HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-12-12 • HISTOdtIC DISTRICTS COMtQ.SSION A meeting oP the Historic Districts Commission ~rs,a held on Wednesday,. Dsosmbsr 12, 1973. in the Selsotmen•s Nesting Room, ToNn OPfiae Building. Lexington. Present Nero Cowenissioners Wilber M. Jaquith, Chairman ThaAeas J. Holabog{ Donald J. Sheet Borgia H, Williams{ and Associate Commissiot3satr S. LaNrence Whipple and Oliver F. Hooper. Mr. Whipple xas appointed to aer?a for Commiasionsr Philip B. Persona Nho e+aa:~nnable to ?x prsaent. Mr. Shah moved that Mrs, Williams serve as Secretary Pro Temp seconded by Mr. Holsbog and ao VOTED, Mr, Hol$bog moved that Mr, Shah serve as Chairman Pro Tem, seconded by Mr. Whipple, and so VOTED, A hearing Naa held st 7s5,5 P.M. on the application oP the ToNn of Lex- ington for a Certificate Nith reapsot to the ®redion of a mornlment honori.eAg the Veterans of the Korean and Vietnam Wars on the plot of Led in front as Cary Memorial Hall, Nhich is Nithin the Battle Green District. Mr. Shah read the legal notice and application. A1Ln F. Kenney, Chairman of the Beard of Selectmen. sect Donald C. Glsnnon, Director of Veterans' Services, submitted three draNinga oP the proposed momunant Nith the PclloNing legend inscribed on its "Dedicated to the Men and Women of Lexington Who Helped to Prsssrvs ,.t,-,.. Us a Free Nation 'During the Korean & Vietnam Conflicts". Mr. Kenney stated that Teem Meeting had voted the Panda Por this monument a fsN years ago and that Mr. Glsnnon had eubmltted the. proposed plan to the Board of Ssleetmsn. Mr, Glsnnon had suggested locating the monument either on the Bookman Tavern LNn or in front of the flagpole in front of Cary Hall and that the'Sslset- . men had chosen the area in front of Cary Hall. The monument is 3'0" Kids by 1'0" at the bares by 20" high. A Plot PLn xas also submitted ahowing the proposed location, It Nas stated that the monument had been ordered because . ;k~„ of a prise increase to take effect on. January 1, 197{?. A sample oP "tinardian Light Steeled" granite was also submitted. Mrs, Williams asked that the Nord "sa" be added after "os".and before "a' and. then tollaNSd a diaonsaion of the ,,,k„ legend. RoLnd Greeley, President of the Lexington Historical Society, said that he felt that "Preserve Ua a H'lwresNatSon" emphasised the Nord "Eras", Nheveas i!' the Hording Naa;oha'nged to "Preserve Us As a Free Nation", thr emphasis then Nould bs changed to the Nord "Oa". Mr. Retn~sy said th*t he did not Peel that it ttas important and that the legend could bs changed if -the Co~aisson desired, Mr. Shah then polled the Commission Nith Mr. Jaquith, Holabog, Mrs. Wi111ama,;and;,Mr. 3haN voting to leave then legend as pro- posed and Mr, Whipple voting to .add the Nord "As". Mr, Holsbog suggested that the "K" of "Korean" be ~novsd to the left and that a slightly Lrger margin bs left. on the right aide of the nemnesnt, In additiop to the legend there is to be a replica of the Captain John Parker statute inscribed on the left side os the nonumsnt, Mr. Holabog then asked about the choice of the location and Mr, Jaquith said that precedent has been to give each Nar memorial its urn location, Mr, Kenney said that hs Noold like to have the mcnmee~ apprawd and that the exact location oonld be detaredr»d after the mom~msr?t has bean reosived. Mr. Jaquith asked iP the monument Noold be permanently fiaosd and on a bass and Mr. Glenrwn said that both Noold bs the cafes, Nh~. Jagv~ith asked if arm of this Nould be in the ground and Pn'. Glsnnon said that the • HISTC~IC DISTRICTS COMt~SSZON -page 2 December 12y i~f3 foundation xonld be 3" bsla~r the surface so 3" of the monmeant xoald be be- boor ground, The hearing xaa closed at Sr30 P. M. Mr. Jaquith asked M~. Kenney about the xording on the directory sign for the Old Belfry and 1~4. Kenney acid that a~? xording chosen by the Com- misaion xould be agreeable to the Selectmen. Mrs. Williams xithdrew and the Chairman appointed l~r. Hooper to sit for her, A hearing was held at 8e3U P. M. on the application of the Lexington Historical Society with respect to ahangea in the exterior arohiteotrotral features of the Bookman Tavern at 