HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-12-06 ~BTOxIC ~8T~Gffi CtBffiIl1N .
A us~tissg s~f the 8latoxic Distrlots Comid,raioe ~ 1~eld ore ~tsrsdayr?
Deogmtbar 6;, 19'~3r boon 41~? T6nns C~t"l~.ae ? Ida.. Prasa~tt
mare co~dssionars Wilbur . da~isith, Obairaeni teas d. ~ab~1 ~aaiYd,
J. Sbaw~ Aaorgia Wi.111a~~ uxl Asaoai~sta Cars+isaioaera dli+rar
p P~s 4~osNiks-
and S. Laxrcmiea iihi LOr. Whi ~ rats a tsd fa? ±ier?e for
sianrsr Phili Passs~s xbo noes lmabsls to be ~ Shaw a~atiid tbst
W'xs. Williarss ssrre as 3acrstsr~ Pre taaorJded b,~r Wr. WhippLe? aanl so
An ad~otsrswrd t vine held at 7t S0 l' «M, on the appllaatten at Via.
DsHdxse dJh/a Catlss $eant,7 Salon for a Cartit'sata of Apperaprlatsassa rritlt
»apeot to the ersatfoa and displaT of a aigp for tlrs s~eond floor o!Y'ic~ .
s! thr baildisig at tlr ssorthsaat aorsssr of 16tssaehusstts Anrtna cad Maaa~t
3tawt? w?doh is xlthin the ~ettla 4rscn District. ton proposed sign xas
subotittad to the Coassasiorl siti tl?a "ears" out o!t flue smda? a mood soldit~ .
added arowad the inside edge of tho sign? t!u top sip ~largcel cad o2autdad?
sad the Hood saldi~ and top pais+tsd to aRt~ah flee padstrist` trim of the i+oild•
ing. Hr. JagnitL aslad Mr« DeHiasa shoat r+atte finish snd Mr; Da~dasc aaiai . ,
that no one. >ioittd g+warantss ,that the paint finish r+aa]rd hold ~s hear `
ing xas alosad st 8+00 p.M.
A h+sring Kas bald at 8+00 P«M• on the application of Jittteut A. GaarSg
artd_Joha J. 3hs~ .tor a Gc>•titioats of Apparopriatenssa xith rosapcat to
ehangos in the aoctixiar fastnraa of flee front sls?atica of the ~ at
1047-1049 llassachnactts Aware, r+lsich is within the ]lent Village 13istriat«
Mr. Jaquith =wd the legal netica aryl application. In acbb.tioa t® llr. Caorrlg
and Mr. 32+anshan these presasrt inol~sd Bsataia M. Caspr of 9 ~4ptc 8#asiet?
Peal L~acBensic of 1~ Maple Strset? Eorydon Wyaan a! li0f Ibtisaa~sltts
Awmna,• and Soland W. Qnbiseh et 627 Massaehasstta Awmst?. Ile. OS, snb-
sdttad three drawir+gs cad photograph of the ssSstir~ ~ et the h~•
A~« Jagaith salad it t~? planed to oharige inst. tls groat was+rat~.oan et thit
sad eras told tit, rays ecsrawt. Tlrs drawiaget shonis~d a wiia6m+r drn
snob side o! the stoatir with two docss l~+ tbo wigs.. ~ rd+c .
to be oP mead xith solid paraatssat weed nmatinp ndth~ >~s '19" ,rte by
18" ldgh and tba tri~a and Wood doors era tao bs pain wlsite. 1lr.'
