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A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held at 7s4~ P.M.
on Wednesday, June 27, 1973, in the Seleetmen•s Iiseting Rouse, Town Office
Building, Isxington. Present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chaim
~ni Philip B. Parsons, Secretary= Donald J. 3haw~ Georgia H. Willisms=
and Associate Commissioner Oliver F. Hooper. Mr. Hooper was appointed to
serve for Commissioner Thomas J, Holabog who was unable to be present.
An ad3ourned hearing was held at 7f,5o P.M. with Amelia G. Samoylenko,
Trustee of The Lexington Mews Trust, and Herbert Eisenberg, Architect.
1~. Eisenberg said that the window casings on the parking lot elevation
were lower than planned to they plan to use a two foot frieseboard with
18" signs for the stores. He said that the triangular pieces did not look
wall on the columns on the Forest Street elevation so removed them. Then
followed a discussion of the window changes on the N~uaey Street elevation.
Mr. Shaw and Mrs. W317.i.ams said that they did not like the windows. Mr.
&isenberg said that there are wads to improve and correct this. He said
that the window heights are not as should be because of change in eliminating
copper coping over the windows. Mr. Shaw asked if the copper hoods could be
put back on .arid it was stated that this was not possible because of the time
element. Mr. Eisenberg said that there is a problem in handling of the o].ap-
board and friez~eboard and he would like to be able to increase the friezs~
board on l~iz$ey Street from 1'4" to 2' maximum. He said that they would
have to select pieces of wood to i~rame out. Mr. Eisenberg asked for apps-
val to incsrease the Prie$eboard from 1'4" to not more than 2'. He said
that the frie2eboard on the parking lot elevation would be the same. "At
the conclusiong of the discussion, the Commission approved the followings
1. Increase in the height of the frieaeboard above the
clapboards on the parking lot elevation to not more
than 2 feet.
2. Eliminate the triangular column braces on the south-
erly elevation.
3. Increase the height of tits friexeboard above the
clapboards 8rid bay windows on the Muzzey Street eleva-
tion to not more than 2 feet."
Mr. Shaw moved. the above, seconded by Mr. Parsons, and unanimously YOT®.
Participating in this decision ware Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip
B. Parsons, Donald J. Shaw, Georgia H. Williams, and Associate Commissioner ~
Oliver F. Hooper. The hearing was closed at 8s4~ P.M.
Mr. Jaquith said that he had talked with Mr. DiPierio of the Poat Of-
fice and that they wish to instal]. a fence basically to keep people off the
grass and that they are not planning to do this ae~yrrhere else. Imo. Jaquith
said that he told him that the members of the Commission did not like the
fence. Mr. Jaquith said that he will write fie the Postal officials advising
them that the Commission is not in favor of a fence and also advising. them
of the procedure for applying for a Certificate of Appropriateness.
HI3TOktC DISTltICT3 C024ffSSION -page 2 June 27, 1973
Mr. Jaquith stated that Frederick C. and Angela E. Frick wish to paint
the blinds of their dwelling at 9 Tavern Lane a Heritage Blue colnr and
submitted a color sample. He said that the dwelling would be painted the
saw gray color apprrnred at the June 20th meeting. It was moved, seconded,
and unanimously YO2ED to issue a Certificate of Appropr3.atsness to Frederick
C. and Angela E. Frick with respect to changes in color of the dwelling a.t
9 Tavern Lana, which is within the Munroe Tavern District. Participating in
this decision were Coanaissianers Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip Parsons, Donald
J. Shaw, Georges H. Wal33ams, and Associate Commissioner Oliver F. Hooper.
Following discussion, at was moved, seconded, and unanimously YOZED to
issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Mary Jones Trusts®, 30 Hanoock
Street trust, with respect 'to changes an the house and barn at 30 Hancock
Street, which is within the Hancoak~larke District. Participating in this
decision were Commissioners Wilbux M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, Donald J.
Shaw', Georgia H. Williams, and Associate Ca~nissioner Oliver F. Hooper.
A discussion was bald at 1000 P.M, an the applications of Donald F.
and Nancy H. Forg with respect to the installation of wkiita vinyl clapboard
design siding and black vinyl blinds on the dwellings at 1894 and 19OO Massa-
chusetts Avenue, which are within the Battle Groan Distriot. Mr. Jaquith
stated that, if allowed in this location, than tae Will be setting a precedent
to permit buildings in other aracial spots to be changed and he feels that
would be failing in carrying out the purposes of the Historic Distracts Act.
The Chairman than polled the members with the Pollowing resultst Mr. Parsons
- No because of location; Mr. Shaw - No because of location; Mrs. Williams - ~
No; I~ir. Hooper - No because of location; and 24r. Jaquith - No.
