HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-18 4 ? meeting of the Historic Districts Commission arxs held on Wedmesdag, Qctober i8, 19T2, in the 9eleetsem's Meeting l:oa~a, lbarm Qifioe Iraad.mgten Presemt seers. Comodasioners 1~lilbar lli. Jaeiuith,' ChaixAani Philip B. Parsons, Seoretaryi George S. Q~ravest Dowd J. 3havi Georgia Williaraat and ?ssociate Commissioners S. 1.strrenoe Whipple, ?lbert T. Pitt,; amd &+yatom T. Daley. ? hearing eras held at 7a 51 P.ffi. en the applicatiom of Donald S..ttshsr, Jr. amd John Mean d/b/a ?ennis ?Mair for a Certificate of ?ppropriateraess xith respect to flee erection and display of a sign for the .store at i lierla~a Street. 11'r. Jaquith read the legalnotioe and.applioatiom. i'hres oepies of a scale dras?i.r~ of the proposed sign xsre snbrd,tted, Tire aigm .is to .have 119" oapcEtal xood faced Roman style letters of ?J~ kt. gold leaf om the ec~dstrr iug backboard. of the buildimg. The hearing as~aa ad9ournsd_at 7:~8 P.M. It ws moved, seconded,. anduno?~ously VOl~i3 to iaene a Certificate of ?ppropriateness to Asmald S. tlah,er, dr. and Johm Sean d/b/a 1bnMis ?ttal,r - for the erection and. dispZ,aT of a sign. tor. ttwa story at i Msrl.am .Street, vhioh is xitd~im flee Battle Gxeen D3striet. Participat3mg ,in this. decision; vets Coaodssiosssrs itllbar M. Jaquith, Philip Parsoss, George R. rlraves,' Dewld J. Shax, and Georgia g. Willl,ams.` !!r. Jaquith stat~sd that hearings sere sahsdsaled om lta~eber .1, i972 for ~ charges to amd the ereotiom of am addition to Cary Nmsorlal. 7.'1.brary and also ter a a3gn offer the emtranae doorsr~? of ni22age ?rtisana.` Jssqul.tb aa3d. that aplalications haw been. reoeivsd from Pekimg Gardem for hood u6h~ aver tl:lr Ifalthsm Street sigm, F. Wil2ia~e.3m3thfor ohangss to and am addl.- tion to the duelling at 59 Forest 9ttyet, amd from Ts>~tem Calera BLop,~ Imo. far a alaar~ge lm tke approved signs to ino].adr.t2ae xard "Sodak" is sash sign.. Mr. Jagnl.th stated ,that. flu laat.applioatiomhad been..reosiyed.from . ?ttorney Frederivk Conroy and tdsat he had told. Mr. Conroy that the Historic Districts ?at does mot l.l,nit flu n>sabsr of appiioations xhiah the. Coarmdssiom ~.Y' rseeiw frog am applioamt.' ? hsarlxsg vas held at 8120 P.M. om the application of $smaeth ll. Brooke for sactsrior architeatnral changes in .the teatasrea of the darsl7.ing a-t. 26 Harusook Street, arhich is xithin the SavoeckwClarbe Distr3.ot., Mrs.. Brooke anbmitted photograplsa of danelling.andthe proposed door.' She stated. that.. they ari.nlaed to install alusdnaam coabination. xi~vsrs sn the ssoomd- floor of the dwlling must and eremtual3y on the first hoar and attic. and a satep7.e . of the.xhite baked enamel alundssam vitadox xas,submitted. ltrs. 1lreoke stated that they alas xish to instal], oombimation doors .on tl~e aoutk,,trout, and north eleoations of the house. ?t the present t3ats they plan to instsll. Defy the door on the south elevation bast they are request3.mg persdsaion to insta]3, the other tvo at a later time. The doorsvould also be of xhito baked emaaeel alvmdmam comatrnction xith charcoal ooated alardaaum screens. the south side door viii haaro a orosspiece at the bottom of the v3.ndaws of the door. lire north side door xill match the existing door so viU. haw a marraa? Erases aril .solid glass panel. Mrs. Brooks u1d that they hew boom advised fie nee xoodsn getters so are vit2draximg the request for alumimam getters. The hearing arse a2osed at $a5j P.M. y~ HISTORIC mISTRtCTB C~!IIlL3SION ~ 2 ~teber i$, i972 A hearing waa held at 9tO0 P.M. on the app'Liaation of Ieudngten Food Marlaot Corp. for a CertitYcats of lppropristensss with.respeet to the.srso+r" t3.en and display of s sign .for. the store at i~f§i ~asaachuaetts Avextms, wMoh is within the.Battls 6resn 3?latrio.t. Mr. dagaith,read tis..le~al notioe and appliaat3.on.' I9`r. ~drrard digttr~aa tm4dtt~ed .into sets of . three aaale eiraa~• inga of a proposed sign.. Hs stated.that hs had owned the stets fer throe years bat. had aontiawd to retain. the old name; new that ht 2tas_renea~tad . the store and made ahanges.in the preducta oarriad. he wishes.to change the Hs atatticl that he aroatld prefer the shape of the first: sign aa>bmitt~ed . bat aroald notob~eat ter changing the letters to these-of the.aeaond drawing. Following eonaiderable elisearssion, it was agreed that new drawings xanld be attbsritted with the.. ai.~m te.bs 29"6" long {fttll,addth be.ttnen pilasters)*.. suue3~a height of raised black;wooden Roman letters. l0" high .for the words "fie lse7.ting Pot", 6" .letters painted. in a .dark bronze aolor for "~ronri sot Foods", both roars of letters to bo centered on sign, and a i" molding to be isstallsd aroetnd the sign. The hsaririg waa ad'stsrt»d at 10tAd P.R. Mr, dagvith atsted that Reland Gubiaahe has ce~aplaineel abent a atoekade fence sreatsd.on the 1laasaehasetta Avemts aide of Wilson Farms. Ne said ti~at he bad talked with Don Wilson arho said that Mr. Gnbiaehe had regn~eatsd erection of this few®. ltr. dagnith asked k4ra. Williams if she world draft a.report of the work of the Cermmiasion for Part A. of the Totrn's ?nnva]. Report. i wn ad~onrnsd hearing was held on the application of Genevieve H. lfiil].en for a CertifYaate of dppropriateneas with reapeat to the erection of a eiatsll~ iug at S 8righati Road, whioh is within the Hancock-Clarke District, and aant~ plea of building .materials were subsdtted. D4r. Daley was anointed to sit for Mr. Shaw whe? was absent for the hearing on October 4th. Folle~wing conic siderable discussion, it was coved, seconded, and.Y04ED {4 yeas .and dir. Parsons not voting.) that, sub3eot to extension of tlce application not being received,. conditional disapproval be given .for the reasons that. the drawings do not give auffioient detail of the elevations and that. seas of the amtsr3,als are not considered appropriate for a dwalliag in this location. Parttcipat3,ng in this decision xere Commiesionera Wilber M. daqui.#h, Geerge R. tiravea, Georgia H. Williams, and Assoe:iate Conmrisaionar Royston T. Daley.. It was moved, aeeorded,.and unanfmoualy V07~D to issue a Certifiaater of Apprapriatemsa tv Kenneth and I~rgaret Brooke wi#h respect to exterior architectatral ohanges in the featares of the dwett~ at 26 8anceak Street, whioh is witlsian the Hsnaock+Clarke District. Participating in this decision were Coms~iaaioners Wilber M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George Graves;' Donald J. Shaw, and Georgia H. Williams. The aaeet~ was adjourned at litiS~P.M~. Philip 8. Parsons Secretary