HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-04 AISTOIiIC DISTRICTS CO~SHI6H A mceting of the Histor3.o Distrl.cts Co~ssdsaion was held on tlsdnssday~ October 19?2s in the Seleotsetnas listing Room, Town Oft'ioo B?~ilding= I.ax~ ington. Present »sro Coustiiaaiorsors liilbnr K. Jaquith,..ClYSirmant Phi13p B. Parsons,, Sscretarp; C,oorge L. Qraves; Georgia lt. Wi]11ass; and Aaaooiate Coesissiemrrs tioerg• i~. lhsrry~ Albert T. Pitts. and $,oyston T. Daley. Pitt was appointed to sit for Donald d. Shaw who was enable to be present, A'~aring washeld'at 7rt?5 P.K. on the applioatisn of Village Artisans,. Ina. for a Certificate of Appzsgriateness with rcapeot to the change of lo~+ cation .and di:play of an sxi.sting sign on.t~ bnildiug at 17 Depot which is within the Battle &reen Diatriot. llr. Jaquith read the leg~al~~s tics and applioatis>a. Present far the applicant were. lira. Chelly Harem and Mra. A. Sl~?r'. Kr. Jaquith stated that the Comssi.ssion ]sad. originally approved a algh for over the entrance door at .17 Depot 8gnare bnt that the applicants had prsferrad a verticalsign, 17" wide ~ high. Zhe Hoard of Appoala'ap* proved this vortioal sign sub3eot to approval of the Historic Distriots Geri d.aaion which was given.nndor tho'"hardship clause" of the H3steric Dlatr3ats Act. ?Drs. Baroa said that.thsy mar wish to raise this sign~~" and presented three drawings of the nrsr sign arrangement and .phetsgraphs~of tle aadsting sign indiesating where the sign preaontly is located. ~Sho.aaid.that they Irish to have the lettera•"Art" of "Art3.aana" show as the word "Village" dace not cacplain .what the store is ud, she.. stated that .hedges .hLoelt the lever portion of the ~gn. A letter .wa: presented from_dehn >P. liacticils. Trastess, Liberty Realty Trust stating that hr .approves this change of sign placassent ess'.his basi,lding. Mr.. Paraens suggested ghat they • try s reasonable. facsidle ..af s cardboard sign above the door. If this proves satief~otsryl. then .a peraaW Went signs eculd. bs wade aub~sat- to sssbsisslon of three coals drawings to and approval by the Commission.- ldr. Jaquith oohed Mrs. Haron.fer sn eutenaion of time to hold this hearing open end regn~eated,that a_nwr applioat3.on.fer a. sign over. tL door bs subrdttod. to hint t~essrror,. It was . statwd . that a sign . above the deer easuut•ba msero than isa. hsi~ht. it was. suggated that .tie ends of the sign eontorm to the car?® ot.ths coda of tbo "Insurance" sign. An extsnaien of this .hearing was requested send lbra,`Baron-statsdQ."The t3ao witbise which the Gommiasion say act Ypon tine feregoissg applicatdon. is hcrob,V eatesided to December 1, 19'x." The hearing was ad~onrmed at Ss2,5 P.M. A hsarisag was held at 8x38 P.M. on the application of Kr. am3.Mrs. ~h~srics Drimser d/b/s Doren*s for a sign for the store at i8h•9 l~fassaohsssetts Amessste~s, whish is within. the )attla Green •Distaiat. •Mr. Severer sign. mssnte«? faetarea subsdtted three scale drawings of the propeaed~sign. Tye stare is ~I to bs betsnen the Lesingtsn Ca»tiera Bhep and doaathan David.snd is to consist of three bays. The store.frsnt is 27' ila length and the overall longtlt of tlu sign is T. It was suggested float the letters of-the ward "Baron's" be more widely spaced. T'ha hearing was eloscd at 8s4•~ P.K. It ras siovod~' ssoe~led, and unanimsowaly VOTEYi to .issue a Cesttificate of Apprepriatoncas to Mr. aswl ]firs. ?laurics Driacr d/b/a Doren': with respect to the eroetien and display of a sign for the store at 1849 Massachusetts H ffi1BT8~C DI3Z~CT8 COB~59I011 ~ 2 ~ktsber 1972 Awry, rhich is xlthin the Battle green laistrict. Participating in thin 2loaiaiott were Cesoaiasioners Wilber Ii. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, Crsergo 1R. firavoss t3eorgia H. T~Ti]J.iatts~, ant. Aaeeeiate Coamdsaiener Albert Mtt. lir. dsquith sabttitted a bd].1.for Septettbsr i9~ Trott Barbera Gi2aoiy Glerk~ Ter ;109.53 (Peatage + $3.