187 Massachusetts Aeenue~ xhioh is xithin ~,t the Battle Green District,. Mr. Shaw announced that Mr. Whipplb is an Officer ~ of the Society but has had nothing to do xith the proposed changes and asked if here xas any objection to hie sitting on the case. No objection xaa raised. Mr, $hax read the legal notice and application. Roland Greeleyt President of the 'Lexington Historical Sooietys Donald Muirhead, arohiteat on the restoration project= Warren Butters, Chairman of the Committee on Reato• ration for the Towns and the Chairman of the Buokam Tavern House Committee xere present. Mr, Butters said that the Toxn has.imeated some over $100000 in the restoration of the Tavern, Mr. Greeley said that they had "goofed" as the contractor had installed a transformer where it is visible but that ahrub- bery xould be planted in the spring to hide the transformer. Mr. {3reeley said that he did not believe that the proposed xindawa xou].d change thr ap- psaranoe of the Tavern .and submitted photographs showing the sample xindvws which had been installed on txo xindaro. He acid-that t2x one on the north aide ;hangs and the one on the south aide is acrexed into the easement, The xndo+ra are plexig7:sa in aluminum channel. Mr. Shax asked. if still p];anned to use plexigiaa and Mr. Muirhead said a Form of plexiglaa but that it ~rould not be Lexan. He said that the xindawa xould be single pane.. Mr. Marhead acid that the xindaon are out of plumb and the storm windox< will barns to be custom made for each wirdox. He acid that they x17.1 be attached by faun - sareo?a and that the screws and aluminum frames sill be painted the same xhite as the Tavern. Mr. Hooper asked box many years this material had been tested before it became opaque and Mr. Muirhsad said 5 to 6 years. He said that the windawa will ba removed during the tourist season. Mr, Shaw asked boor marG? xindows xould be installed and Mr. Muirhead said 37, Hr. Holmbog asked about using another metal and Mr, Muirhead said that alumimun frames were much easier to handle and that there xould be no erosion problem. Mr, Hol$bog asked about the coat of each pi,ndaw and Mr. Muirhsad said about $100,00 each. Mr. Butters acid that hie conunittee had recommended to the Town that the coat be paid out of the original appropriation for renovatiana of the 'tavern and that the Board of Selectmen had approved a change order to approrre paynsnt of the xindoes from this appropriation. Mr. Greeley said that xhat l+lr. Mnir2eead. xaa recommending xas not cheap but that the xindowa xould not be atsatterable as xould glass xindoxa. Mr. Jaquith asked if four bolts xould be enoagh to hold the xindoxa and Mr. Muirhead said that four bolts. xould be. Hr. Whipple caked if the xirdoxs would be tight and Mr. Muirhead acid that they night have to attach tubing on the bottom or back of scene of the xindoxa to make them tight, Mr. Hooper asked if anything leas obtrusive than a xingrntt ootild bs used for anchoring the xirdowa. Mr. Muirhsad said that etude xonld be in- 'stalled and screxs aorsxed into the stwda. Mr. 3bar? asked if they xere plan- • Wing to install storm doors arni tor. Mairhsad said that they xere not. M!. Shax = • HI3TCI~IC DISTRICTS C~QSSIOAI - page ~ Deosnber 12, 19'x3..' asked iP these were tbrniturs bolts end t4. i~uirhead said that they rare, Imo. SUax asked 1f they xould be brass painted xhite and Mr, Muirhead said that they xonld be spray painted xhite. tom. Jaquith said that he haQ tried to fitd out hox 14ng. this matsrLl had been in use and that the hsadgnaxters in Nex York had said for tour years. tom, Muirhead said flat they are gvsr- ante.d for three yews. l~'r. Hooper .asked hor they xould t» stored, t~hr. Ifiiirhsad said that they xovld be stored in plaatia bags xith a tag or some other form of identification to designate rhiah rent an xhiah xindwi. tdr. Jaquith asked who would be responsible for installation and removal of the xindaors in the future. Mr. 0reeley said that he did not knar but thought that the Historical Society xould bs. Imo. Whippl~o'taked if there xould be oeore or less ret"leation than with.. glass and Mr. Mnirhead said that hers xould be less than xith glees, t~tr. Shax asked if the installation of storm irindaxe was s condition xhen eleotric heat xaa installed end Mr. t3rssley said that it xas not but tint the 3oaisty had planned to install stamen xin- doss. Mr, Holsbog said that he feels this is the test solution that they souls come up xith, Mr. Jaquith asked if the Society could pin doom the time of remaval in the spring and installation in the fall aloeer than in their applioation. l~r. Greeley said thaths xas hesitarot to make a f3.rm aomsdtmmret but that the xindoss xould be dawn prior to Ap~ri~. 