HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11-08 4 J ffIST~IC DISTAIC~9 COlMtSSIaE A eieet3.ng o! too Eiatorie ht'fstr3.ots Coesdssiea was I~rld on TiPidneeda~r Eaveaber 8r 197~s irr tie Seleeteten's lbeting ~s Tetar. G!tleo Hnilliaegs Itoa. Preso»t vere Qesrdssieaae~rs 'Nilierr I[. da4aitle,: ~hairseasti Philip H. larson~,,8eusrotaz~r; aesrgo E. @rawsi Dena3A J. Shag ~eergia.~. 'l~illiapli a and Assssiatto G~sseSsarieteers ?].bert S. ,Pitt astd ltopat~ Ea],o{ar.' 1~. Jagtei.th stated that as applieatisa hid been received !rest ~rxeoan Sean fer reteevatSsns to the dtalli>ig at i!!+~ $Pedtsrd .Street atei that a hearing vestld be bald ose this applieatiesa en Deeeattior 6~r 1992. Efe ales stated. that- ax applieation Wald be reeeivel t"rsse %m~b1e QLl 4 8nrisriaeE Cosepaery with respeet to erhangin~g tlnsir sign at i® i~Iolern Stseet Trans "Ease" to "]boron". I~Ir. Jaelffitb road a dralt s! a Cortilieate o! Apprepriatesuess fer The Trnstses o! the Cas~r ~festsrlal Limrsry with respect to an addition to arK! alteratie~ ise the Libl~art at li9k Massaohasstts Aveeesse trhieh.is within the BattLr aresn flistriet. _ xrr. liiiliises sewed drat the Aran bi aas+ aseptsd sad a Certiliaate et lpprepriatestesa .be leased; >ir. fires seeeatded the stetioni sed. it tras .ns].ar Y~ClRiRR. Participating its this deeisioee vets Cosedasiouers 1[!).bar Ja4ffithe. Philip B. Paraests~ George E. ~rat?eaf Tleaasld d. Sleaw, awd Mergia fi311iass. An ad~orrtaed hearing vas. held at Et 3® P.X. oat the applioat~.sn s! Y;tie ArtSsa~.Ibe. !or a Grtifieate o! Apptspt3,atoaosa ~1th respost to the erection and display s! a sigae aben tie dooreesar to the stets at 19 F~pot Sgtutre, lte•. Jagffith read. the legal netieo and. applieation and atatd that this ieaaring tas a~i,~aaraed fY'est Nwesdrer 1~- .1972. ltrs. Barsn aed ltrs. Chslll? represo~rtel thii applieanta, lb•. Jagni.th stated_ that this legal stetlee. vas pnblid al~Il! the .lesariteg set October 4, .1492 tr)sd.ch tats sd~etirneti to De heitd is eon jee~otiaua with this heariaeg.. 'Aeras seals dratt+ ings o! the prepossd sign.v~s~e seeladtthd. The width o! the silo will bs 6*,6" tdth 3" o! ~.ek en soh side and the height e! the sign. t~.aa~, bo 22" frith 1~2" asst eet~ered. '!'iM sign w311. 'III oresw velar with. stareon letters, both. aolers to ¦r?tsh as arear7,1? as pessib~.e the existing sigses at 15 acrd 19 39opot Sgtlaro. The lsttna o! tiu trend. "i/illage" te3.11 bs 6" sad flee letbra of the ,word "dartisares" will lee 4".':: ffirs. Hr?ren witledrsier the app ~,ioatiost o! Augttat ~ i992 tritlt xespoot, to raising the wrtieal sign. It was stated Heat tats rortiaal sign wsatd leave to be reacted. The baring was elosod at et5s P.1L . An adgettrned h~raring on the apglieatisn of t3ee = Food f(arloet Cd1cp. vas hell at 8t5g P.1[, Three espies of a scale dsatdetg shesing the vests "Me7.ting Pot Z><tersiatienal" "Oo>istret Foods" taro s>t~ttted. Tt vas stated .that tie si~pr trotkld be 3' , h'~ and 29"d" lei. Tire