HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11-01 • HISTaRtG HTBTpCLCR3 COION. A mset3ng of the Htateria Districts Caasiisaion tree held on Wedaeadsy,: Ifevembsr 1, 1972,' in the lBslectmen'a ]Keating Rosin, Tova Gffiee Banding, Lesingten. Pre~ent.xero Camrissioners.Wnbar K. dagnith, Chairmani Philip B. Parsons, deeretaryi Gosrge 1£. iirav~a; Donald J. Sdhax; tierorgia 'Williams; and Aasooiate Comaisaionar 3. Eaxrsnos irhipple. A hearing one held at 7e~d P.M. an the application of the Trustees of the Car? Hamorial Library for a Cortifioats sf Appropriateness xith respsot to ehangoa to end tho ereotion sf an addition to the existing library botild+ ing at 18~M Maaaaohmsstts Ars~o., o?hioh is xithin the Battle Eireen I811atriot. Present at this hearing representing the applicant wets: Pied C. Hai3sy, Chairman of the Library Tre[stees., asxl 3h3.rley H. 8tels, troth-repressatimg the Eibrary en the Permanent Banding Co~aai.ttes i H. 1~labss ' Pre~sot lh~ger,, Otis S. ~'~r' dr., and Yilliaa Scowler,' all rsp7+oaenting flint Psr+ mansnt Banding Comad.ttee; Arehitsat Albert And~rssn sf Architsots Design GFroup, Ins.i Robart.C. Bi].tsn, Direoter, and_Swsanns lli~aet, Assistant Di+ rester of the Cary IB~erial Library. Also present was 8tsphen Politi~° rsp~? resenti~ .the Essington Idiaiwte~IKan. 1Kr. dagotith read the . Iegil. notion and the application for a CsrttLfioats. I+h. dagnith stated that the Casmd.seisn has ~t nformallr feriae with the Library Trastsea, Permanent. Bandiieg Come sittse, Arohitoot, eta. sad that this is the fornat.adrertised.hearing. lfr. 1Kahes said flat tho eosawittee appreciated the Camad.asioa.mestSng.infor~ maT~T xith the oosadttee and that the arahi#~set..has rediMdgnsd..tb plane along xiih rooasnasndat3.ona made at.the First meeting so'that the aaale draxings nox oenform r~saasnably onell orith the model. presented at the 3eptssr+ bar 26thinfermal meeting. l~&. Anderson submitted three seta of drawings and the aoale aedel. In answer to a gneatisn bF Mr. dagtklth, Imo. IKabse said tlu?t no ehangsa had been made in tho model ainoe the infernal meeting on September 26th. lair. Ardoraon stated that oru thing that does not shag is a very small al~,plight on the oast and south eleoratier?a at tbo top of the. point xhich xovld not bs •isibls frcaa arty plane. Hs stated that this would bs a ssall babble t~+o skylight which xi11, be oat of .sight and not as large as the g].asa ire the,. esoiling of the Ssleotmsa''a I~teoting Room. .8s stated that a doors atracturs enables the arehiteot to span an area withoffit ~sinta~ eta. and is atroagsr. There ores considerable discwasion about the fewer and wirrdaor grillage around the tower. Mr, daa1stith said that it seems to him. that there was ns break in the railing bat that it was 3ast set deorn en tap of the tamer and asked w}gr this was as. irr. Anderson said that this had been dens to allow extra roam. Mr. Shaw asked boor high the tenter xould bs and said that it looks as if it xoutd.be tho highoat.poixat of the banding. 2~. Andersen acid that it xould bs the highest point of the banding and probably is bw tureen h5+ and 5d`' in height. Br. f~rawa cao,msnted that the. stair tower had been brought dash to reduo. aias amd iKr. Anderson acid the location eP the grillage xould apex i®r ability to hide an six chiller if it is dstermined that one is needed, lighting for the stairwell,, and xood srolliona set. within I~'IST01tTC ~I3IRTCTS COI~SSIOS ~ 2 Sowmbir 1~ 19'/2 the masonry. 