HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-12-06
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A naeetinag of the ~isterie Distriota Ceaasi.saiom was held en Wedmssdt~y,
December 6, 192, in :the ~elsratmsm"~s >~eet3.mg Ree~r,: Taxn Otfiee Banding,.
head.ngtea. Present stare Comadsaisnera liilhtir M. dagnith~ Ghairsmt Philip
B. Parsons, 8eoretaryt George t7rravest Donald J. 9hawt l3eorgia
Wnliamet and Asasoiate Coaasissionera Albert T. Pitt and Reystom T. Daley.
A hearing was held at ?t56t P.M. on the app~3.aatiom of Dgnaaas F. Bwsay,
Robert D. 9xaan, and. Ellen 8. 1.eGaw with respea't to ahaanges in the e~S.sting
dwelling at 1$W261 Ssdferd Street, whioh is within the Battle Q~reen District.
Mr. dagnith read the legal. notice and application fer a Certificate af.App
propriatsneas. Present for the applicant ware itr. & Mrs. Duncan 1~. Sxan,
Edward McLaughlin xhe is to do the addition and enclose the perch, sad C.
Biuc $hoemslaer xha is to do the .vinyl Clapboard. etc. srork. .Alas present
ware abettors Mr. de Mrs. i~ohaal lderrissn of 13 Bedford Street. Three sets
04 dra?xinga of the proposed changes sand photographs of the dwelling and ady
faeent dwellings on Bedford Street were.satbtsLtted as was a sanspls of the
vinyl, blimds,.and prepeaed avaeado.green Dolor. of the.vimyl..blimds. .It.
was stated that the home has a atone foundation yawl that s,bleak aenarete
staaaeed fewdatSem was proposed for the front .porch.. There will bs xesden.
stairs,. railings,. a deer at sash omd of the perch,-sad tans wiadewa an the
front elevatiem of .the perch. The eadating-perch reef will, be retained.
The porch rill be 5` x 15~. They propene to ,replace the eozistiang 2 over 2
xiadows of the dwlling xith b error 1.waod solid permamsnt.smntin xindvwa
xhioh they feel xill be more .in keeping x3.th the horse. The perch wS].1 be
back sheaf i5• ~ sidewalk and the hears is baak,aboat 2M':.. Mr. Daley
said that the parch wiidewa• propertioaas are.nmharaosnieus with.the rest of
the horse xindews. lh~.. lagtaith asked wham the hones seas hart Bard. ?fr. Jwan
said that he thought in the early 19614'a. They prapsse addi~ a fanny teem
at the rear sf the house which wnl have a eancrete teumdat3en sad a therms!
pans xiadew. Mr. Sxsn stated that there is an.8* stonewall at the .rear of
the property lieu se the additiem x121 net be too visible.' xhite vinyl
siding al,apbearda will bs need to sever the sedating wecd clapbaards. Vit~gl
blinds xhiah rill go .from the top of the xiadew to the window sash will bs
installed.. The aormer post is 3°~yawl the aidia~g.fitaint~ this corner post.
White baked enamel oembiau?tiom windows will be installed om the doable hung
sash windows of the horse. 'lane ximdaw sills will bs covered with whits
halted snansel alwrimum. Ths getters will be' of xhi.te balosd enarrrl alua+dmam.
Whits baled enamel.. alumimma dawnapeuts will. bs installed. Tlu xaefirerk inn
the eaves x111 be painted white. The ohimauy still net toe ohamged. Mr.
