HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-16 xzsT~c DzsTRZCTS cor~sslo~ A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held at 7t45 P.M. ir? the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, Lexington, on Wednesday, May 16, 1973. Fre ent were Coumd_ssioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; George E. Graves; Georgia H. Williams; and Associate Commissioners S. Lawrence Whipple and Royston T. Daley. Mr. Whipple was appointed to serve for Commissioner Philip B. Parsons who was unable to be present and Mr. Daley was appointed to serve for Commission- er Donald J. Shaw who was unable to be present. Mr. Daley moved that Mrs. Williams serve as Secretary Pro Tem, seconded by Mr. Graves, and so VOTED. Mr. Daley said that he had polled his associates regarding the use of siding on real historic buildings and they were unanimously against the use of such ma- terials and accessories on historic buildings. He said that aluminum siding can seal in condensation which might hasten rot of other interior wood. A hearing was held at 8100 P.M. on the application of The First Baptist Church of 1580 Massachusetts Avenu®, which is within the Battle Green District, for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the replacement of one wood panel on each of the main doors and the installation of clear 1/4" plate glass windows. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and application. Mr. Stacey submitted sketches and photographs of the doors. The hearing was closed at 8t05 P.M. A hearing was held at 8106 P.M. on the application of Laurence J. and Cecilia R. Kipp for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to changes in the house and barn at 517 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and two letters of application. Mr. Hipp with drew the first letter regarding the installation of a chimney on the dwelling. He submitted three drawings showing door replacing left window on the front of the barn, photographs, and plot plans. The door is to simulate an old barn door with old style horizontal wood strips and old style strap hinges and latch. The hear- ~ ing was closed at 8118 P.M. A hearing was held at 8120 P.M. on the application of Charles R. and Ann C. LaMantia fora Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to exterior architec~- tural changes in the dwelling and garage at 3 Goodwin Road, which is within the Hancock-Clarke District. Mrs. LaMantia. and C. Harry Erickson, Architect, repre~ sented the petitioner. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and application. Mr. Erickson submitted three sets of scale drawings and photographs of the existing buildings. They propose to enclose the existing space between the house and ga- rage and add two dormers in the roof of the garage matching in design dormers on the existing house. The roof seen from Hancock Street has one window which is to be removed and two dormers installed. The house has briok ends with 4" aluminum siding. Double hung windows with permanent solid muntins would be used and there would be one three unit casement window with removable wood muntins. The wood door would have glass with permanent wood muntins. Aluminum vents, downspouts, and gutters would be used. 4" aluminum siding to match existing siding and bla,ek wood blinds to match existing wood blinds would be used. The hearing was closed at 8x59 P.M. A hearing was held at 9105 P.M. on the application of Mel-Nor Realty Trust, Dr. N~Zvin Zolot and Dr. Norman Garber, Trustees, for a Certificate of Appropriate- ness with respect to exterior architectural changes in the building at 1049 Massa- chusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and application. Attorney Dean Nicholson and Architect C. Harry Erickson represented the applicant. Mr. Jaquith stated that the zoning question HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - 2 May 16, 1973 is not before the Commission as that is a Board of Appeals decision. Attorney Nicholson stated that at the present time .the property is a nonconforming use in a residential neighborhood and has been used as a grocery store for may years. He said that an application for change of use will be heard by the Board of Ap- peals on May 22nd. He stated that Drs. Zolot and Garber are Optometrists and that they wi]1 occupy the building. Mr, Jaquith requested the 20 to 25 persons present to try to "divorce" use questions from architectural questions as the Commission is concerned only with exterior architectural features and that the use question is a Board of Appeals decision, Paul MacKenzie of 13 Maple Street asked if the petitioners are the owners of record and Mr. Nicholson said that they were not but that they held an agreement for purchase of the property. Mr. Jaquith stated that the Historic Districts Commission will not make a decision until after the Board of Appeals decision is made. Mr. Erickson submitted three sets of scale drawings of the proposed changes, plot plan, and photographs of the existing building. Mr. Erickson stated that they want only one entrance on the front, want to remove the brink pier and masonry parapet on the front, in- stall vinyl siding on the front, and paint the sides and rear of the building. Mr, Daley said that he and others were disturbed by the windows and he suggested a pair of double hung windows be installed either side of the door. Mr. Jaquith said that he wondered if they should install wood clapboards. Grace Margolien of 12 Ingleside Road said