HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-26
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A msetiaag of t~we ffi`steric Dstriots Cvms~liiion was held on Wedae+aiday,
September 26, 1973, in tba S+elaataagaa•s Msetinsg Roma, 2~m a~ff'l.e,a
I,exlamgton. Present sere Goeeeiiiioneri kiilbar M. Jaquith, Cbai.rmaa; stases
J. Holsbogf Donald J• $h11M'{ (ie01'~iA EI. Wi,111a~; attd, Asieoiatr? Co~EN'~.iiitaer
$ • Laursnoe Whipple. Whipple t~,a appeinted tm Terre fer t3aaa3.si3.orrer'
Fhilip B. Parsons xho wai unable to bs present. Mr. Shax moved that Mrs..
Willlama terra as Seaxetary Fro Ts~e, seaondsd b~ Mr. Whipple, and io VOTRD.
Mr. Jaquith said that Srateat alram~, Trustee of the M1ats~t+e but Park
Realty Trust, had disoscssed whit him the sepainting of the fascia board of
their building on 29assaohusetts Avenge, 23erlaet Street, aayd Dapet Square
and at this the they are thinking of a light grew paint. There tats a
diiaasiion of iatarior signs for that baild~#.agand others in the Tee and
what, ii the Cessaiision oculd da to re:triot interior slgtai.
d hearing was held at 9e00 P.M. on t2as app~.ioat3cua cf Rrnset A. Eiirecgc
d/b/a 4lroax Realtor ttith reipeat to fiche ersoticst acad. diiglag of a sign for
the store at 2~ Depot Square, ahioh is xl.thin tae Battle Q:+esn Diitriot.
2h'. Jaquith read the legal netioe applioatiaaa. Scale draw of the
p~ropased iigz? trox~e aubmittsd. ~ hearibg rra: ad~ourtaed at 9105 P.M.
It ,ai mervsd, secotulad, sad ply YOTRA to iiilie a Gertti3.oate
of Approprlatenesi to Brnut A. airctsx d/b/a Efiraux Realtor with respect to
the erection and display of a sign far the start at 2g Depot Square, xbi+eh
ii within the Battle Green Distriot. Participating in tiii.a dsaision
Cam,diiiot~ri Wilber M. Jaquith, Thomas J. Belsbog, Do7.d J. 8hatr, Cleorgia
B. Williams, atad Aiioeiatt Coemdsaionsr S. Lwx+ettie Wh9.ppla.
A ~ was held at qti~ F.M. on the applioaticn of tht I~cington
Hiitoriaal Soeiety xith respeot to a change in color cf the barn on the
preadsea at 35 BAncook Staeet, wl>9.oh is xitbin the Hancock-C2arlaa 1~3astriot.
A color iaaeple was iutaaritted, Tlae Haag was ad,~aurnexi at 9tib P.M.
It was mxnscl, ssaondsd, and unanimously FGTBD to issue a Certificate
of p~ateneas to the Iton Hiitorioal Socitty xith rtipact to a
in color of t1~e barn at 36 Haaoook Street, wl:f,oh is within the
Dstriet. FartiaipatSbg in tZd.s 4.Kcn ~eate? Come~aiictters
Wilbwr R. Jaquith, Thames J. Holsbog, Donald J. Sbair, A. WilLLues• ~
and Asseoiate Cometisaioswr S. Laxrenoe Whipplt.
24r. $hax m approvs?l. of the Mimttes of the easet3atgs held on Jtuae
6, ?A, ~6, and 27, 1973• Sscotded by Wis. Williams atxi VQ~.
AI~R+O~tIC ffiSTRIGTd GOl~lL9gZON - 2 - 9eptamber i973
men fallcnisd a disonsaion en the park benohss which the Pub3.ie Works
Aepart+~nt of the lbmxi aravld lily to ereet in variews arms of then lbnrn.
Tro hate been irattalled between the lbxn Offioe Bsilding anRl Cary MemorLal
FTa7.7, and two Dave begin installed in BAwsry Park. Zlsese have heavy weerd.
slats on metal stands and. will be peraareantay fixed in place. Holsbog.
Mrs. Williaas. and ltr. Whipple west ant to Zook at the taro bstwesn the
Town Uffiae Bai].dimg sled Car,' P~ria]. Ha7.7.. Afr. i~olabog said that the
benches were not too ob~eetionrbU beat that they show7.d bs painted a R+awrs
or Olive i?rab amen end that the aetal ahoteld be painted the Baas oelor as
the slats. Mr. 9hax said that hs fa67.s the Comedssioa shoald appreers the
location of these benches.
Mr. Jacp~.th asked Afrs. Williaas and Mr. Whipple if they w~auld prepare
time naaratJ.w rsport of the Commisaion`e work far the da3. ibnrn Report.
It was suggested that tars photograph eight bs taken at the Lsadngtoa Msrs
Handing and that the artiaie might teatare that particular banding for
follaared a disouasion on an application form that might be treed
by applicants rsquestibg a Cartificats of Appropriateness.
7be meeting was ad~ourasd at iCe~is P.H.
Georgia H. Williaas
8eesretary Pro fem