Merriaom said that he would li.los to see the wimdexs em the perch the sires I
sire as those on the house.-.~.ltcc. Q~ravss said that. the porch ximdews ahonld
be lined np with the aecand f3,eer ximdews of the hsnser "!!ae hearing was
ad~ewrmed at 9tA5 P.M. '
/l hearing ways held at 9s1® P.M. on the .application of Humble 6111 ~ Rem
fining Ce. fer a Certifieate of Appropriatsmeas xf.th respect t@ signs for
the gas station at.i61 Woburn Btreot,, which is srlthim the Battle green Disc
tract. lhr. Jaquith read the legal notice card application. .Repressntimg
the applicant xere G. D. Rissa sad Bohn lacwler. Mr. Rissa stated that
Humble ttil was replacing all "Faso" signs with new "ldaocan" signs xhich is
their mew trade name fer their gas. Three seals draxings.of each of the
proposed signs were submitted slung with solar photegrapha of the signs and
HISTORIC DISTSICTB COI~QSSI019 s 2 Itossabsr 6*, i97"~
a at pL.m. She first sigm oenaiata of the werda "}tappy liotorimg" wi#h
i " e~pitsl stud S~" lewerstss letters.-- thebaakbo:rd of t]te aign,is the
brisk of the bnildis~g and tha sigm of bias plastid letters atteohsd to txo
atMps sf staimless steal. is to be oemterad over the taro doers. T>a~r socetul
sign is. the Eros atamding doable Eased sign bearing the legsmd "deem" to
bs attaehed to the eziatiitg standard located on the northeastgrly side
boumdary lime of the pro~daes. The letters "$tacen" are to be in red on a.
whits backboard with a red lime on tha botto~t blue aecien with alwtimaa
around tine outside of the sign. She height is being oat down se that the
square .footage will be less than the satiating "Base" sign. The undergroatad
eleotria service w311 re>lain. PYvs fluorescent tubes x31]. ran heriaontally
imaide the sign to illwsisate.it. The third sign consists of the word "Lea<
imgton" im dark blue porsslain letters over the aalesroea door. Thu pm~p
islarxi x311 eentsin taro plaatie pamsla with the legend "~eeem". on atop of
the two parallel, sides of the oansp~r and x311 rep7.ass the- existing pastels
aentaining the legend."Base". Flaareaeent tnbimg behind the panel 1.11mdw
Hates the gaup island. She three pulps love lift off Pamela and will bs
replaced with Hex Pamela pexsieting of the legemds "85txan SSetra", "l~eeoa
Plus",, and "Eason". Tote hearimg spis ad~ogreed at 9i5ti P.K.
Jaquith aubsiitted three scale drawimga of two garage.ba~a,to be
added to the rear of the Faro Station and said that an imtorsal xeetirtg
would be held with a matrber of the Permatssnt Building Commdttse on this..
!h'. Jaquith aabsdttsd a saatple of the brick to be used in the csrrr
:traction of the Lexington iKexa Trsst building.
i+tr. Jagaitlt stated that Lapremss Hnmt of S Hasoeak lvonae is havi>ag
trouble with a leaking sLte root whioh hs xiahea.to raplaoa with slate
blondsaplva.7.t shingles attchimg those of the rear porch sf the house and
that a insuring hts bees ssitsdulad for Hseaabsr 2®th. Mr. Jaquith stated
that a hearing em tba applisation of Sea H. Shermtm for a sign for a real
estate effioe im yN Battle tireem lYoter Inn has been scheduled for flacem
ber 2Ath.
Mr. J,~ikk swlrsdtted three bills as fsllewai Ingalsa 351.§0 for
stationery syt~tl~i l~arbara 6filaon, Cleric ~ X117.03 ter Novenbsr 19'7'2 (~2.b5
ter postaasr ate! .~I1~F•~'1 ter olerioal ssrv3cea) i and 'Wilbur ILL Jaquith
~16.~3 tar tirLrpMMMi, strips, and daosllaneeus. It xas xarred, aessmdad,
and. V0'B~ t• she payarent of these bil].a,
It was stnraal~ aeoemded, and amamiaously YOTSD to issue a Certificate
of lppropriatswrss to 1'iuarb].e 011 Refa.ni.:tg Cosh with respect to the
srestian, srnimtwams+, and diaplal? of five signs fir the retail antemstbile
serve atatin at 1A W®burn Streets whioh ie within-the Battle Green Diatri.ot.
Partislpatiag ix this desiaiem here Cemmdsaioners Wilber H. Jagaithn Philip
B. Parsemsy George E. Graves, Donald d. 3baY, and Georgia x. Willisrts.
The ~noeting ms ad3ourned at i~~/~ ~~y~ +~r
Phi13p B. Parsons