HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-21 ; . _ _ HI$'i'OIITC' DISTRIC?3 C(1'Nfl4ISSI0N ' A meeting of the Historic Districts Conmd.eSion ores held on ~Tednesday~ Movotaber 21, 1973, -in the ~eleaix~n~a Meeting Rootd, Tin C3t'fiee Bui]:ding, . Lexington. Present wore Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, ChaxRnan; PhiZ~.p - B, Parsons, Sso~retary~t Thomas J. Ho].sbogt Donald J. 32~wt and Gsorg~ H. . tdilliams. Also present bra,®fly was ,Aa'soaiate Conmliasioner Oliver Fi 'Hoeper , A hearixag vas ~~ld.at 7r 55 P,M. on the application of Harold. E. Searles , d/b/a Foxhold Antiques for a- Cert}~ieate ;of Appropriatet~ss trlth respect to to thesrsation and display of a sign:.-for the store at 852 Masaaohuaetts Avenas, which is within the East Village District. Mr. Jaquith read teas legal notice anti appliostion. Tha applicant submitted three scale dratringe of the .proposed sign and:. two photographs of the building 2"ront showing low.' cation of the proposed egaa. This 'sign will be ersatsd,on thesane-fascia board as rho ad~acent'sign and the are to be the same sise'ss those on the ad3aCeat sign.. The letters on the top line xill be 7" in height and thaw on the second lute will bs 10" its height. The letters and ornamento~tion on the top line aria.]. be black letters Pa~tsd on a white duraplgt penal bank- bosrd with no molding attached to the existing fascia board.` Mr. Paxsone mttggestsd 'that-.the ornamentations bs painted Brag. The. hearing tree aloeed at 8:07~ P,M. A hearing was held e,t 8r15 P.K, on the application of-Ines Del#iaae d/b/a Cathy"s Beauty Salon t"or a Certificate of App~prigten+pes frith rs- speat to the e~reotion and displa~i df a sign for the seoonrd floor stc?re on the front s];avation of the banding at the corner of Massachusetts Awmte 'and Hussey Street,. which is within th. Battle Breen District. Mr. Jaquith read flu legal notice and application. Norman. Rasnmasen~, Mario LMffi;ase, end Ids Ds$iase regrss®nted the applicant. 99~ree ~dras~ wmi photographs were Submitted. The sign, already made, is to ba' un a trhite metal back- board 2~' x 3" with .b7.aek letters. It is p7.anned to attach the sign means of xooden 'strips attached at the tbp !and ?~ottva` a! the sigh to #$s window frames' bettrsen which tl~e sigtt ~rsll be located. , Mader t1~e $ign H~» ; ; 7,sxs of the Torre of Itort it was Strafed that a aeao~rd floor sign cott,].d mot be larger flan 3''d x 3`y In bxxiia~ 'that the C~a~d.¢ef on eight see the • proposed sign the hearing eras adjourned. at 8sk0 P.M. _ i An ird'crd~al''meeting was held at $t44'~.1K. with' James Cai~ig who ~ub- mtted ad,r3i.tioAal drawings of the More front' for the buiTt~.ng' at 3047-49 , Massaohusstte Avenue... He said that they propose to paint thel;store frost, install muntine in the tiro existing stare windonts, and install' ~ doors.. The' drawings submitted were of possible sines .03`' aunties i'ar the trix?dcws. A hearing is scEurdnLsd for December 6th. The hDVSting xas ad~aarised at ~ • pe00 P.M. The sign hearing f+o-r Tees DeBiaae d/b/tC, Cathg°s Heaat~? Saa.on ;eras sacs-. . . timed at 9100 •P,M. Arr. Jaquith asked if anyone: on the CommS.saion vac op-` posed to signs on the s®cond floor elevation and disonsffion ensued. Isr.: ; Jaquith said that flee Conne9.ssion would. have to decide if a metal baoicboar3 . . xas appropr3:ate, Mr. Jaquith asked the applicant. if Ease Street, who represents the camera of the building,: had tc approve the loisat3.oa of the sign. It rtes stated that i$'. Street had. informed 'the applicant that he ,I F - - ~ 3. i • S • 4 ~ [ t . L ` HISTOxI~ ~rB,~aTS corsxo~ - ~~.2 abet zi 1 trould agcept tdie deei,,s3on~oP the'~:atoric `~lst1-J:c't~'Cos~ion~ Following discussion on saoond Y]:oor somas qn buildings on ~aisaacshnsetts Aveniis, Mr :k; Jaquith stated that, i€;ths Co~ssi~on apprwrea ` s a ~ ' - ' #on ;could be included in :the ~ertifiaatai that this can be, the .only s3:gm ~ oia'the second floor Measa~oh~tsetts lkvenve; elevation of tb~'18 building. l~r. ~Iolzbog stated tlxat` there i~ a trariaspar+snt spray xhi.oh ~roatld bs put weir glossy eneu~l~-and- would giTe a matte finish. 24r. Parsons suggestssd that a, . ~ ,Fe narrow molding strip be ,installed' around 4he inside~!sdge,oP the sign:xith . the good top left as is. Mr. Holabog said that iP t'he sour'extensions`are out off, a molding added. on top of: the metal,. and the sign aprayeci;sb bas a matte .finish,.. than he things the sign would perhaps be acoepta'lale acid ~ ~ should hold up Yairly well. Mrs. Williams said that she Peels the boreter should be more contrasting. Mr. Jaquith asked th® app3:3cant if she would 'be xil].ing to do the three things outliasd by Mr. Hoisbag akta then bring. the sign 1.n for they ~omioig~tlon to. see. 'Hs said. that a Mood;panel with painted letters would. be preferable to the metal backboard, Mr. Shax said ' :that the applicant wanl3.as3.gn for the store Front-and the Commission does not xaht saccnd #9.oor signs cn Masaaahusetts Atrenue ao have to reach a compromise. 14ie hearing was ad~ouxaed at 10:05 P.M. Mr. Jaquith°_aa~d that h®''bad talkdd`Nith`Rola~ Greeley at~out the ~ storm windows proposed-for the Buckman Tavern~~'it was_ s#,ated that the Plexiglas scratches and; disRolors and it wars also stated 'that the materix7. ~ has not. been i3 ufia long ,enough to c~etsr~,t~' hoR %h' it wil). scratch, etc. Mr. Jaquith .said that.fpur hearings are scheduled for Thursday, Decem+. her 6th, a=d~,twp hsaring„s are- atshec~ulsd #o~ Wsdt~ea~r, Dsaeaibsr 12th. Mr..Shaw suggested that a•lettsr be sent to the Pre~dant of header Federal Savings dE,'L+utt gssocation telling them fleet their av!nr. signs alts illegal and requesting m to coma in for a hearing. ' ~ e?; A bill from Barbara Gilson Clerk, xor October 197j for $70.55 01.55 for postage and $69.00 for clerical services) was sub~ai.tted, It wa,s moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to approve pa~ymsmt of thin i;~.ll. It was moved, ssoondeQ, and unAnimously VOTED to issue a CsrtiPicats of Appropriateness to Harcld_E. Searles d/b/a Foxhold Antiques with respect to th® ereetion .and displpy of a sign rcr the store at 85~„fiPSarrssaachttsetts Avenue, which is.within the East Pillage District. participating in thlds decision wars Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith,. Ph3:7.ip B. Parsons, Thomas J.. . ' Iiol$bog, Donald J. Shaw, atd Georgia H. Williams, The meeting was ad3ourne~d at iQ~~O P.M. ,~,f'i r Philip B. Parsons 8eoretary . F...