HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-20 ~ • ~ , F 1BSTa~c D~sTl~cTS cor~satox A meeting at the Historic Districts Canmrlssion was held at 7a~+5 P,Ai, an Wednesday, Jnne 20, 1973, in the Seleat®~en' a Abating Roast, 0ff'3.cs Building, Lexington. Present rrsre CotemiesionsM t~i.].tyor H. Jaquith, Chai.r~- man# Philip B. Persona, Secretary; Thosqu J. Bol.sbag# Donald J. Shaw# Georgia Fi. tdilliams= and Associate Gomrsiaeionera 6eorgs W. ~Otery, Royston T. lls3.®y', and Oliver F. Hooper. A hearing rasa held at 8x00 P.M. on the appslioation of 30 Hancaok Street Trust, Abry Jones, Trustee, Par a Certificate at Appaopa-1at~neaa with re- speot to exterior arohitsatmal ahertgee and changes i.n Dolor in the dwelling and barn at 30 Hanaook Street, which i.s within that Hanooak~-CLcrla Dlstr3ot. A~. Jaquith read the legal notice and applicatioon. Ab, Jones aubaaitted one scale draxing of the proposed barn doors and chimney an the rear of the drn'~t~, photographs, and Dolor ships. Hs atsted that the drivetray would remecin in the sane location and would be resurtaoed with the ear material as at present. Tyre will be tm new ornerhead doors in the turn to rerpZaoe doors which have rotted out and one nee entrance door. The two overhead doors wi]1 be 8'6" in height and would have five taws of woad panels and ors raw of glees panels. Aar. Holsbog said that he wenld prsf'er doors without the raw of glass paznrls and Itr. datties said that tts would 7.ilca the glass panels. Ate. Jones said that he wout2.d be willing to change the arrangement of the rants of weed and glass panels it the Con®dasion wislwtd. lie said that the whimsey is visible tram Hanooak Avemte tint not from Hanaoak Street un- less approaching the hones from the direction of Adams Street. He Bald that it is a red tsriok chimney frith a brisk sap. Air. Daley said flat hs feels the chimney would look batter it extended 4' instead of 2' from the save line. Aar. Jonas said that the buildings era aurrentlq a beige color and that they would like to use a "Colonial Yalloir" paint blr Toarains with dark green blinds and doa~. There ie a canaiderabla amount of trim which would 'be painted white. Air, Daley asked about the type of brick for the aMnn®y and if it xould be waterstruak bs-lak and Ate. Jonas said that it would be. ytil74srn Ccsgrave of 25 Hanaook 9tree?t said that he would ]3ke to have the buildings painted a yellow color. The hearing xas alosad at 8:3~ P.H. A hearing was told at 8e3d P.H. an tt~e appLtoation for a Certificate of ~I Appropriateness of Frederick C. and Angela E. Pick of 9 '1"avarn Labe, which is within the Atnxtroe Tavern Distriot,.with respect to a change ir? the color of the dtrolling. lea. Frie+k aubedttsd a sample of the gray stain that they would lilas to use and said that currently the house is a faded pink oalor. Huth Hr. Holabog and Ate. Daley said that it would be difficult to stain are+ar patina as might ba blotchy and. suggested that the same gray Dolor would bs availatxle in a paint. Ate. Frick said that all trig. doers, and blinds woat,d be white. The hearing was closed at 8:k5 P.H. A tuearing was held at 8x45 P.H. an the applications of Donald F. and Haney H. 1F"org for Certitieates of Appropn~iaternees with respect to exterior arahiteotural changes in tt~e dxe]linga at 185+ and 1900 I~saaotmtsatta Ave- ttus, which are wittrlet the Battle Green District. ASr. Jagr~.th read otm legal • HI3IC DrS.9~IGT3 ©B -page 2 .Torte ?A~ 1973 notdes and one applioaticin using both nambarrs and said that ha was doir~ ao sines both pxmpert.'i.ea x111 be aonaidered tegethsr. tom. Farg sut~.tted phate- grapAs of each dxelling. Also peresemt with Mr. and Mrs. Fong xas C. Bia 9hcamw>mer. Mr. Jaquith t~tsd that the Nausea are side by aids on I4assaohu- setts Avsmse althaangh one house is tmlch larger than the other. Hs said that th>t Ito~tae at 18$4 pissaehasetts Avetuie has a tot oS 2°ltte arohitsotural details xhieh the ether house doss trot have. tot. Forg said that they xant to instal]. vixry'i aiding std blinds on each hones because aS paint pselittg problems. He said that tlta basses have been painted within the last three years and tared painting again. its said that a latex paint xas used on one and an oil paint