a~a3,d that the oncisting brgk is ysllpr sad this briah pdaar donut tba esa~sr
. ronld t!r« Ilalsbod; as><.d if wsst].d ha~ro an awaits a~td 1lr 8baaal~n
sand tbs# the tansnts d here to wpply for a CErtltYieatr? if t~aj'°~aia~ad
awnirlga. Mr« ~ said that tMy .had ens side a! thn store sntstad ,fora _ `
grocers store. Zt was atsted that t1a door trace xculd br xecca~ed alightly'«
Mr« Shrumthan said that. ~ xQn,Ld . to rvstere #ass front at tb~e 1'+dldiatg to
what it ivies ~saa t+nilt i3t .193$ but t his >o3,ght cseate a i# then
had a tenant Mb~o rantt~d aaaNtt3aad wiadewo? eta.. Kr, Jagtdtlt Bald t~tt the
Cspm+dssial+ ns~sd datai~rd , infors~etart rather tlwan asst 'tis. ~ anbdtr
tad and tAat tots ties o~Id t» ~ it rsgn~sstsd« Ib•.~ai.th ice. that
Its hoped that both s3dss of the atoarir trsBld bs dens a++~ Mr« 8>sam~hr~ wail
. that bath sides xoald bit etb, if oaa vies dose. lhtr hsarind r~s a$joar~d
at 8t3§ P.M. ~ -
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a 4 ryd
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HI9TCJl~G .UZBT~I~'H1 I011 ~ page Z ksr 6y 1$
Afbr tie ; oattib wit~dreer, Mael[~siae asked vbp? eolosai tarps
doors sad Mr. eaici to sties. all in "aelmudal eb~sign". Mr« MaoBsmdat ';r
said that the hiat+erleal s3,canes of the ~ Hiatrist ~a asst;
ealonial, Ms¦ ~ said t~l1?$ tiASd wiaiA~s axd doers ari better fx
a va~adal.iss etsardpoint and also that hs tseZs the satller paw radors le+
better. ]~a said ghat the basis +grreetion is either to lairrs as is ar ahangs
ter aomrthity~ eisflar to what was p~rsesnted, pars. Casey said that eh~e wits
ooncernad about !be mainte~nuic+? aloes the sids.and Mr, Jaelaith said that
tbs Go~eisaion has eo aox~tral aver that. 2~r. Maogesss e,~9.d that ba was
apposed to cha~gs in aurrsnt faoa~ as ~ f~e2s thr taoada amd sIupr rspre~
sent era bui,].t. Mr. n asked if there rerald be a Hoard of Appesls . .
~ritg and Mr, Jaquith said that ho understood that the aprpliaants bars
not applied to the Board of Appsalsr Mr. thaw said that he feels t they
3nst restasti? that they eeill paint o~ xlfiah wenld sake ter ~.ock
xor,~e. Hr. t'h~bisoh said tl~t he feels this aonid tae ~ras~e attraati~ i~ut
t3~at the tail ahsutd he left dsark rather than paimisd rhite. fir. ~
slrid that he t~ls he ~ht agree to the darker tsia.. Mr. Whipple asAead
tlwut teas acndttion of t]se xaod sad Mr, 1~4ao1Ganss said that it was ratte~ta
A hearing Maaheld at geld P.M. en the applieatox of A. Pots ekes'
far a Csrtri~'ia?tsr of Appropu~iateness rich respeet to ehamgea in tbt
arahiteotural ter?tAtwa of tLa !"rout pu't o! the ~ at 90y liti~saahusst#s
Avsrme. whieh is irithin t1u Scat ylllags Distsiat. ]fr. ~ read t8e 7.s••
gat hones and app~lleatioa. br. Maaiokea and Peter Cay~ araldtsat, AMb'
Bitted tl+rss seals drawings and phots~raphs of the afore treat. Mr.
said that flr, Masiaku had sat laaforsaLiy Kith Gaswissiom in lFa*rehar
and that at that ties asst snggeations had bean #s+kr. Ar id~a#.®ksa ~d that
tort oba~es were made #his past sursrex is the stare i~+t pslor lira tars tom.
lsr. Jaquith said that these ohangea bad- not been. apparo~ed b~ the Co~dssleAr '
ding and he said that.
