HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-25 HI3T~IC DISTRICTS COMML!P9I0l9 A sooting of the Hi.storia Districts Cemdsaion xas held en Tlmraday, January 25, 1973x. in the 9oleottirndDs Meetimg Roeoa, Teora Offiss Bailrling, Lexington. Present xere Csmmisaioners Wilbur M. Jaquitlm,,Chairmant Philip B. Parsons, Secretary George B. Graves= Domald J. Sloax' Georgia H. 'willi.+?mst and Associate Cemmiasionor Royston T. Daley. A hearing xaa hold at 7x50 P.M. en the applisatien st Corydon acrd Anne L. Wyman xith respect to extorter arahiteotnral changes im the dxelling at II06 Maasashusetta Awnus, xhich is x3ahin the Bast Village District. l~fr. Jaquith read the legal notice and application. Present for the applicant xere I4. d Mra, W3?mani Mr. Martin end C. Bix Shoemaker xho x111 Mall the xindsx: and doors Roland Gubisch sf 627 Measaohusetts Avenue end taro abnir fora. Photographs ef.ths house ahoxing the taro porshss involved and a samw pls of the proposed xindox zero sabmitted. Mr. Wyman said twat hs bought tbs house 5 years ago and had sinned an agreement that. ho xsnld preteen the horse. He stated that the house xaa built about 1780 and had been in the Freres family tree 1835 to 1931. At that time 62 acres of land xora? part eP the property xhish nax consists of 1 i/2 acres. The porch on the north aide is used as a catchall. The south back porch has xoed screens poor that heo xishes to replace xith anodised alumimom. There xoald be a fascia board across tare tsp. Mr. Graves said that it xould look better it t~ columns ahoxed and Mr. Daley agreed. It xaa stated that they had looked into other t~pea of xindoxs but had decided that, since appro~d,mato7,7 100 of the doors and windeora xsre aluminum noxy thls xoulel net baaisally hurt the property. It xas stated that the porches xere not of the same era as the house. On the north porch nons?antinad anodised grey aluminum xindexa xould be iaatalled and sesas of these xindoxs rill bs sliding xindmrs xith asreens xith a fixed center picture xindox. These xindexa are is be se located as .to preserve the appearance of the columns. The south porch is smallrr and rectangular and x111 have ti?o fixed small xind,ows Gard.door on side, a doer on the end, and the other xindoxs vi71 foe fixed rs~able xindoxs. A condition may be in±» eluded in the Certificate that th®ae xindoxa say be removed frees duns let too Ostobor 1st and screens inatal3.sd. Mt. Wjmon xaa aabsd to submit sketches. It xas stated that, ones the skotahes haw been received and approved by the Comadasion, tare appiisation x111 bo appro?ed. It xas stated that a Gri~.ti.~ sate sm~st bo issued looters a~ inatalLti.ons are made. Fellouing eonaidera able diiee`saion, the hsari»g xas eUsed at 912$ P.K. 1br. Gubiaalr rssoained to disease the stockade fsnso and drivoo[ay xhish haw iwon installed at Wilson Firms... Ae said that the drivexsy is used as an, aopss is -t;,ho farm end flat the fence sutsnda foaltYrsp asroaa the. rear parka6 lot st the hoarse. Hs aakd i.t some sort of ssrsening scald be re+~ quirodand-~. Jaquith said that the Commdsaien.haa no control e~rer aorsen!r ing 3.f the parking area is .more than 200 toot Yrmne Massashnsstts Aw~r. Mr. Gulxieeh said that most at the parking area is xithin the 200 feet. Mr. Jaquith said that hs xeuld investigate this matter. 1lro meeting xas ad~onrned at 9t D P.M. Philip H. Persona Secretary