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A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held at 7x45 P.M.
on Wednesday, April 25, 1973, in the Selectmsn"a Meeting Room,.. Taim Office
Building, Lexington. Present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chair"
many George E. Gravest' Donald J. Shaw= and Associate Commissioner 9.
Lawrence Whipple. Mr. Whipple was appointed to serve for Commissioner
Philip B. Parsons who was unable to be present. Mr. Whipple moved and Mr.
Graves seconded the motion that Donald J. Shaw serve as 3eeretary Pro Tem.
A hearing was bald at 7:50 P.M. on the application of Elisabeth
Flemings, Mary McKenney, and Adele Wisotsky for a Certificate of Appro-
priateness with respect to the erection and display of a sign for the store
at 7A Meriam Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Jaquith
read the legal notice and application and adjourned the hearing at 7,53 P.M.
until Wednesday, May 2, 1973, for lack of a quorum. It was stated that this
store was the last one on the'Meriam Street side ,of the Central Hlock and
would be "Books on the Green inc." Mrs. Flemings submitted three scale
drawings of the proposed sign which world have letters matching in Style,
design, sire, and color those on the building. Hrs. Flemings was asked to
discuss the use of the word "inc." with her attorney. The meeting was ad-
3ourned at 810 P.M. The hearing on May 2, 1973 x117. be at 7s45 P.M.
A hearing was held at 8r 15 P.M. on the application of Frederic I. Day,
Jr. and Gardner Ertman for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to
the erection and display of a sign for the office at 8 Wallis Court. Mr.
Jaquith read the legal notice and application and ad~onrned the hearing at
8x17 P.M. until Wednesday, May 2, 1973s due to a lack of a quorum. Mr.
Ertman submitted three scale drawings of the proposed sign xhioh would be
hung on a 2'~ x 1 1/2• bracket perpendicular to the building. The sign is to
be of dark mahogany with carved letters 2 1/2" high with an orangeWred logo j
in the center, The sign would be 3/4" or possibly thicker, solid panels
one faced sign, and by the end door of the building. The sign xould be hung
from the top of the bracket so would not be a fixed sign. The meeting was
adjourned at 8y45 P.M. The hearing on May 2, 19p'3 will be at 8100 P.M.
Mr. Jaquith submitted a drawing of the Stier7.i~Berman sign which is
not as approved in the Certificate of Appropriateness so he will contact
Mrs. Berman about this.
Mr. Jaquith stated that he had written 3cribner~'s Market that he had
observed that their sign had been removed and that this sign could not be
replaced without a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Commission.
Color changes for the house at 955 Massaohusetta Avenue, which is withM
in the East Village District, were submitted and the Clerk was requested to
ask Mr. Johnson to appear at the May 2nd meeting and to submit other shades
of white acceptable to them.
Mr, Jaquith requested the members of the Commission to meet at the
Library Parking lot at 7100 P.M. on May 2nd.
- • i
HISTORIC DISTRICTS coM~asslox ~ 2 April z5, 1973
An informal meting was held with Mrs. Amalie Samolyenko, Trustee of
The Lexington Mexs Trust, and Herbert Eisenberg, Arohitect~ at 9108 P.M.
and throe new scale drawings were submitted. The Cinema sign is to be low
sated on a 2*6" t~alustrade and is to be of dark blue metal. dv11, finish baclc~
ground with gold leaf wood letters. the movable Mack letters will be on a
white background. They world like to use lights identical to those at the
Boston Garden Cinema. Then followed considerable discussion of the sign,
balustrade versus a parapet, and the original pitched roof which would cost
$3500.00 more than the balustrade. Mr. Siaenberg was asked to work on plans
for the balustrade before the May 2nd meeting. The Commission agreed that "
the Mnzzey Street elevation was acceptable; the Forest Street elevation is
the same as before except for the four rectangular prismatic acrylic skyW
lights on the inside roofs. The pitch of the rear roof oP the parking lot
elevation is tc be changed to provide for structural changes. The fascia
changes of the Hussey Street elevation are to be repeated on the main part
of the parking lot elevation. There was a general discussion on eliminaw
tion of the pitched roof shave the theatre and replacing it with a balus~
trade or parapet xith the architect to review the various alternatives to
the pitched roof." The meeting xas ad3ourned at lOt30 P.M.
Mr. Jaquith submitted two billet one from Barbara Gilson, Clerk, for
March 1973 for $61.75 ($1.75 for postage and $60.00 for hearings and cleri-
cal services); t1~e other from Ingalls for $10.80 for another book. It was
moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to approve payment of these bills.
Mr. Jaquith then discussed the letters from Fdwin Worthen and Allan
Kenney rogardirtg the repainting of the Central. Fire Station. It was moved
seconded, and unanimously VOTED that the Commission recommend to the Board
of Selectmen that, when the Gentral Fire Station is repainted, all presently
painted surfaces be repainted xhite.
Mr. Jaquith discussed a letter received from Shoemaker, Inc. re vinyl
sidings and using wood trim, etc. for the houses at 189+ and 1900 Massachu-
setts Avenue, which are opposite the Battle Green.
The meeting xas ad3ourned at 11115 P.M.
secretary Pro Tem