on the other. Iie said that sightsasing buses park in trout oS thae t~to houses and leave motors running and that this dc?es not help t1~e paint peeling sitnatisrn. t4. Daley said that it has been aiooumented that sulphur does eauss paint to peel. tor. Fong said that he had been told that both houses had been mavsd to their present locations shoat 187$ but that hs is not sure oS the dab oS either ltonas. lgwr ecrtarr boards xonld be installed and these xould be avvsred xith ecctrreded aluminum so as to get a wider oortter board than is avail- able is vit;y2. They xonld brig the blinds a3aler the aasirtga `the "gi,rigar- braad" wi]1 he left on the ~ at 18~ Masaaohasstts Avene~. Mr, dagbith said that one oS the problems in miadng too mr~ap? materials is oxa, gets diSSer- ent bass of white Dolor. tom. i3o7.sbog asked abort uaittg good corner boards so that you on]y have to match the Dolor of the vitryl and tars corner boards. Mr. t)a].ey said that these are pawedasnt hcuaea across from the Battle Green std that than mrmbera had tacmuatly seen eamp].es of vinyl and aluminum aids-by- aide and there was a slight satiation in Dolor. Mr. Jaquith asked if they gLmted to do only the ha~rlaes and Mr. Fong said that the barn is not to be oaevered. Jaquith asked about the vitayl blinds and Mr. Shoemaker acid that they are abasaut the same depth and 16" aide so only about i /2" narr+axar than woort blinds. Mt•. Jaa}uith asked iS the blinds are in good condition and Mr. Fong said that matey oS thea are in poor eotdif3etn. tb•. Helsbog asked if there are the same t»r eS leuvsvs as in rood blinds and Mr. r said that the lout?res are narrcttrer and theta are abatrat e>'rs and one-half as manor in each section as in xoadett ba9.inds. fair. Fong asid that nothdttg xcntld be instal].sd on the gutters bat that xrreta~,gular almeitatm deemapouts xoroi].d be installed. Mr. Daley said that there have bsett a Wombat oS requests Sor installation of this aidir~ and blinds OTer the poet year aed ~ is ooraiernsd shoat the nail- ing or setexirrg ou oS the blinds as they are unliiaa auttastttie blinds. fie said that bas S~,a uncad'ortabls with these blinds as they serve tsar purpaes nnli]cs blinds wh9.oh used t4 be shut Sot protection against rain. aun~ etc. tom. iiolsbog said that tae agreed. ttr. Daley said that hoe was taltdne primarily about hiatore badld3ngs. Mr. Halabog said that tl~are trim gives the siding arn6y and unless the peroblem aS ttrs trim can be solved that hs is against using sid3.ng cn historic bnrsldings. fir. ilaley said that the 4" clapboards to tb xMathar are all tight bat that the trim is wry utnsatisfaetory. t+lr. Jagnaith acid that the Comerleaion has a responaibilit~ to these houses because of their location. H,r said that ha wond+?red wfiat covering them Haar might do in the f pture if the cwtairs x! sited to ae3"J, them. fie said that the Ca~isaion has tlwr eauea paobaesm with the Fi~?llsn Ghuroh xhioh is an eoonoado prctbleta. ter. Iicoper said that fire Fallen Church is a histori.o building and that he xould tort lilts b ass vigYi siding on the Et:dtarian Church Parsonage as that too is a historic HISTO~CC DISTIi'tCTS CdA~S3I0P1 -page 3 Juxme 20, 1973 building bttt feels that these are less hiatorio. Air. ?POrg said that >oe doubted that the houses wr,~q],d bs sold. Asrs. Wi113ans asked if the siding oonld bs rermoved end Air. Shoa~tker said that it oonld, Slides takers by Air. Jaquith aF a hiatorio house on itis:sat Street in Salem ware shown ao that the vinyl siding and narrow Darner boards, eto. ooald be seen. Air. Jaquith asked Ate. Fong if the blinds would have to be rsplaaed and Mr. Forg said that about hold of them Headed to be replaced and that he would I.itoe to hays vir~rl blinds approved for both houses. Air. Shoemaker said that ~ pairs of blir~a would bs Headed Por the dwelling at 1894 and 18 pairs would be needed for the dwelling at 1900 ASaasaohusetts Averme. A4r. Fong was salted ghat it cost to have the houses painted and he said that it cost $ig00.t~0 or $1600.00 to have the house at 1894 A~aaaahueetts Awmie painted three years ago and that they had done the heuse at 1900 Massachusetts Avenue themselves. Atr. Holabag said that Yks Peels the Coamdsslon should establish a poling