : _ F , , • . to the left odes of the..: slkrao .,.tbat tJ~ ens ,i:nsh red. line shed d .tossed Sty so taut it weld ~ ttae; inches frga~;ahe as'~.ding.r t#Mnt,ahe letters of wordy ">9atxiet" a~sd• "Traral" wenld be solid i,~lee lettsr~ wide • la~tfsr ti cash lettonso . tlta rRupdt=l "P" dot' "Patr?uet" rec~ld~, be nd?t.,asxr tbaM 18"~ . t13a capital "2" of "i5ravel" treuld~ bs xet a~er~ than 20"~, ttu ;height et tlN Saga not more than 25"~ end that mare apses be le~thetaneen the lwtbrs.. ~!he., , sign baekbesrd ie to be ..baked. xhits- ettaual alamdnm~ xi,th a itsxt#re !'irnsh ate: - ia to ham a statohng lsakad >~te alxaisasr ~?ldit7g, mla~t a as<tte finish. Tho rear alga is 'a? be of white PtexiBlaa with blm~ ~etter+~ and tha logo outlined in blue. ,This sign is to bo 35° x 19" and trased'~trth a trhite _ tinishod ataterial catching as nearly as p~rsible the xMEo pl~iglaa.ot the.• sign. Tho sign is to by ee»terod shore the rear door snixanee 3'l:ere ie to be lighting mover the trout aign~~ tyro 8' tluoraaeent si.ng].e tabs t'ixtxtree • in a head, Light~,tng clay be ust>t17+rd aver the r~tr sign sgb3eet is app~nrsl ~ of the tl~bar~ ~ the Comdaaien prior ts. i~ta7.latif». T!~ heari~ xas o2osed at 9125 P.K. _ It xas wed, ffieco>7cted, end ananiaenaly V0~ to loses a, GrtSfl.eate et Apprepriatenosa to Patriot Tratrol Ins., with x!sspeet t• the ereatlex and=dia+ play of two signs Por tlso atsxe at 760 Zfassaehusetts A~vemxe, x3~ich i:A,:~ritiue in the Battle Green Diatriet, Fartieipating in this dee~sltwn ~w~tvr Coerierm ; ' aionera 3F11bur M. Jaggi.th~, Georgia H. Williamsf Thomas J,. Iiol:sbog~, Dont~el J. Shax~, and Associate Cssrmissiener 9. Laxrenoe WhippLs. Falloxing brut dfscuasien,. it xas ~s aeoondsd~ and unanimously YOT1~D to issue a Certifieats of Appropriateness to°llarthwest Insurance Agate with respect to the ereetion and display et a sign ter tltie store at~.#7t1.9 Maaaaehnaetts Avsnuey xhich is xithin the Battle Green District. PNii7rtia«~. gating in this decision zero Geaaaiaaien.rs Wilbur M, Jaquith' ~*orgia H, Williaa,.s,~ Thomas . J. Helsbog, Dsnalei .Y. Shaxy and Associate Ce~isaionor 8- Lawrence Whipple. Then tolloasd discussion as to the apglieatien of Wilson Fires,* Inc.. for a Cer+tit'ieate of Appropriateness xith raapset to the ereot3eri et a sbex~? , age shed o» the premises at 618~62o Afasaaehusetts AvennoY xhierh is xithi.A _ the Eaat Pillage District... Mr. 3kaw stated that hs felt this appllsettQn ahonld tto d~sapproaed as the straoturs is not eobrpat3ble xith ether bnilda ings in the area and~also to prefect the integrity of the Cosrndasien. I~lr, , a, ~ o- ~ ~ ~ b ~q y., ~ 1 r 9 Y 5 . $ ;a ~p ~~,~i7pyt.~y~yy~ wq~~ x ~ y pt~ . , ~ r ~ar~nrara? ~3s` 197 l7.LVC bJ}.R7111J.C 1.7 a. ~ ~ ~ ~ { ® ` A Jam . 1~1.~' ,maid tba~ ~R~ d ~xot 4fiM1 that, # bd.~.aia~ 'i4~rZd bi „~mtti3.l~d fem. ~ s ' td~er+l+t~ #;t! aam s1ad bi d~~d.. ° tlteg 1~.d> hr z ..Y ~s e~ald app ~s bai].diaag f6r` !fit l~ti,ha,,`!t 4nrt?~ .ep~si~n , aid ,.ti+w~2.d ~ cd~untJ.htit xi~t ~R tl~!..~a~a, l~r. ..lit .ha.; ' ~'sIt l» t~s o~ ~xsy ~ C~asd.~s9.~ osa~.it apgrr~?w tb$sr ~1~C~lsr - b~t7.dlag ~:ld be nb~a to ~ : t2~}t,+ . is t: sf d~a~,iti~t . sr raga]: !t t1~e web HaatslM this -stsra~i 1r~11i1,~ ~hir~~~ t+~~ lam. rw . ' ' a0~?~at. Mfr. Ha~].abe~ .said. that ~ frlt his G~Ods~.lrn saw .'1N? 13~st, » . Chair dxt~r ii a11pr this parti~nlar boad]:dir~ ae ~t s',i~atll~',' hh!~' Sb~? askrd tha Chaix~a~n ~e3~at tINt7.i tee dalfllr'ts, rrti~ t~M?,>;l +f.::' ` , _ thier staxetx» iss. tM amt tLalr tha ~weA xis ~t Yapa ; " faY thi Harlldir~ hasgaetes ~d.,t~ h+ua?• !&..ds+~.l',1, sa1~ F t~,~ ~,f tha ~ ~l1~lN@~~ @11 t~ ~~i ~1M ~~..,1'N r.? • tha C~rarisaien Nh37.d p1"~habla 1sav+r di#~'3.alt]a,~" 3.1! ~tt3.1~ tb~i at~w ' - _ a~i n?rd.. It lea ,icida~ to ~t on Ja~e~gtr~?;34f.1? i~.t~r a+tlsul~ ~ t$s applieatie4t.< , . . ~rMt~il6.traet ad~ourred at iit38'P.~t. ~ ~ ~ . i ~ . • 7 4 t . 6;:q"e ' ;~:u „d x,,-e . ~ , ~ 3 - ' , ~ .;atr ~ ~ ag: - s .r ?e -S'' - ~ ~ - ~ ,ty - ~ - ,i,:;~