13r. Manialcas was asked what his interest is in the? boil
he had purebased flee P~perb aid ~~ex1A like to have one tenant ix ties
~It, preferably sn oftiee. Mr. Jagxdth said that the: drawings sheered ~nsed ,
framing, oornermoards~ anntitnd rixdowa,-ete. and fihat all clapboards are,'ts
painted red to ~oat8h the aeaond floor, the brialc to be printed redo and a
broahnre ah~riag light fixtures to bs. subidtted, Mr. Helsbog coweedted tl~t
whatervsr is done will mat be etiTale with the rrd building, Mrs.
acid'that she. Mr. 9hax~ aryd Mr. whipp~.e had been diaauaaing this uad rem-
dared if could resrrrs ,boat-like i"fOmt, install shed roof t,1?pe tree bass of - ' .
Ximdorrs, and endoss aaoh side rith elaptroards.. intr. Jaquith said- that.
haTM copper hoods and copper eaYr tron~ std perhaps aonld start pitch roast -
Eros top-et bays with one save chop aetroes the !rant. WiZiiama said
that stse thanght the Copdsaion should .Let Dr. Id~d.okas kno~r it ~euld ap~paran?rr
this. iJr. t~lokaar said that hx xeuld look into the scat of these aha~s?
The hari~g was ad,onrnsd at 9ss0 P.K. `
A heasd.r~g was held at 9~4t1 P.ti, on the apgl.ieatlon of Cyol.s I3arlcet' `
Ins. for a t~ert3Picate of Appropr3ateneas xith r'+espeet to t~ ef+satien
display of a sign for the stare at 10 Btussory gtrset~ which is withim ttae
Battle arson District. Mr. Jaquith ar+ad th,a legal not3aor ar~d applaa~os.
Mrs. Amalia? Saseylenko, Trustee of tyre Lemd.ngton t~s Thrust, enbedtted thaime.
scale draNings et the proposed sign. Mr. Jagriith asked Mos. 6aeroyleAko 9s'
, .
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the beel.lding had been renlro~lb*r~rd ta.lA Mgss~rg ~trMt and she aueid Cleat $t ^Y'
Mra• $aa~sglenko thLt tlla uteri veld 1111 doh .asat Aa]M ,
pozfSons as fleas. ~t'sr.the "1!6other l~at~s1. Food" sir o~ tl~ Y~?.'ees
1®t slswatios of the betildi~et. dh11 said. that. flea .sign va+~ld-• be oentsa~d
ak+vreir tM bag vindoir,, haw, sold letters, and t~e_ sipbsa~ treatd iltril a dss~r °r
bra~ln star. , The hsarireg xaa elesed at 94Sa P•M• - ~5~'
It vas coved, seeoxded, abd u~t~iawnaJ.~ 9U't'E~ is isstee .4 IYsrtitisats
to Cyoals i~rlcusting, Zno. alth rsapsat to t!n sraa'ti~a>, and dl~splyr o~ a sisn
for the store on ties s~snt starvation of tln blzLldis~ at !t1 l~sselr dtswt, ; ,
vl~ioh is within the Batt1® tir~sen Distant. Fartioipatibg in ~.6 d~oi,sien .
were Cosmdssienera Wilbur H. Jaqu'lth, Waorgia ~'i].li~es;, '!'bores J, Helsbsa, ,'f
]Donald J. 9lhav, and Assoolate Coistissio~esr S, Lvrenoe tiAi~r.
A hearing vas held at 933 P.M. on the application oat' Anali~a t#, ,
Sanwglsnko et al*, 'Trnatess of the Iwod~ton Maws Trash frith respist is lrhs
installation of 7.!„ght3,n~ t'ixtures for stor!
sisns at 16 lgessag Strad,. ~rblsh '
is within tlu Battle tlreex t>strict. Mr. daq>tiak rad 'flat smoti0c asd r
applsation. Mrs. Sasa>arlr~ said heat t#es~r+M #'i~ctarss roald !te tin earn as ° .
those aver the tlnatrs ~argma `acid ~t tin arohitact !tad sasgstsQ Chet
thsg bs painted a dark ba~a~, that Clears xov].d t+c tleres ].igMts o*er ach
side with sepantA ri.rireg inte+ cash tenant' s sn#a?r lani. Mrs iaq~ih said.
that there vas ao overhang se`oould not nsc a spotiisht end that tireaes haws -
to siltoh fiutarss alreadg i~talled. Mrs. 9as?oglcnko said tlu?t ChMSS wsuld
bs attaohsd at the aas+r heisht at~d in ties sassn ss~reer as the theatre lishts
and xottld be paibtsd tln sage Dolor ss thass tights. TRes vas slossd
at iQiltf P.M.