2~. Jaquith asked how sraeh tosses and 1~. Anderson said that t~ xa11 xas recessed abort 12" and the gLs• aheut 2" bohf:nd the st~ecoo. ilr. Jaquith. asked aboro~t tease: , in coaparissn with. present xl.ndetta and Anderson stated that the recess world aateh the rooese of tht windoxs along 17aaseehusetts Asonie. l~r. Anderson, in answer is a gtieatien ~ Jaquith, said that the vertical xeod strips xeuld bs out Iron tw wall anti ritreted to horizontal pisses that xould not bo.visible..end xiuld w between 2" and 4" Eton the atucos.. The metal cap ilaahiag at.the top.xaald be virtually invisible. lfr, Jaquith asked xhat Mr. Attdirsen wenld gases the wood xoald extend o~tt trot! the stases a~ he sneered short 8" to 1". He stated that he xas not toady to cemosit himself is tit er redwood stripe. l+$. Parsons asked xhioh xoald atard up hotter amd lUr. Anderson said that redwood xoald probably oatlast tit although fir xeuld last if roll nsintained and hs said that r>•itb~er redxeod or tit xeald likely split it properly ohosin. l~r. Jagalth esked l~r. Aad~rasn i.f there wits a~ plaoi arsan~i this .aria with this typo of screening and ltr. Anderson said that he oeald.got think of arpr e#stpli eleao to Loo~t!lgteA although theta probably was• 1~r• Jagaith algid if it xoald bo a solid deer at the toot of tits texsr and Mr. Andersen said that it xoald be a solid tiro-oadt door only and that it xovld prehably bo a solid door xith battens on it. Kr. Grows aaksd.i!' the fewer xould be abort 4!f" te> 4g' and !!r. Anderson said that it woald' bo xitb about a 9~ grillage. 2h•. Persona asked i.t .the. babble ,xiald bs evident Iran !lassach setts Avemu end Mr. Anderson said that hi did .not bsliew it »orold bi visible exeept iron the tep Floor sf sarroandi.ng buildings.. ffie, dagaith asked if t here xould be anything else en the .reef which is not shown os the draxl.ngs amd rbc. Anderson paid that. there xoald bi wont pipes for the toilets which xould all bi.bask in the flat area Of the roof. $e said.. that a fresh. air memitor on the too! might be.rigaisid end that more xirk xeuld ltavo to be done to dstwrnine it. other things xenld bi 1~iquired on the rw?f. lgr. Grawa asked i! regular glass xealtl be wed eA the oast ilivation and ltr.' Anderson said that it wo~].d bi i" regular glass. Y~r. Shax asked if the' xovld Btilise #hi east ilevatisn !ir parking amd lgt. Anderson said that they xoalel lilts ti aia the dririway off ~tssaoha«* setts Awnni elitdaateal. .Mr. Mabii said that they xsald talk. with all dew partnints of the Tarn im?olvid* i•e. F1re~.Pelieey. Trellis, 3eliotresn, 'Tarn 1~?nagerr Planning $oards etc. rr parldms. and traffic. >gr. Aexierson said that hs bpsd the drivway xoa].d not aentimne aroand tren Clarloo Streit to Pb~ssao)easitti Arirme. Mr. Parsons askrd her irotoh store perlcin6 there i xoold tti ~ >~r.' Aadirsen said not Hush trite. lir..Ti~ti •tatsd that aLl matwrials haw not been specified on the draxiuSi• 1~~ Anderson said that- all the sash xoit].d bs sestal .painted xhite to mats>? idsti~ paint but that the natal had not born determined. .1~. Andersen said that xith the wrtica7. liaison.ximdows am atteerpt has been made to deal xith the problem o! providiAg aoalol;.soope, etc. that crude xindin xoald wt do. Shax asked i! they xerald use copper or loaded eeppir and I~4r. Anderson said that they xeald grobably ass leaded copper. aIBTA~tC DI$TkIG~S C~'!NII'S9IOii 9 iffier 1~'~ i9'~ i~fr. wadorsoa stated that ttu?T iatoad to sateh floc prosettt sxtsrer astorials sa aCaeh as possible.. ? die w:Lll i» applied .oa the .low steeoo wall. sad. flare are wi.adews bshiad this Bri21o, 1~r. Parsons sakad about. the rasp and if it was.~ust for aorrioo. ldr..d~orsaa said that it weuld.leo fre~.uhsol!~. ehs,,l.rs anal . that .tha set iae area ..wotal.d bo..,bolow_ the rasp. The soreies our teases will be abe>rt 1~F~. wide, 17r. ,~elersea said that. theta .x1.1]. bo ps7.ant~ ings aload the ,rasp and he.would kspe there would bo.l~~ plaatiada.. fir.. ds~nith asked. shoat the depth . of tko aorlioe . rsiep sad llr. daClsrsan .asid that it wenld go Eros b''' to .The rawp wilt. be oft Clarke :Street-amd tb re will bo a walkRa$ ar~d stsir~p~T eft tln.--parid~. lot: whioh.will b. oalsraod . soarehat. The sorarioe ontramee door will,:bo iSZ• axd !?e s recessed porch with doors. This. would .be ef.stueeo-sad ooaorote:aad.that he.xeuld prefer s bsiek .reap but: that probab7.y. tisoro will not too suStieioo~t . tumda . far brick. llr. Farsoas. asked .if_ the new entrsaee wonld_bo libo. the present. aia .door sad !lr..Amdersoa said .that.it would hare. tin. sa~~~efteat.as. ,the. , .photograph . ia. the Coasdssiea•s book.. lfr.. daqui~Qh ,asked there would be swimgiag doers. 