ffiPl~' rs a! letters ere to do rained Totters painted lsrons~ anti. t~ ].ewer teen o! heir fete are to be painted lelaei~ on a wi~Lte baekboard. The hearing was ad• 3 at gtt~ll P.Ii. • HZBT~C{C DISTl13CRS C~SSIOII ~ 2 iletiestber 19'72 An inferssil sraotimg xas h01d xi.th Mr. Racit3., Att. Fredsriek Conreye and 1Kr. Sesvrrs eP !fetal Lettsra Carp. tti,th n:poet is the sign .Per the I,ezittgtoa Guerra Sleep at- 18;3 ~laaaaahnsstts Ar~ase.' It .was ststsd t>aat alter a CertiPieate Prr a.sign.had been issued the..appLlattnt deeided that he waxtsd. the xsrd "Kodak" in .the signs.... Netr dt*atrittgs identical. to the .original. drauings.wrs ~laaittad and another eat, eP. draxinga ita,a boon sab* tdtted. On tiros Massachusetts Awnne eleratien the. sign xsuld be. changed to "L,e~dn6tea. fiiaal'a: w Kodak" anti. On the .llLer~atl' ~trMt e~.e7?at~.On te. prie?'~ 1>agtoa Caaera 3hep . ]Yodak" 7hs letters. far the word "Kmalak" would be and lF" attd re>vain the sstee 10". anal 6" ter the other words and. wrnld bs sP ~ let. Bold feat. l~(r. Persona said that. he .Pelt."Esdak" would bs better in the, 10".and 6" Lttera and Mr. Raeiti.said that.he ~ight.haw.a proble= with )t`edak iP thm lettsra wre, that sise. . Mr. t~rarea said. that. he files "Kodak" better as is.. l~Br.. Stair said.. that. he dees• set like. tits xord "Kodak" . ea tbr.,sign. Mr.. >1aleT said tlaat...Leacitt6t~en. Pasera .Shop else sbexs eteryw.. th»g carried that . tla word "Kaiak" xsnLi aadicate. >lir. Jagvtith acid t>,ttt the greblen is .what., is apinaropriats. here. aigd: that. the legend . is eta .part. lie said that .the Cetrwissienbas to dseide .iP the.. word..")iodak" can be used. $e said tbst,~ i! the Cotetiasien. adepts. tie ~ae...aa representing.., r?erything as Mr. Raelti nays,,: tben_ perhaps it could . be . apprewd , as tl3en it ,would not lee s logo. .Mr. Bacitt said. tbat Yodak. Itas apprered this•si~t. 2hsrs xss a dieeusaien on xindrtr displays .and. tits possible interior use oP. a aeon sign tdiieh Mr. Aaeiti said t3tat he did .not west is -use bnt wi]1 iP neces+? sar9 to attract. business. The nrsting was ad~omrtad at 9th0 Pyld. It was trrveti, secended~ and +tutaniaeeus],T Y@7MD to 3asae a Cert,'LPi+®ate to ~'il~ ..Artisans., Inc.. tri'th respect to the ereetiea and .displa8 oP A sign Par ,the store at 17 Depot S4vare* rhich is xithin.the,Battle Green District. Participating in this decision wore Commisaieaers Milbnr M. daaipiths Philip B. tureens, $store H. Grawes~ Dena~.d d. Shaxa and Georgia H. ilri~'~i'~. It was aofad, seconded, end ttnsni~rsuslJ Y©iMD to issue a Certificate toe Lezingttn F®ed 1l<arkst Corp. frith reapeat tt the ereetion and. disp].e~c of a sign for the store at .1751.. Massaohuaetta Areaae,,; which is xitMn the Battle 6resn District.. Partieipat3ng is this dseision ware Cessdssionera Wilbur M. Jaquith,.. Philip B. Paraetts~ serge tlravee, Donald d. Shaw, and Creargia It. 'f#illia>.s. 4lts nesting was adjs~trnsd at lOt4~5 P.M. Philip H./Parsons Secrettrf