that, since the Board of Appeals has to act, she won- dered about the propriety of discussing architectural changes in detail at this time. Mr, Jaquith said that this is a separate Commission and has to ant on an application after it has been received. This hearing was advertized before the petitioners applied to the Board of Appeals. He said that the applicant is en- titled to a Historic District Commission hearing under the Historic Districts Act and that the Commission, when possible, tries to schedule hearings after Board of Appeals hearings and decisions are made. This hearing. is therefore to discuss architectural changes only, Mr. Jaquith was asked if the Historic Dis- trict's discussion will have any bearing on the Board of Appeals decision. Mr. Jaquith said that basically they are separate Boards and make their own decisions. Mr. Jaquith informed the audience that the Commission was discussing the front windows, that is installation of two double hung windows on each side of the door to make it look more residential. Mr. Nicholson said that he had talked with the petitioners and that they will put in the double hung windows and also install ~ plantings in front of the building. Mr. Daley said that one side of the building can be seen from the Avenue and asked if the Commission can require covering the concrete block garage type structure of the 1920's to improve appearance. Mr. Jaquith said that this probably could be included in at'~y Certificate of Appro- priateness issued but that the applicant would not have to do anything to the sides or rear, Mr. Jaquith said that this is an unattractive building and im- proving the front would help. Mr. Whipple suggested lowering the frieze and hav- ing gable ends and stated that the building needed more pitch to the roof which. would require adding more roof. Mr. Jaquith told the audience that the Commis- sion's discussion was concentrated on the front elevation and that the members of the Commission would like two double windows on each side of the door, wood clap- boards instead of vinyl siding, and a gable roof to try to raise the height of the building. M.c. MacKenzie asked if there was some standard against which the Commission decides what plans are appropriate. Mr. Jaquith said that there were no written standards and that they try to fit architectural features in with those in the area of the structure under consideration. He said that in a resi- dential area they try to fit the building in with residential appearance but that F H25TORIC DISTRICTS COMt~9SI0N - 3 May 16, 1973 cost is a factor and has been a problem for the last ten years. Wilma Frey of 1133 Massachusetts Avenues said that the basic question to her is that the Hiss tonic Districts Commission is supposed to be guardian of a historic area and she feels this store is serving a genuine on-going needed grocery store in the area. Mr. James Carrig of 18 Lawrence Lane, one of the owners of the property, said that as the owner of the two-family house adjacent to the store he has had complaints of rubbish and that they plan to improve the appearance of the build- ing even if it remains a grocery store. Mr. Carrig said that the building is under a sale agreement and has been sold although papers have not been .passed. Margaret Casey of 1063 Massachusetts Avenue asked if there were at~y arrangements for parking and Mr. Jaquith said that none were in drawings but that they were considering limited parking in the rear with a driveway from Massachusetts Ave- nue and that this will probably come before the Hoard of Appeals. Mr. Jaquith said that they have discussed landscaping and, if the Commission approves the changes, they would require landscaping. John Frey of 1139 Massachusetts Ave- nue said that he objects to "phony" colonial architecture and that the building that is there is very appropriate and a genuine old time store and he believes the historic flavor and character of the East Village is important. Mr. Jaquith said that Mr. Frey was discussing use and that the Historic Districts Commission has no power over use. Mr. Daley asked what would be done with the building, other than demolish it, if the Hoard of Appeals denies the variance. Mr. Frey said that it can continue as a grocery store if the variance is not granted. Mr. Jaquith said that the Commission would leave any decision until after the Hoard of Appeals decision has been made, He adjourned the hearing at 10e10 P. M. It was moved by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Daley, artd unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to The First Haptist Church with re- spect to a change in the existing Church building at 1580 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District.. Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, George E. Graves, Georgia H. Williams, and As- sociate Commissioners S. Lawrence Whipple and Royston T. Daley. It was moved by Mr. Graves, seconded by Mr. Daley, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Laurence J. and Cecilia R. Kipp with respect to a change in the existing barn at 517 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. Participating in this decision were Com- missioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, George E. Graves, Georgia. H. Williams, and Asso- date Commissioners S. Lawrence Whipple and Royston T. Daley. Mr. Jaquith said that he had heard from June Augusta's attorney. The meeting was adjourned at 11105 P.M. ~G~~s ~U t~ Geor~a H. Williams Secretary Pro Tem