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• V, ~~y ~S~w~ A 'sstimg of the Htateria Hiatriota Caetdssien ~a~s held en Nadnsadayd. lTotretrbor ~ 197xy in_ the Seleatt~osAa Nesting ~r ibxn ilftioe Hai]~di.ttly: E.axittgton. Present xers Ctanrissieners.llilbur.li. Jaquith,. Chair>rant Philip B. Paraot~ts~, Searetaryt bonald J.. 9hax j amd Assoaiats Cetttdssietars S. Latxrenoo iilzipple and Royston Maley. fir. 'ilhippl~ xas amted, to serve for 6eerge R. Eiravea xho xas unable to bo present. lit, haler x+u appointed to serve f®r Q~sorgia R. WiU.iaus xlto xas unah7.e t® bo present. 1+~. Jaquith read a. letter trots Ara].ia f~. 9aaerienk'a, .Traates et The Iwsingtsa lirwa Trusty, requesting perdsaiott for her hth grads dattghtor .and. friends to paint the tetigvorary xoed_fettcse areoted sn th pretdaes at 111e~i2 lfinaasy Street, trhiah is xithin the Battle (ireea District. It xas agnrad, Seootded, std tiuaattitre>sly YO~D to issue a Certifteate. to A>Na13.a ti. Sattctyloxtk'o et alas.. Swtatees of Tho Lexittgtsa Matra Trost frith respeet to the painting sf the tesiporar~? fesroe at 10+12 Maascy Stret?t. Participating iat this dcoisi.en xsre Cs®daaiencra'Riilbur K. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, bonaLd d. Shax, std Assoaiato Cosndssienera S. 7,~axrettae lihipple attd Royston T. Haley. Mr. Jaquith read a letbr trove 8ottald Y. Irwin, Toxtt Building Inapecr? tors re the ltsane6xitk Rouse, fire in xhiel? hs said that Ire had suggested dssio].itien of the building because at xas in a dangeronar aetdition as a re. salteY tho i"J.re on lrriday, ife?eebcr i©th. It xaa stated that the building had been desie].lshod u a result sf the tire. Mr. Jaquith stated that the Portsanent Building Cotsui.*tae hate requested an itttor~tal tteeti.ttg sa Heort>tber 13th to disansa plans for tiro garages in the rear of that P`lre Station. A xas held at 8td0 P.li. en the applioatisn of Z<e~d.ngtsn $nter« prisose. Ina. Peking Garden) ter a Cert3.tieats of. Al,?paropriatenea xith rea« peat to the ereotiett of a lighting tiarlaare for the existing .aigs at 27 Tiial« than Street, xhiah a xithin th. Rattle Green ])i.atrict. .lit. Jagaith read the legal ~tioe std the applioatien. Present for the applicant zero !largaerite llraaos~ Rene HNilsotlua„ a>td Dr. 9tatder t>re sleetrieian. lKr. ~ Standen suhe?itted titres scale draxinga of the prspoasd hoed. l5r. Jaquith asked it it xeuld bo o~u centisusus hood asd Mr. litattdsr said that it xould bo frith braoksts under rho hood ao that it xill eztcnd one loot out frea tiro bulldittg. lte stated that they x~.d drill through the htdlding ao that the elsotria oabU. pass through ono bracket std the hoary ballast etlui~ sent xculd be insido. The lighting fixture xoald haw three flusresaettt robes (B"~ 4 ~d S•) itsaediatsly oxen the "Paktng Garden" sign. The hood x111 be clear aarylio grey slash alutti.tmu auto .finish std the galvanitted braolata xill bs painted to tratah as xrear]ry as possible. Zhc hearit~ xas closed at $s30 P.H. A hearing xas held at 8t39 P.14. on the application of A~tliarie Saith for a Certificate et Apprepriatsne:a xith resgoat to changes in the axS.ating dxelling at 59 Forest Street, xhieh is xithin the Battle Green }~istriot. Haloy stated that sad Mr. Sxith had xorked together over the past years and that aonatruetiot? is nett 94D;d tsompl.ets ea a fob begun in 196 en xhioh tlsoy had xorked. ltr. Jaquith asked if there xas :try eb~ectisn to ~ • $I3TORIC ]~t9'~IGT9 C~lI99I©N o 2 Howu~sbsr ?.2, 192 9a1ey""`: sitting en tAo hearing and, sinoe there wre no ob~aetiona. ]ir. dagnith dee].ared that Hr. Daley eoald sit on this hearing. ]!r. daalaith read the legal notice and application. 1Kr..Ssdth sstbaidtted three seals alraxirsga~ef the propesed ohanges.xhioh.consist.of raisirsg tAe dorwer.to asGker a . fall dormer and to tessera ,tom .exist3asg adtoAen .e~innia+rr. and . replse3asg xith a larger .x3ssdox. ~ e~dst3.ng xi~enr_ie a, single danble harm xiadew amd the proposed nepr xindex.xoald be a. set of three xlndcnrs, the aenter.to bs stationery and .the. taro outside easeseent xii'doxs: to open.. ~e dornrwr xiado~rs x311 baw solid persass~t ;xcod seantina.