oP tyype of paint to be used, oil .rather than latex. Air. Jaquith said tAiat the Commission inh®rited poling oP not lnalvding ar~y particular brand paint in a Certifioats and that there is a qusst3.on as is what the Commission should tell an applicant to"use as far as type oP paint is oon- cssrned. ifs said that the Commission could probablg apeoiil? but haven't in the past. He said that the Commission Dan disousa and make oommenta. The hearing was ad,~onrned at 1Ot15 P.M. tar. Jaquith said that the hold over on The Lexington Ayswa Treat per tsina to the parking lot elevation, Plan A-6, and that a blanket approval was verbal]y given on i'itY 6th. Atr. Parsons moved and Air. Shaw aeoanded that approval be given to Ths Lao~.ngton hews Trust, Amelia G. Samoglenka, Trustee. Unania~usig VOTgD. Participating in this deaiaion were Ccros3.a- signers'~itbur A4. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons. Donald J. Shag, Georgia H, mss, ar~d Thomas J. Sclabog. Alr. Jaquith discussed the Pence proposed by the IInit~l States Postal Service Por the property at 166i Aiasaaohuaetta Avenue. The members of the Caumidssion all expressed opi„osit3.on to this Penning. Pte. Jaquith appointed Air. Dalsg to sit Por Atr. Helsbgg on the appli- nation of Agisilaoa Peter and Wends C. Ataniakas Por a Cert3Ficate of Ap- propriatsness with reapeat to ohanges.in the existing buildings at 801-803 Aiassaahonsstta Avenue, which is within the mast Village District. A pro- posed CertiFiaate was read by the chairman. Air. Dalsg moved, Atr. Parsons seconded, axd it xas unanimouslg YOT~i to issue this Csrt3Pioate. Parti- oipating in Chia decision yen Commdssios~rs Wilbur int. Jaquith, Philip H. Parsons, Donald J. Shaw, Georgia 8. Wi~~;lam, and Associate Commissioner Royston T. Daley. Atr. Jaquith then asked the members of the Commission whey theg plan- ned to take vacations and the Following inFox~mation was given: Alr. Parsons - ne dePSxdte plans Air. Sher -October A'Irs. Williams -last two weeks in July Air. Holsbog - Julg 16 to August 17 Air. Jaquith - na deFinite glans Mr. Daley -week of July 23rd Air, Hooper -July 9 to August 13th ~ f ~ • H:CSTORTC DI3~CC$9 COI~SSI01~ - page 4 June 20 1.y?3 Mr. Jaquith $aid that hs had 3oak?sd at the Brick Store in Bast Iwodng- ton and said that the Yolunt+ar Paint sign mss ati3]. there. He also said that another sign had been added stating that as of Ootobsr ist Volunteer Paint would be laaated a~a Waltham Street. It xaa moved, aeoandeci, and unanimoau?],v YOTgD to issue a Certificsats of Apprapariatenass to P~+aderiak C. and Angels 8. Frick frith respect to changes in Dolor of the dwelling st 9 11av+ern Lane,. whia2t is within the Munroe ~vern District. Partiaip?ting in this decision rneers Casssissionex~s Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, Donald 3. Shaw, tlecrgis H. Williasgsy and somas J. Holsbog. A discussion oane.?rning t~ installation of vi~rl siding on the Pollen Church followed. Mr. Halsbag said that eir~yl siding should not be installed on historic buildings. Pls. Daley said that the bosses an the Battle Green are very important and that the Fallen Cburoh ia.s v?ry histoMo building and viral siding is rsit spproprlat~s for anp? of these. Mr. Jaquith suggested that perhaps the CoesxLssion might let t~ Church ocn*er flee soffits whl.ch night help fl,nancis7].~. Pte. Daley said that, it eav~aring the getters has solved the water problem, then they should replace the saftits ~rlth wood. l+fr. Persona said that he did rat fee]. that covering with viral was appro- priate. Mr. Hol~sbeg said that he ~nZ.d Zits to see them loesp the wood slap- . boards. A2r. Shaw said that hs doss not feel the Cassrdasion shoadl be swayed by the aluminum on the Library nsmt deor. Ads. ili]Slsms said that she is in favor of keeping the wood clapboards and having the Church repainted. Plr. Sbaw and Ptr. Daley bath said that they wou.'!d vote no unless fi,F?s Church rsp- resentatS.vea could dsmsanstrats care financial p~rablems. Mr. Shaw xoved and Pir. Da].sy seconded flu! motion that this application be disapprer?ed and that vats for such diaapprenral be presented at a meeting on Jens 26, So V!f>~D unanimously. 'fie meeting was ad~aurnsd at SIt40 P.AI. Philip B. Parsons 8ecretary+