HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-11 ~ ' • • AISTOI~CC DISTRICTS ~.D>!0lI3SION A mooting of the Hi.sterio Distriota Coaaaoaiasion wan held on Thursday, January il, 1973s in the Ssleotamn"a Alseting Roem,, Toim Office. Ba3lding, Lexingteu. Present rare Comadasioners Wilbur K. dagnith, Chairmani Philip B. Paraens,'Secretaryi Gaergs Graresi Donald J. Shav;.and Georgia W3111ams. A hearing was held at 7t~s P.K. on the applioatisn of Saaaotel H. Sheldon and Simon Goldberg, Traatees of The Lexington Center kealty T'rast~ with re+ spoof to eshsngea in tine exterior arohiteetural features of the building at 11«15+17 Waltham Street, which is within the Battle Green })iatrict. Mr. Jaquith read the legal anet3,ee and applieatisn for the Cert3fioata of Appro~ priateness. Present for theapp~].ioant wore Robert L. Lyon, 1~lanager of the propert,Y, nand C. Barry Hriakae+n, Architect. Sulwtl.tted xsre three nets of scale drawings of the proposed changes, phetegraplsa of the buildingy~and s photograph of the eos>bi~a?tion xindov proposedfor.tho double hung rindowa. The front elevation deor is to be recessed and painted a shade of red to mr,toh tl~ sodating side doors. They psopsaed to erect surfaw aroua~sted narx row iramo white baked enamel aluuainma oouhinatien witaadexs on all deuble hang xindows. There x111 bs no combination doers aarul no windewa on fire bew vitde~rs. The hearing xaa cloned at 505 P.K. Mr. dagnith stated theta hearing would be held on Thursday, da><rnaatT 25, 1973, on thm applioatdon of Corydon nand Anne W~mmuas for aloaing in too porches with alnminu>a sliding windows..on the eit?elling at 1106.)Yasaachusetts Arenas,, which is within the ERSt Pillage District. He stated that an ap+ plioation heel been reovired from Curve ?rest, Itobert.0. Ti]1.inghast, Tt~usty ee, for altsrationa to Mss banding at 703x70$ Maasachnaetts Avexius, which is within the Haat Village District ami that a hearing xas scheduled for February 14, 1973. Mr. Jaquith stated that Albort T. Pitt had resigned as an Associate Comdsaioner as hs had become President of the Arta and Crafts Sooivi~*. Mr. Jaquith stated that rho Comsiasion had not used all of its budgeted fusrls for 1972. Be presented txo bills for Dsceaaber 1972 which had been app proved at the December 20, 1972 testing as folloxst Joseph Kitresser ($96.®0 Por photographs) and Barbara Gilson, Clerk ($iZ2.05 w $17.05 for postage and staaaps and $105.00 for clerical ssrvie3ea). A hearing wan held at St30 P.M. on the appLtoation of the Board of Seleotaaaoen of the Town of Lerzingten for the erection of an addition to the rear of the Central lPire Station building at 45 Bedford Street, which is within the Battle Green District. ice, Jaquith road the legal notice and said that an applicat3.on had been received from Allan Kenney, Chairman of the Hoard of Selectmen. Present for the applicant were Walter Spellman, Chief of the Fire Departments ~gi liaapoli of the Permanent Building Comte mitteei Walter C. O'Connell, Tarn Manager= and Charles Cole, Arahitsct. Nr. daqulth stated that Otis Brown oP the Permanent Building Comrdttes and l~r. Cole had >aet informally with the Commissisn on December 13, 1972 an~i at that time lead gone over the preliminary plans for the addition. Tiaree sets of scale drawings of the proposed addition and a photograph of tiro Fire Station were submitted. It vas stated that,. if possible, flux present rear • HI3T~C DISTRICTS COffi~QSSTON 2 January ii, 1973 windoxa will be used en the rear of the new addition and that there will be two windeMa on each new bay. laTire~atruck brick with a sand Finish matching in color as nearly as possible the existing brick will bs used. (This tips of brink was used in the construction of the ezi.sting.buildng instead of the sore common watsr~strack brick used today.) The windows will be double hying sash matching as nearly as pesaible in sire the existing wirbdmxs and the glass w31]. be a clear glass. .The doors will have three rows of windows at the top to match the door of the existing bay. Lead coated copper will be need and it was stated that it will. talcs about fsur.yeara for it to turn charcoal gray. The parking area is not to be enlarged. There will !ae a spotlight as at present and the putaps will bs mevsd to the corner of the wing. The parapet will 6e carried all arovtnd the addition. There will be ne structures er the roof. The roof will ham a drain which will. drain into the interi.er drain. There gill be a gas trap outside with am 8• high vent pipe of 2" diameter on the a*tsrior wall. 'fibs trim is to be painted to match existing 'trim of tbs.building. The hearing was closed at 910 P.M. It was mewed, aecondedy and w~animonaly gOTSD to issue a Certificate of Apprepr3.atsneas to Samuel B. Sheldon and Simon Geldbsrg, Trasteee_ef The Le~dngton Center Realty Trost with respect to changes in the ezteri.or arcbi tsctural fsatxires of the building at ll~ly»17 Waltham Street, xhich is wither in the Battle Crrsen District. Participating in this decision irore Commis» sinners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shaw,,. and Georgia H. Williams. It was moved, ssoended,:arkl rmaxiimonsly VOT&D to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to the Board of Selectmrn of the ToNn of I,eatington fsr the erection of an addition to the rear of the Csntrai Fire Station baildis~g at qg Bedford Street, xhich is within the Battle Breen District. Participating in this decisien wre Cammissionera Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George R. Grave:, Donald J. $haw, and Gsorgi.a H. Williams. Then Yollowed discussion on the application of Sam 8. Sherman for a Certificate for a sign for a real estate office in the Battle Green Motor Inn. Mr. Jaquith stated that he had xritten the oxner of the.Tnn re their signs and requested that they cems in and. stated in the letter that,'unless he heard from them before this meeting, action would be taken on Sam Sherman's sign at .this meeting and that this sign world be considered a previous sign when signs fer the Inn were considered. Mr. Jaquith aaiel that the Ceasaisaion has to decide ff the sign is appropriate for the lecatiem and whether the Couodssien wished to put a ties limit on the sign. Follewiug discussion, it was moved, aecondad,.amd nnanimouall YOTBD to issue a Certifies Date of APpa'oPriateness to $am li. Sherman, Rea]. Berate ?ssec. Mtdi respect to the erection and display of a sign for the officse in Suite 161w3 of the Bat+~ tie Grssn Motor Inn at 1724 1~(asasehuaetts Avenn®, which is within the Battle Green District. Particsipating in 'this deeisi®n were Cewd.ssionera Wilbur M. Jaquith, Phil.i:p B. Parsers, Geerge Graves Donald J. Shaw, and Georgia H. Wil].iama. The meeting 'was ad~onrned at li Philip B. Parsons, Secretary