It ea1.s snored, .soondad, and vnaerSAOUSIg YOTaD to isass? a Cert3fi~te to ' .
Amalia Q. ,Saaisoglenko et ale, '1'rsstees o4 tlec Leaidreston 17smra Trast, wi.tk re-
apsst to Chi ersotior~ of lightins fixtures for tdtn store suss at 10 si1?
Streit, vhioh is within tha BattU Clreeia Dis$riot. Partisiprillas tlsis dr-
oision oars Co~issionsn Wilber !i. Jaquith,', Ecozsia H. Williaas, aRs~as J,
Holsllog, Donald a. Shan, and Asaooiats Cossdssio~ner S. Iavrsnoe Wleippl:vr.
Mr. Jaquith iubsdttsd t+lro bills as foltbow'a a Hsrkiata 4ilson. Clerle, for
;+Totrasbsr 1993 #?'6:9t1 (paategs $2,40• and sleroal servioss d~i.~0), and
Joseph fitrosser =15.00 for. phetosrap)ss, .Zt vas sowed, sseovldid„ and
swusly VOgSD to appravs pyrmsnt of tlm1s11 bills.
FollaNi.ng a discussion sf th~r sign fer Iris }hBiase d/b/a, Cathg lsiauty
Salon, it xas skived ssoondedl aAd unanaalouslir VOTES tr+ issue a Certifioats
to Inrs Dsf~iass d/bf
a Catbg ~ffiti salon with respsot to t~ +saeeeot3oa and
dlsplag of a sign for tlrs sswud tlsor of!'ios of the at the nortle•
.east aorser of Massachusetts Arenas and: 1laisery 8lfaneet, Whisk is tr3.thia 11411
Batfile Green District. I'artieipating in tJ~is dcoision were C#~ioxel?rs
W3.lbur M. Jaquith, tEOorsia Thosai J. Halabos,, iionald J. 814sx,
and AsaocsSats Comallssionsr S., Lavss~?ce WEiipplc.
'r i
y ~ e. v.. ~
lh's, Salsbo~ 2+r#''t a# 13ttl0 la>X. a~ llr. $oo' ~ s~point~d #s'Ira
fax ltiyt. .
a 8i;~, at ~?rs ippl!tcwl, a# t~ ' ai' tee
for-a ~oetea~? s3g~s .der ~l7,,d ~=Y"sr ~si+s to ba a ria~sat~nL~r • .
. at alaar bi~tc '+~i'~A ~arsia+rd +ak l~trirra. 2~ ads d~idad that
1a~riod a'reua+i "did ~~S"'. 1~.. Sl~nr tl+a'C s ~s~titL~br?t~. 1wr i.~
stiard. saaoni~raiorn: of fMiN ERs, +Ito ifp? ldt. ~1~rs ar~d ~ ,
44'S~!; P+Nr'tiaipa'13~i Snit . +oa ~wrr, asioar~.aiilb~r. l~, dagnth~
Siso~ H, ililli~ue~ J. $hlnr~, aed ~arooS~?ta Qo~dssion~rs Lvieameo
~1tl.1~ and Qlivss per.
~?:~r' r+ra a i~ eFt t!~ HSstivsio l~tr~rlots a#~ a~xi lira Jagaiih
stst~d that t~rn? srr? -tiro ~hasss to bs es~idr~aid is ~ th.: Aat~ ait~
P~ ~ att.
tSri ~t lax Part Z of the Rspatrt ~s di~cinas~d aad
etas was ram in t~ mttsr3~]. ~l bar tTly7a#uM~e,,
'Pla rw?t;~ i~arr ~d at lirNj.F.li,
tirortla y1i111a~et
l~aor~tarar Prn