HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-12-20 f HIST1'SiIC ffI5'.iRICTS CO~SIE'~ A memt3.ng of the Histmric Districts Cosadaaicn xaa held on Wsdno:day,. December 2@,, 1972,. in the Ssleotmcn•s 2~eetiatg Rco~y; tern t'~ffioe Building,. Lezingten. Prcaettt mra Comdssimnmrs Wilbur K. daquith, C}sairsaaet Philip H. Farsons, Secrataryt George 8. Gravest and Asasciatc Cemmissica?era 3. I,ittreacs Wbippleand Royaten T. Daley. Imo. WhLpple xaa appeinted to asr?e for Donald d. Shax xho tree unable to be prmamnt aatd !4. Daley xaa appointed to serve for Georgia H. William who was unable to bs present. A hearing was held at 7155 P.M. on the applioati.on of I,airrence H. sad Sarah W. Hunt for a Certificate cf Apprspriateneas with reapmct to a ohangm in the exterior arahiteatural featux+e mf the dtnalLtng at 8 Hancock Aver?ue, xhich is xithin the Hanaoak+CLrke District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal nom tioo and the applieat3.on. Mr. Hunt submitted aamplea of the alarm blend asphalt ahiuglea to be used on the east beak porch roof. It xaa stated that the main house has alatw shingles. The hearing rtes eloaod at 8t03 P.li. A hearing was held at 8t@5 P.M. oa the appliostien of Sam H. Sherman for a CertitYasts of Apgrmpriateneaa xith reapcat tD the creation and dia~ glay of a sign for a~ effioe in Suite 1@i~3 in the Battle Green Motor .Inn at 172@ Maaaaahusstta Avenue:, xhich is tr3.thin the Battle Green District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal nctiae and application. Isr. Sherman anbadtted three scale dratriraga of the proposed. sign and.phetographs of the building. Zb+ sign is to t» fastened xith a bracket to the, brick Mall on the east side of the entranaexay and bry a bracket to the colnen tm the right of the east aide of the entranoway. The sign is to be 48" x 15" sad to hang Haider the Hate tle Green Inn sigh but recessed appros3mately.6". llr. Sherman stated that there are only ttro roses in the Inn that are suitable fmr offices. He said that he was oeanpying the svitc ones oaonpisd by Winfield Cotastte Rural Sstate sad that he pLnncd to hang his sign in the same lmoation.aa the Cmaette i sign. Mr. Jaquith asked Mr. Sherman if he had aheaksd.into the Sign ByrLax ~ and Iir. Sherman said that the .alga xould comply with the Sign $w»Laxs. 14r. Jaquith stated that atoaw of the Inn signs had bmmn apprmvmd exempt for the storing,.-hairdrmsaer, and. travel agency. Mr. Jaquith said that ha .felt the best xay to handle this xould bs by a Directory sign. I+h'. Shsrmaas said that bs has tm have a sign on Masaaalmastta Avcmas and that a Directory sign xould not do the 3eb. Mr. Jaquith said that he xould aontaat the Manager of the Inn and tell them that they haven to do something abmnt their signs aax9. that,• if the Commission issues a. Grtifieate to 1~. Sherman fer his sign, thsa the Hotel xitl bs told action taken and that this may have an influence oa their signs.. Mr. Jaquith said that he wants to discuss this with the Building Inspector as to the legsLity of the sign. Isr. Jaquith said that the Comdaaion•s patnra ae?cr the appropriatmness of appearance sad he feels that the principle question is whether lit. Sherman trould be alletrod to have a sign on Maaaachuaetta Avenue since he has ate mftiae frontage oa the Anew asuc. lQr. Jaquith said that no decision xeuld be made ttr?til. he has talked xith the Building Inspector. Ths fact that there was a sign there before xill have ne bearing.. on the decision on this sign as the Com®ission did not approvm the marli®r sign. The sign woteld be flush to the brick xall mxcmpt for brackets. The sign trill, bane maroon letteraw k" high lmttars with 2" betxeen rots sad 2~" top and bottom. They tri).7. attempt to match the baak~+ board white of the Deana sign. She hearing was closed at 9t00 P.M. f ~ • I~TISTORIC DISTRICTS CO~ff$SION ~ 2 December 2D,, 1992 Mr. Jaquith subsdtted a bi11. from Nanaeck Press for $115.60 for stamped envelopes. It ma meved~ seconded, and unanisasusly VOTBD to appa~ove payment of this bi7S. lir. Jaquith requested a vote antheri.sing him.te~submit the December 1992 bill frog Barbara Gilson,, ClerAc, and one for phetagraphs from Jeaeph 1Citrosasr. It was moved, secordedy std unanimously YO'P8D to authorise the Chsirsun to submit these billy for payment. Tt xas moved, aecmnded, cad unanimoualy YOTSD to issue a Cortificate of Appropristenesa to Lax~ronoe H. and Sarah W. Hunt with respect to a change in the exterior arahitsata~ral feature of .t11e dxe77i ~ at 8 Aanaaak Aver xhioh is within the HanceckoClarks District. Participating in this decision xere Comstisaionera Wilbur K. Jaquith, Fhi11p B. Paraens, George B. Graves, srd Aaaociate Commissionsrs.S. Laxrsnae Whipple, and Royston T. Daley. Thsr, follcnrod coaaiderahle diaoass3An about the sign requsated by Sam H. Sherman. Hr. Whipple asleed if could grant.a temporary Certificate unt3.1 the entire. IAn sign sitaatioa is reviewed and Mr. Crra»s said t1~st< he xovld like to see this .done. Jaquith said that s Certificate esald be issued aub3eat to the condition that this aign could be.maintsinsd in this loaatloa for a apeoified por3.ed of time with reviex at the end of this time. Mr. Parsons aa,i,d that it xaa an attractive sign and hs xeuld approve the sign., lErr. Whipple agreed. 1lr. Graven said that it makes the front of the building. look spotty. lobe. Raley said t~?t im cmn~tion with. the other signs the building xi.ll mat leek w~sll. 1~. Whipple said that hs xould abstain or vote fora kr. Daley said that ho xould vote against= and lir. Grraves said , that hs xeulci vote against unless a time liffit is epsaified. Kr. Jaquith said that the Sumbl® 031 &.Refining Cv Cert3,fi,cate.had ~ been held up because it lnvelved setting a precedent for interior lighted. signs, Follering diseussiary 3t xaa detersined. te.appro~ve the sign on grounds of hardship. The Co~iasion then approved the application for this sign under the powers greeted to the Cesmdsaion by Seatlea 9 of said Rat authoris* ing appro?a1 of an application order certain aonditeris ast forth in said 3eatien xhen the. Co~sai.ssion .has dsterminsd that the .sign involved is inap• propriate for the purposes of the,~ot. It wan nnanimonsiy YOTRD that t2~ internally lighted free standing sign proposed to be erected on the premises is inappropriate for the purposes of t~uo Histeria Districts Act, Chapter ~'7s Acts of l~Iassaohusetts, 1956, as amended, but that, oxing to conditions eapeaially affecting the premises and sign involved end..aet afteoting the historic district generally, failure to approve the application for that sign xould involve a su'batant3.a7. hardship to the applicant and that the ap+~ plioation may be approved without substantial detrimont.ts the p+ablic xelw Taro and without substantial derogatSena.from the intent and purpose: of the Aat~ axsl that fibs Certificate of Apprepriatonesa for this sign be iasned on the ba:is of the previaiona of thin veto. Tile meeting xas sd~eurned at 1 t G/ Philip B. Parsons Secretary