19th sash youtr. Mr. Greeley said that the Commission souls specify that they be removed by . April iat of saoh year and not installed before Nao~ember ist xhioh xauld .,r Dover the tourist season. Mr. Jaquith said that the Coomd,ssion souls put in a ocridition for tM Society to acme before the Gomaiaaion xithout a hsari~ for a tin. varianas if eo desired. Mr. Whipple.astnid it the frames Mould tie spray painted or hand painted in the future and Hr. Muirhesd said that ini- Bally they xould be spray painted as this gives a better bond but that in the future they could bs hand painted. - The, hsarizig raa eoloeed at 9oi3 P,i4. Mr. Jaquith said that Mr. Shanahan had called him and that nex draxinaa ~K for the building at 10t?~7-104.9 Maaaaahusetts Avee xers not ready. An ad~anrned hearing xae held at 9x23 P.M, an the application at A..~ Peter Manicinos tPith reapeot to exterior changes in the atone front of the building at 807 Maasaahusetta Avenue, rhiah is xithin tM Sast Village Die- triot. Dr, telniakas aubml.tted three Bete of scale draxings xith pitch roof and said that the estimate for this Bras X1800-$190Q end that he saes ~aot ~ like this design as cell as the design submitted pr~riousiy. Mr. Jaquith said that one of the problems is the large s~.11 paned xindoxa on the store front xith the xindoorffi on the seoomt amt third floor. idh~. Hooper said. that, xhere tie building had appeared as in the earlier set of draxings far sa long,.. he souls aeaept the other plans, Mr, Holsbog said that he also Konld go along xith the first set of plans, Dr. Maniakaa said that eventually toe could install small pane rimtaas on the second and third floors. Mr. 3hax astFed Dr, Maniakas if he ranted this in the Gertitioate and Dr, Nianiokies said that hs xould like the Certificate to iralude ahangir~g the xirxoxe on the second and third flaora, tom. shax caked it hs ranted 6 aver 6 o?r 9 aver 9 and tom, Carberry, the areshitsot, acid that probably 6 ao*sr 6, t7r. Jagffith asked xhen the building ras built and Mr. Whipple said that he xauld think HIST~[i,IC DISTRICTS CO204E53ION ~ page Deoeabsr i$, 197'° . in the 1840'a or 18,~0'a.. 1Krs.,,Wi].liaa~s salad i!' the olapboarda won7.d be red tc match the rest' of the bui~dl,:ng. Dr., .1~l,phaa esid that.. the „et~,,apboards . xould bs red and the trite whits but that' he' did not Icnaw wlslt~ dolor dooms . might xant. Follo~ring farther diaouaaion ,on the npetalra ri.ndoors, t2~ hear- ing xaa aloasd at 1Os30 P.M. ; Mr. Jaquith acid that hs had rsoeivsd an applloation loom Leader Federal , Savings and Loan Aasooiation for approdal of the_aign"changes. It xaa moved, aeoonded, and unanimously VOTEZI to iaane a Csrtifioate of ' Appa~opriatensea to the Lexington Hiatori,oal•: Sooisty t~bl~ reapsot to ehangea ~,n the exterior arahiteotural featnrsa of the Buolcman Tavern at 18~'S lRs,4as• ohusetta Avenue, xhioh is within the Battle Grson D,iatriot. Partioipating in this deoiaion xere Comteiaaioners Donald J. Shax, Chairman Pro Temt Wilbar M. Jaquitht Thomas J.. Holsbogt and Aaeooiats Coeaeiaaionera Oliver Hooper and 3, Laxrenes Whipple. It iras ®d, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Csrtifioatr of Appropriateness to A. Peter Maniokaa frith reapeot to ohangsa in the exterior arohiteotural features of tks~ front part of the bai].ding at 807 Massaohnastta Avenue, shish is ~rithin the East Village Diatriot. Partioipating in this deoiaion xarr Comn~isaionera Wilbur M. Jaquith, Georgia H. Wlliaae, Thomas J. Holsbog, Donald J. Shax. and Aeeoeiste Caeu®isaioner S. Lawrence Whipple. Th® meeting wa• ad3ourned at 11s~?5 P.N. Deo 3.a H Will iaam r6 Secretary Pro Tem