1a flee . seMeo .area. aad 21r,: Ami+ee'soa said .they would bo and would. bs _painted t. _aatoh the.. atneeo to aako~: iib;. iaslsiiola a;a posaibL, Thom woro].d . bs glasod . wiadoxs .xi.#h- stsoeo all- arstiad at. ahe. and.. hired Mass would„ be used.. oa1T oa _tleo .recta. sad . the.. rest. of .,.tier _ ~ttadews will bo clear. alass...,.,~t. Atdorson stated .that. the Zru. eS 3wocS,agtoa, Balldiag.. Coals retuirod that a eoaereto fonadatiom. eaanst >n ,lane .than .1®" abewo . so aaaaot s aeeo acre the eoasrete..bo].ew atl"...fie saki that; thop:hiwno sae. larged sass w3.adoss oa the south .a]srat3ore. of tbo old b~dia6. so would uae . the .sale -tie of stew ail}... ltr. Jaquith. ssksd. about, lights and Z6r. Aadearaem . aid, that. ease were shswA .amd tia~ eurroatl;? plea on]:~r is add .for the tee ceased door umder the. rasp. 2lr, tirares sakod.abort liShtiar the parkia6.,lot and 1fr.. rtdsrsea said ahat tbo. Tm~m. would probablAr want s~? Lt~htinS there. ite :titod that. the. laael.lno of ,tiro. rasp is eal~r, so that. it is ut oftieial ].a? elsssed as a. rasp.. -Itr..dagaith asind Mr. Aaiorsoa. if.:,tho~r wou7~1. like-s statessnt .to the Meat That tiroro. wi,Sht bo .ladhti~ . aL+oa6, tiro ..raised. sidow walk. t draw.faggs mere sulesdttod to aad ap~prowod, lipr, the .Coawissiea .prior to . imstallation.. ]!r. Anderson said ti?at ho .tools that. tlsls would. ,be.. a 16osd waT to laaai3.o this. , H'o said. t>Mat a~ IiSi?t- 'httstties :prebab3a .would b. floedr?: lights and Mr.: Sil.toa sa#~i titat> thsro, arc spsfli~hts : oa. the eossers...et file building aae.fsr thsa:psrkiag.let...Ilr. Aadarsoa said that he.doos aot,;wsat 2.l~ht, pales im ths? parldss lot aad_ that M ,does art Soot this is part of his prebloa.;, hfr. Flab s~ said. that ho tools.this sheuld,bo_ left. for the To~.As«? ~ partwoats iar+olwod. ,fie said.that..his eos~sittoa.<wi31. Se bofere aiu' a 'i~oM~l Boards SaYels~od and titat,ho xiU. rsfor those Tern .Hoards to the l~atoria Aistti.ets Cosadssism for 13shtiig,~ pe~rHaade ote. i~ftboo 'said that he fooU • decision oa ].idhtias aad parldad tot.:hou].d be hadd. oM. ngtil Lter. dlr. Atsiorsen a+tiid that xeuld..;lf,ks to haw .:the. psrkiag_preblesa d•~red ua- til:lator and: lhr.' i~laboo aid that ho foals dralia6=.with tbo: parkfad ]:et :new. is prosats~+ and that ho would.be saroesble to tiro Certifiosto iacludims a stattoasat to the effect that.tho parkS.ug lot is ast iaaluded. l4boo askad whom the Caierissisn sdSktt au~ioa a dooisioa sad itr. Amdorsen was row quested to smlas3.t throe sofa of scale _plsas sheiriag uat~rrials, ate. Mr. Jaquith asked the Cosuissiem sier~bers if nap had as~? ob3eoti®ms and none were expressed. The t~osr3.a~ was ad3euraed at 9shS 'P.14. Bz3T{IMtC MI9TgTCTB 3IC~ ~ ~ fiber i,^ 1972 The ]sssring of Village Artisans, Ina. seheduled ter 9th'! P.M. was oalled to girder by Mr. dagnith and tMn ad~omrned YLsn ao sne appeared fer the applioaat. Iii. Jaquith sn4dtted one Dopy of a new sign for the Lexiagtsn'Food Harkst Corp. 1Kr. Jaeisi.th stated that an applieation for repairs to the txoa+faai7.T danlling at 18•x+2® Badfard Strut wonld lee subwitted. ldr. Jaquith saba~itted a bill frog Barbara Gilson, Clerk f®r flatobsr 19?'2 f®r ~tb4.9fD (Postage.. W X1.15 axd $earings anti Clerieal ffier~ioes • 33.75) • It was cared,. seoanded, and unaniaoualy YOTBD to agps~ow pgsant of this bill. It was accred, seconded, sad n+~o~+~,1.1 YOTBD to issue a Certi3Yoate of Appropriateness to Gir~iero 8. l~iillen with respect to the ergotien et s single Easily oss~tery ~ dth txe ear garage en Lot 1Per.8 $ridiuua , which .is within the Hanuek~Claxlce .District. , P;rtie3:psti~ag in t]sis deoisien tirere Coatieissisners Siilber !i. da4ait]y!' Philip B. Perseus, tieerge 8. Gratres, Donald d. Bhaw, and GeerBia S. 1ii.].liaas. The nesting was ad~euruci at 12~ 'l~idni6l~t. ~ . Philip H. Perseus Secretary i