___ Zhe shiaeg].ea x111 b. xeathered tm satAh the e~datirsg xeatisered shingles anal the trio .x111 be painted xhite. The hearirsg.xaa clsssd.at 8e~e P.M. A hearing. xaa .areld at 9t36 P.H. ors thr appliaatien of Lexington Caaera. $hop,.Ino. fer a Certificate of Appropriatemess xith respeot.to the erection and display of Oro aiaas_:f®r the stare at 185 l~assaahnsetta JTe~o~`.xhich is xithia the Battle dx*ssn District.. Kr. daaYaith read.thc lcgwl notice and application. Present far the applicant wre Attorney Frederick.Cenroy.and Mr. $ewro of l3etal Letters Corp. dagaith~ststed that tre sets of aosle draxirsgs had been su6mdtted. tins sat-.xae: -the sago as tasat subnittcd at the on 8epteaber .11A,. i~?2 and. the secead set has iQ" and.fe" .let+ tars and .6" and h.' setters fer. the xosd."xoaak".. 1Sr..:Cenroy stated tLat Mr. 9aeitl Ass stated that she nerd "1CodaY' ia.. asst is~portant to bias.. He x111. ass the ].agend.. "Le~d.ngten..Caia+ra" en the lfaaeachaaetts ATenae . elsrvsi~on and. the legend "Lexington Castors .Shop .Koalak" on the I~eriax Street sl.etat3en xAieh ha: a lomger,baekboard..:After..the Certif3.aats xaa-isaaed en 8eptemleer.l~,. 1978..~,.ftaeiti, cenaidered appealing. the dse3sien,in oourt.aa.he,desired..the. xcrd "I'odak" en- tim.signs, a~elloxing_a.oemersation.betxsera Idr.. dagaith and, . Conroy, a ~ apg~Ll.eation xas subsdtted.. Hr.. Pasaoas asked xAy Hr. 9aasiti . felt that be needed tam. xerct. "Koelak" on, tksi.a store. si.nee it is not.. on :his store on 8eds'ord ,9treat. , ltr.~.~ Conroy stated that the_,9edferd .Street a.,tore is a franchised store .,and that this.netr,:tare is a.bras~h.and he added that Kodak. xcaldnot franehiae.a second ~tare_in the crater of a~ tsxn asrd Timatre Carrsn is a. Franchised Kodak stare. It xas .stated that the letters •f tlroe xordw".1~siak" xoald bs in F# kt. geld .lest a~ xoald }~e 6" and 4" lettara ard. could not kic considered oFFensiw. There Follaxed oonsiderabl.e disosgssion . regarding. the ttss of logos on signs. It xaa stated that the Kodak lss6o.xas yelp sad real bat that this s3.gn _hae beers changed .fer this leeatiesn. 2~lr. 9hax stated that lye ob~easts .to tim aa• sF tlm xord "Kodak" last, objects gore strongly the neon sign not in ;the Hcriam Street irindar, 3tr.: 1~lsipple sand that Ae did .not feel that tile. Co~an3.aaien xa: _oenpremdsing, itself .iF .it allants lass xord "Kodak" em. l~leriaas Street. ,ibe. Conroy stated that .Hr. 8aciti i?ants . the xord ®n bath sides but is xilli.ng to aascept it omly en the lyeriex Street. nletat3.on. lsr. dagaith asked. fer a xete on the :use of the xord "Kodak" i.n the Her3.as~s Street elerat3.en legend. Hr. 9hax scored that the xard "E~+dak" be allexsd in the llas~ian Street oleTation legenal and it xas Toned, faun to °osm xith 14. Parsons Tot3~ng against. TAo hcaris~ xas closed at igs23 P.H. It xas koTOal,~ aemenrled,~ ,arsri ,Y©~i0 .to issue a Cert3.fioate .tc Leoairsgtcn Canes Shop, Tno. fer the,erection,of txo signs at i$~3 Maaaachusetts'ATenate. Psr+ ticipating in this decision srcrr Coswsd.aaiencrs iiilbur 3t. dagnith, Ph31ip B. Persona (TOtiatg ne), Donald J. Shax, and Aaaoaiate Cornriasiosmra abryston T. Daley, anal Laxrence AT)sipple. s • BI3T~IC DISSRTGT3 C33ION e 3 Bovesiber 22, 1972 1~lr. Jaquith stated that the-Baildi~ Tnapsotor has told Mr. Millen that there xeuld haw to be an outside cellar door, Mr. Jaquith stated tJeat the height of the tower sn the Cary Mss®rial Library addition xeuid b. 9'' and that there scold haze to bs a rentilat3.ng unit added aemsplaea an the reef. Imo. daq*ith said that an application had been rsaNixed Eros 3a>< H. Sher~ran for a sign for a real estate effiss in tLe Retire Green Hotel and hs shexed a aketah xhich had been autaarittid. Hr. dagnith requested psr+ uiaaion to se~id a letter to Mr. 3hersaan atat3.ng tb~at the Cesaiisaisn did rat like the proposed sign ss~l the asa~bsrs present agreed.' It xas spsved, aaeonded, amd nAanitously Y0~ to assets a CsrtiFicats to Aun Marie Ssd.th xith respeet.te changes iu the esistfag derolling at S9 Forest Strwt, xhich is xithin the Battle Queen 83.atriat. Participating. in this decision xere Ce?~aissioners Wilber H. Jaquith, Philip H. Parsons, Ronald d. Shax, and Associate Cessdssionera S. Laxremce iPhippls anal Asyaton T. Daley., It xas ~tsved, seconded, and nnaniasualy fOZSD to issae a Certificate to Lesiatgton Bnterprisea, Inc. (Peking Garden) xit!? respect to the erection of a lighting. i'i~datre for the e~ciating sign em the building. at,27 Walthsa Street,.xhich is within.the Battle Green District. Participating in Chia decision xesy? Cess~lssienera Wilber M. Jsgedahr Philip B. Parsons, Donald J. Shax~ arx! Assedats Coasissio~rs 9. Laxronee 'Whi.pple and xoyaten Z. Daley. The teseting ens ad3onrnsd at i0tS5 P.X., Philip B. Parseaas 3ecretsry