HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-03-14 ! •
A meeting of the tiistorio Districts Commission was held at 7s45 P.M.
on Wednesday,. Maresh 14, 1973,. i.n tlxe Seleotmen''s Meeting Room, Town Offiae
Building, Lexington. Present xere Commisaionera Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chair
man; George E. Graves; Georgia H. Williams; and Associate Commiaai~enera S.
Laxrenae Whipple and Royston T. Daley.. Mr, Whipple xas appointed to serve
for Commissioner Philip H. Parsons xho xas unable to be present. Mr. Daley
was appointed to serge for Commissioner Donald J. Shaw xho was unable to
be present. Mr. Whipple moved and Mr. Graves seconded the motion that
Georgia H. Williams serve as 3earstary Pro Tem. The motion was so V02ED.
A hearing wag held at 7s55 P.M. on the application of Behead Birang
d/b/a Aref Oriental Rugs for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect
to the erection and display of a sign for the store at 5 Mariam Street,
xhioh is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal no-~
tioe and application xhiah had been aubmi.tted by Ernest A. Giroux, Trustee
of Minute Man Park Realty Trust. Carl Severo of Metal Letters Corporation
submitted three scale draxings of the proposed sign and said that the lets
tars would be identical to to the letters of the otter signs on the buildw
ing. Mr. ffirang asked about a neon sign for the interior of the store and
Mr. Jaquith said that the Commission had no control over interior signs.
Mr. Jaquith suggested that lighting banging rugs might be more effective
and also stated that the tenants should push for better exterior lighting
of the signs. The hearing xas closed at 8s i0 P.M.
A hearing xas held at 8a 12 P.M. on the application of the Intercul
tnral Studies Group of Boston d/b/a Ameriaan Indian Place far a Certifiaate
of Appropriateness with respeat to the erection and display of a sign for
the store at ? Mariam Street, which is within the Battle Green District.
Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and referred to the letter of Mr. Giroux
read earlier xhich contained the application for this hearing. A latter
from Elisabeth Rosenthal., Program Directors xas read stating that she xaa
unable to be present and that lSr. $evero of N1~ta1 Letters Corporation ~
would represent her. Mr. Severo stated that this sign also xould have lets
tars identical to those aY the other signs on the buil$ing. Ths hearing
xas closed at 8s20 P.M. `
It wag moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to iaaue a Certificate
of Appropria.tenass to Behead Birang dib/a Aref Oriental Raga with respect
to the creation and display of a lign for the afore at 5 Mariam Street,
which is within the Battle Green District. Participating in this decision
ware Commissioners Wilbur M, Jpquith~ George E. Graves, Georgia H. Williams.,.
and Associate Commissioners S. Lawrence Whipple and Royston T. Daley.
It Kea moved, seeorxied, arsi unanimously VOT1~D to issue a Certificate
of Appropriateness to the Intercultural Studies Group of Holton d/b/a
American Indian Place with respect to the ereotion and display of a sign
for the store at 7 Mariam Street, xhich is within the Battle Green District.
Participating in this deoision xere Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, George
E. Graves, Georgia H. Williams, acid Associate Commissioners S. Lawrence
Whipple and Royston T. Daley.
kkzsTOFUC DI3TRICT3 cok~assla~ » z March i~+, 1973
Mr. Jaquith said that the Commisaion•s budget for the 1973 fiscal year
had been out $100.00 and that he had submitted a tight budget originally.
He said that he had told the Toxri Manager that the Commission m3.ght not be
able to operate xithin the amount to be submitted to Toxn Meeting and that
he xould put this in a letter to Mr. 0•Connell. Mr. Jaquith submitted a
bill from Barbara Gilson, Clerk, For Febraary 19'73 for $49.30 ($48.75 for
hearings and clerical services and $.55 for postage). It xaa moved,
seconded, and unanimously YO~D to approve payment oP this bill.
Mr. Jaquith submitted new drawings for the Lexington Mexa Trost xhioh
show the proposed changes on the Front of the building at 10»12 Mnzaey
An ad3oarned hearing was held at 9100 P.M. xith Robert 0. Tillinghast
on the application of Curve Trnat, Robert 0. Tillinghast, Trustee for the
erection and display of txo signs on the building at 7u3•~7o5 Massachusetts
Avenue, xhich is within the East Pillage District. Mr. Tillinghast sub4
mined one scale draxing of the proposed signs. Folloxing discussion dur~
ing xhich the Commission stated that the signs xould be approved but that
three scale drawings mast be submitted first, the hearing was adjourned at
9:25 P.M.
Then folloxed a discussion concerning the role the Commission should
play in the installation by the Town of parking areas, parking meters,
curbing, driveways,. signs, etc. ~`cllowing discussion, Mr. Daley moved that
the Chairman xrite a letter to the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen that i
the Historic District Commission xishes to be consulted and receive plans
of proposed changes xithin the Districts= seconded by Mrs. Williams, and ~I
unanimously YOTED.
The meeting xas ad3ourned at 1000 P.M.
~ , y~
orgia H. Williams
8eoretary Pro Tem