Mr. Shaw moveds
That the changes requested an the anterior architectural
features of the dwelling at 1894 Massachusetts Avenue con-
sisting of white vinyl, clapboard design siding erected
aver existing wood clapboards and the installation of
black vany~l blinds in place of existing wood blinds are
not appropriate for the purposes of the Historic Districts
Seconded by Mr. Parsons and unanimously VOTED.
Mrs. WiLtaams mavede
That there era no conditions especially affecting the
building imrolved, but not affecting the Historic Dis-
trict generally, under which failure to approve the
application will involve a substantial hardship to the
applicants aril. that such application may not be approved
without substantial detriment to the public welfare and
without substantial derogation from the infant and pur-
poses of the Hastorie Districts Act.
Seconded by Mr. Shaw and unanimously VOTED. ~
i •
HIST{~i.TC DIS'TRtCT3 C01~@ffSST4N -page 3 June 27, 1973
14t. Parsons m0'Pedi
7~sat the Coamelssion disappreoes the application for a
Certificate of Appropriateness for ahangas in the ex-
terior arahiteotxiral features of the dwelling at 1894
Hassaahusetts Avenue, snob changes consisting of cover-
ing the eadsting good clapbosrds with white vinyl,
clapboard design, siding and installing black vir~y~l
blimis in pleas of the existing wood blinds, the die-
approval being for the reason that sash changes are
considered to be inappropriate for the purposes of
the Historic District6 Asst, Chapter 44'x, Acts of 1956,
a® amended, in that the materials to be used would
change tree appearancse and character of a baai2.ding which
is one of a group of buildings aitaaatsct on the southerly
aide of Massachusetts Avenaefacing and clearly visible
from the historic Battle Green, and would impair the
Appearance anti character of these buildings as a group,
none of which have exterior surfaces covered with aisbilar
or comparable materials, and one of which, abutt3.xeg the
building im*olved on the easterly side, is understood to
be the first brick dxs311ng in Lexington and another of
which, one horse removed on the westerly side of the
building involv~ad, is the Marrett Mzwroe Boars which was
on the same site on tree nnorning of April 19, 1775.
Seconded by i~r. Hooper an3 unanimously YOT~D.
Mr, Shaw mated that the Notice of Determination as read by the Chair» ~
man bs approved. Seconded by Mrs. Williams acid unanimously VOTHD. Parts- i,
cipating in tiC3.s decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B.
Parsons, Donald J. Shaw, Georgia H. Williams, and Associate Commissioner
Oliver F. Hooper.
Mr. Shaw zrovselc li
That the changes requested 3.n the exterior arohiteatarel
features of the duelling at 1900 Massachasetta Avemxe son-
sist3ng of White vinyl, clapboard design siding created
aver existing wood clapboards and the installation of i
bleak vinyl blinds in pleas of existing wood blinds are
not appropriate for the purposes of the Historic Districts
Seconded by ice. Parsons aced unanimously YO7ED. i
Mrs. Williams mavedc
That there are no conditions especially affecting the
building involved, but not affecting the Historic Dis•
trio generally. under which failure to approve the ap-
plication will involve a substantial hardship to th~a
applicants and that such application may not be approved
without substant3a.1 detriment to the public Welfare and
without substantial derogation from the intent and pur-~
poses of the Historic Districts Act.
Seconded by Mr. Shaw and unanimously V07TD.
HIST~i.IC DISTE~LC~S CO~d~'JISSION - page ~ June 27, 197'3
Imo. Parsons t~ved~
That the Cammission disapproves. the appiioation for a
Certificate of Appropriateness for changes in the ex-
terior arahiteetnral features of the dwelling at 1900
Nassaohusetts Avenue, such changes consisting of eover~
ing the existing xood clapboards with white vinyl, clap-
board design, siding and installing black v3.ny1 blinds
in place of the existing rood blinds, the disapproval
being for the reason that such ohanges are considered to
be inappropriate for the purposes of the Historic Dia-
triats Act, Chapter 4~7, Acts of 1956, as aatended, in
that the materials to be used xonld change the appearance
and character of a building xhioh is one of a group of
buildings situated on the southerly* side of Massachusetts
Avenue facing and olearly visible from the historic Bair
t1e Green, and would impair the appearance and character
of these buildings as a group, nom of xhich have exterior
surfaces covered with similar or comparable materials, and
one of which, shutting the building imalved on the xeatr
erly side, is the Marrett Munroe Horse xhich waa on the
same site en the morning of April 19, 1775, and another, of
whiah,.one hones removed on the easterly aide of the
building involved, is nrnierstood to be the first brick
dw®lling in I,e~d~ngton.
Seconded by Mr. Hooper and unanimonaly YO19SD.
Mr. Shaw mmred that the Notice of Determination as read by the Chair-
sran tl~s approved. Seconded. by Mrs. Williams and unanimously YOTED. Partite
cipating in this decision were Coemdssioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B.
Parsons, Donald J. Shax, Georgia H. Williams, and Associate Commissioner
Oliver F. Hooper.
The meeting was adjourned at 1055 P.M.
B" .Parsons