HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-12-26 H • 'p... - a . 1. ~ , rv - i k r y s , ^K .r ~ . : . i - - ~ 3 r. , . .r.t HIST~,tIC ~tsTFZCT~ cor~sa~rnt , A meeting o4 tbs Rl.atora bistriats Qo~isaion he]d on Wadaarr, ; . Dsesmb~sr .2b,,~ 19730 ~ Roos f41~ Taim Office Buildings 2iaduon. . preas~sE' ' Cear~¢a~io `ir<lbpr M.. Jagnit~ Chairaaant Thomas J. Hola1 Do~.d J. Zihax;{, paorgia Ii. i~119.ams~ and Aseooiate Gomdssiaaer 3.; Isx3~snQe Whipple Mr. Whipple -wa+r appointed to serve for Ca~aeissioner Philip ~8. - . Parsons ~tho xas utuh'L.d to he present. Mr. 3hax leaved that Wi.Y;iiama: ' serve as $eoretary pro Tem„~ seconded bJ xtr. Whippl! and so V0~l. Mr. Jaquith su6wdatsd plans of t$e proposed sign for Northxest lnsur- anoe Agena~t and said that he feels that the Comsiitaion should adrTSe thse~ Taut the Cosmiasion has Hat approa?ed 1isl~sMor lighted signs fas ,atones iu the center 'of le~dngton and the other ser~ars agreed. ' Am 3.t~f'oreal, m~setiig xa~a ?geld ~at 8i~ ~.~t„ ~rith,_Jamea DolaM, Jr. f ' (general Cotnssl,. and Steph~s Diamond,: A;eshitscturpl anc~ Planning Coordna- ter,, of, the Planning Ceuunil for,. tlrbas:A:ftarsg, ,Ina,, of the, Arohai.ccese of Soaton. Mr.. Jaqui#~i stated hest ands an iAfornel;' asot9hg and that .s3o ~ r; legal casmdteesats could he made until after the forma], hearing an_Jansury . 2T 197e~. fir. Di~uusnd sa3.d that 'they bs~re, spent ~sonsidera,4le time rsvisoring ; the baildi~s in this area tyre the Lb unite ©f Thw atoderate a.naoms townhoawsea are to bs ereet~xl.. Hs said that the nS nearest Worthen Road had bean changed eo :xould 'haw txo units„ , than bro units set. hack,. end four units evOn a+Jah the end txo units. Be said that the other t~?o builds ings xill each consist of four townl~use unitarather than the three and fire originally oonaiderad. He said that they are attempting to presents . the ..pine .grave and xil], add a band of trees by the units nearest Wort~n Road. He said that that' have discussed possible chances izt the parlcLng lot xith ~t.:Brigid~'s Church Pariah Counsl, They ham eliainated the ~utti~ oloaetsy~ clsanged the aecarnd float front so Harr ;has a 3®4" werhsng,, changed: -the roof so gables ~n? meet,, changed frogs square to longer vertical 1 xindoxsa~ added ~ on ends of t~adin~ •]~nged Eros vertical wood siding to ho'l~apontal white.olapboard siding,, and thinxa the trim x111 he :.:xhite also. shax asked what prcriaion had been wade forepaw and Mr. Diamond said that loud agreed to vtse parking lot xi.th the Church abd 4 . that there v111 be shrubbery bstNeett the nitits azxi parking area dnly. l~faar. Diamond said tisat on the rear first floor el~bvation there xill be a three aeetion xndox and one section frill ba a sliding door xhiah xill hate a sateen. 1~lr. Dolan said tbtut the Conservation Conmd.asion is oonoerned abeout the pine .grove-and that they have irrii.sated to the Comndaeion that they will giver-. them an easement. Then followed a disausaion regarding the de- ' tailed int'ormstien that would be needed for the hearing. The sting xas ad~ovrnad at 9:30-P.M. Mr,. Jaquith said that he would like to appoint a subcomndttee to atuc~y signs,, particularly !or the center oY Toxrt,. and thought that it xould be advisable to have a program of standards fen the 6omaission to nee. He ap- pointad A9r. Holsbs~,,. Cl~{rmary and Mrs.- Williaws snot Mr. Whipple to setts on this subaos®i,ttee. l~r. Helsbog acid that he had gotten a 50 page 33.gn` Cade t~o® Herbert gieenherg. I~lr. Jaquith said that the Gommstasion cannot rsuri.te the 31g»''~,Y'-~~ ~t can xork on them and then resent #,o the proper ohannela. . y ~ ~ , . y ' P~IB~C~; Ot~fl~lI83I~' - ,phi $ ` 33~eeaibsr~ 19r 3 ' ~ Mir. Shaw tl~tt aaswr~ ttra ~2iaia., It was aeoonded,, u~d naaai. sottsly 90T$D to issue • Cari~fieat~p to the ib~rn oP LaaW~gton with. twapsot to tha erwtion ~ ~ a m~esAt hanos~.i~ 0eteraau of t'!u Morsan aad . Vis~ut ' Wars 1~? front of, Gary ~emarie~. Hall;, wbioh is within the H~Rtt].e t3recn Di+~- triat. Part3epatt~ tl~s dweiaion wre Gowmiaaionsi~s Dona3.d J. Six,, " Chs1i'snn ~?ro: '1b~a{ Qearg~a H. Y133~.ir?a~~ 8eeretary Piro Temt idilbfur Ii. Jaqut. Thosas J.". ~o3sbogt aa+~ iUltaOaiabs C~eleaioner 3, ~axre~e WhipPta. , . ~ mwet~g waa; .djonr~ad ' 1rt :1~~ ~ P.M.- , '6e'l.a ~ ` a _ 9eoretiry Pre i~ f r ;r ~ u ~ ~ a:.: a ' ~.1'... i 4 ~ .