A meeting of the Historic Distrieta Come3.asion xaa held at 7~4$ P.M.
on Wednesday, February 14, 197'3e ~ the 3electmen•a Meeting Room, Torn Of•-
fice Building, 7.e~dngton. Present xere Comari.ssioners Wilbur M. Jaquith,
Chairman= George E. Graves; Georgia S. Wnliams= and Associate Commission.?
era S. Laxrenae Whipple and Royston T. Daley. Mr. Whipple xas appointed
to serve for Commissioner Philip B. Parsons xho xaa unable to be present.
Mr. Daley xas appointed to serve for Commissioner Donald J. 9hax xho ass
unable to be present. Mrs. Williams xaa appointed Secretary Fro Tem.
Mr. Jaquith stated that an application had been received from Rrneat
A. Giroux for signs for the stores at $ and ? Meriam Street and that hear+
inga on these app].ioationa xould be scheduled for Me.roh 14th.
A hearing xas held at 8t05 P.M. on the applications of Curve Treat,
Robert O. TiLtinghaat xith reapeot to ehsngea in the existing building and
for the creation and display of two signs an said building at 7070$ Massa
chuaetts Avenue, xhioh is xithin the Rant Village Diatriot. 1~4. Jaquith
stated that he ranted to ®mphasise the importance of this building in the
history of Iaxi.ngton and said that it probably xaa the first brick building
in the town. He read exoerpts from Vol. 4 of the Iwaington Historical
Society Prooeedings of 1628 xhich stated that the atruotarre xaa bailt by
Mr. Robbins. I4r. Whipple said thst there had been a member of oaoupanta
and uses of the building and that it had been used as a poet office and as
a general store as late as the 1920•a aril that there had been a library on
the second floor. He said that the porch xas removed after 190$ and that i
the front bay xindvw xas added in 1962. Mr. Jaquith read th® legal notices
anti appLiaation for the hearings. PEr. Tillinghast submitted three scale
draxings of the proposed changes to the exterier of the banding. .Also
present xas Roland Gubiach of 627 Massachusetts Averme. Mr. Tillinghast
explained that the changes xere on the scat elevation of the building and
that mat of them aoneerned the ell. The overhead deer is to be replaced
by ~e double hung xindoxa xith solid permanent rood mur?t3.ns with a xooden
panel on the bottom. Anew concrete 2• x 2''8" platfora xith xrought iron
handrail is to be installed in place of the existing platform. 4" xhite
vinyl siding is to be installed over the concrete ell. A bleak shingled
mansard roof x111 be installed on the east elevation of the ell to hide
the flat roof and the gas cooled ai.r condensers .for air oonditioning xhich
rill be installed on the flat roof. Nex doors x111 match in style, design,
and Dolor the existing doors on the front elevation of the building but ~ea?.y
have 9 or 12 lights of glass at the option of the oxner. Spotlights rill
be recessed over each door. Mr. Gubisch said that this xonld be a definite
improvement over the ead,sting easterly elevation. He s:id that he xas sour
screed xith the mansard roof but said that it'xonld bs better than xhat is
nor there. The parking area and driveway x111 be resarfaced. The flagpole
rill be left xith a small floret bed area around it. Mr. Tillinghast subs
muted three scale draxings of the txo signs being proposed one to read
"B. TILLIIIGGEAST ~ RFAL E4TATE" and the other for one of his teneant. It
xas suggested that Roman letters of !0" and 6" be Head. The hearing xas
adjourned at 10x45 P.K. after several suggestions and requests for new
draxings had been made. Mr. Tillinghast xas requested t<? meet xith the
Commission on February 21st.
HISTORIC DI3TRICT3 COP~iT88I0N - 2 Februs.ry 14, 1973
Pit. Jaquith aaid that the Scottish Rite Piasona had requested permis~
sign to store loos on the lard near the former barn during oenatruotion of
their Plantaeam and Library. The loom x111. be eovered pith tyro. Pit. Jaquith
stated that they have eliminated the seoond driva~way.
Pit. Jaquith aaid that the solution for the Wilson Farm problem seems
to be to extend the fence acid to soreen th® fenoe.
Pit. C~uibiach asked about the changed doorway at Wardrobe Pharmacy and
Pit. Jaquith said that approval from the Comuission xas needed.
Pit. Jaquith submitted a bill from Barbara Gilson, Clerk, for January
1973 for $112.25 ($2.00 for postage= $26.25 for hearir?gs acrd meetings= and
$7f).00 for clerical aervioes). It xas mewed, seconded., and unanimously
VOTED to approve payment oP this bill..
The meeting xas ad3ourned at 11:00 P.Pi.
org~H. Williams
3eoretary Pro Tea