HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-02-21 ! ~ xzsT~c DzsTRZCTS eo~n~rsszo~ A meeting of the Historic Distriots Commission xaa held at 7rt+5 P.M. on Wednssday~ Febraary 21, 19'J3, in the Seleotmen•s I~et3.ng Room, Town Of fioe Building,.Isxi.ngton. Present were Commissioners Wilbert M. Jaquith, Chairmani George P. Gravest Donald J. Shao?t Georgia H. Wil]„iamsi and Aaao~ date Cvmmissionera S. Laxrenoe Whipple and Royston T. Daley. Mr. Whipple xas appointed to serve for Commissioner Philip B. Parsons xho xas unable to be present. Mrs. Williams ~raa appointed Seoretary Pro Tam. An adjourned boating was held on the application oP Curve Trust, Robert 0. Tillinghast, Trastee. Present xere Mr. Tillinghast and John Self, the arohiteet, xho snbmritted three sets of scale drawings incorpo~ rat3.ng the changes discussed at the bearing on February Ip~th. All cornice molding and frierte board are to be of rood. The rear of the mansard roof will bs oY p],ywvod. Following discussion, it was agreed that wood oerner-' beards xould be used. The discussion next co»eerned the air eonciensor on the roof of the elt and it was stated that it xould bs difficult to aes it from the street. Mr. Tillinghast, in answer to a question, stated that lisGee`a lease ran out Deeeaaber 31, 1973 arm that Ralston }aes first refusal on the ell area and that he did not believe that McGee Flooring would oon~ tissue to occupy the building after this year. He stated that at their nrseet3ng last night the Board. of Appeals had approved three businesses on the first floor, .four on the second floor, and two apartmonta for this property. Following discussion on the height of the frieze board, new ~ drawings fvr that xere requested to show a 12" frieze board rather than an 8" one so that a sign could be erected on it in the fature if desired. Mr. Tillinghast said that Urao Sign Co. xonld prepare scale drawings of the taro signs xhieh rill have black baokgrourds xith gold letters, probably oY a Roman style. The hearing xas adjourned at 8:50 P.M. It xas moved, seconded, and unanimonaly VOTED to issue a Certificate of Apprepriatsneas to Curve Trust, Robert 0. Tillinghast, Trnstse~ xith respect to changes in the existing building at '?03°705 Maaasehusetts Aver tme, which is within the Feat Pillage Distr3.ct. Participating in this decision wars Commiasioaaers Wilber M. Jaquith, George R. Graves, Donald J. Shaw, Georgia H. Williams, aril Associate Commissioner 9. I.axrenee Whipple, The meeting was adjourned at IOt20 P.H. y / orgid H. Williams 3earetary Pro Tom