®3s hearings ~ ~#22.goi atd.clsrieal sere rioos ~ ?9.00). It raa aotod, aeoeaded, ant unsbia~oual,7 P'AT~ to apprew payment of this bill. A hearing xas held at 9190 P.M. sn the applioatien ef.B~onotiete H.. l811en for a Certifioate.of Appropriateness rith.respeet is the ereotion of a one•atory, osefasdly dwelling at.8 Brighatt Beado~ which is xithin the. Aanoooi~*Clarb District. fir. daaiuith read the legal ~tios and applleation. Present for the appLioant Hero 4enstieve.8. amat Lsenard L.ffillen. A2se. present xers ahastters Peter G. ilTateraan of i0 Brighats Bond, ffiatt tiahlo of 6 Hrighan •Boad, and. mrs. Seths Olson of 3 Brighas< head. Clatrts Aaso~x. oiates of 12 tisst >i~ssrson Bead, lfs2rose are the architects. .itr. >fillen sub+ sttted an arehitectural.sketchand blueprints. The Trent elorstion.ef the drellins rill hate .flat quarried stone Trott Bow Qearry e!'.Salett Street,. l~lden and it ras stated that there is a tariation in color of-this reddish grey :tom; the Trent rindews are set.forxard about 10" xith diaaeond shsped leaded glans panes of )~ng2iah oettags types this left x3ng is to be of weed shingle: acrd aentain bedroattsi the~r3,ght zing is to bs of ban siding and contain garage ant ]•sundt7t tla txs ehitt~yw~are to be the saw.+gasrriad stone ands sawple xill.be,subrdtted= the rood pertion_of the house rill.bs a grry ¦tain= the doers xill bs a recidiahbroRa.(Bata~o Bad) stain~.the.triu, cupolas and plaint blinds rill .be painted whits;.the oourtpard ri11- b at autique.redbriok* a aattple ef.rhioh x121 be suiosdttedi-there will be a ba:ems aentt Attdsraen rintows ri.th perttanent wooden sasntina rill,bs. weds central ;sir eonditieuing will bs installed xS.th the .eotrpreseor on a concrete sLb outside the house as nwr.te the inside 2'urnace aa.is Possiblei and tentiLr tisa lsurxos is the atria x121 bs painted the saes color as the bony of tits kouse. The neighbors disenssed the rater probless ef.the area and atwted that they are wxried abort. chat. will. happen to the drain en this .lot when grading for the house is delta as a.drainage pipe .has :bees .installed. in this let. )sr. Treble said.. drat ho xould like t' be able to Hake sriggestiona when the fire cettes for grading and Isillen agreed to this. ~Dr. 1/aterrtan questioned the distance of the silo-yart and said that. the.distanw appears t0 be igo frog the street airols to the front ~ aertrar et the garage. l~r.' Jaquith saki that there are spacial soning grarrisiena for cel+~do+eao astr basks. ldr.~daquith suggested'that ffie. l811enhaw .the architect rsdrax the plot plea to confortt to I~.2].er i~ 1191antsrs Let Laysat Plan for daakson >iatates, Lezl~tton~'9ept. a1~ 39~ and said that ~ho.Cemdssien rill keld up on taking notion oA the applicat3.on until it recsitea Host plot plena. It was stated that 2.ighlrting fixtures sn the front entrance. amd other doorway entranaea a~ a lesq+ post would be approved epee subadssien of a brochure shoring the tixtatrea. Jaquith said that it would be ideal if the air y ~asT~c n~aT~ucTa Caracas=aM ~ 3 Ooteber ~ i9~2 eaendit3omer oo~spressor were pat. inside the hones snd saggested that. the arehitMOt eeasider the.leaation of the eoa~presser and sore~aing, ,There ~7 be a shakset~?ps sap~ult shingle er hLok asphalt shing].ea Por ,the roof and sasgiss are to he sabtittod. The.. hearing ms ad3earned st 1®t4Q P.M. Iir. Jaquith stated.that as applioatiem bas ban reeei~ed fer tks Cary lieseorial Library ad~tion and that this xi]1 he adaortised fer heariug on aev~ember ist. Me stated that three hearings aro soheslaled fer akstsbsr ls. 2Ir. Jaquith stated that aA application for a lighting hoed. Por the front sign has been received froaa Peking Qardsa and also an applieation has been received for changes is the dwalliag at 59 .Forest attest. Mr. daquith•statsd that the aeettlsh bite has salnadtted site and toand•'' soon pLns to eea~ply with restriot3ons in tha Dsaelition Persd.t issaed by the Ce~dasioe whieh•stated=that per~dseion tar destislition was given sat~~ot to reesipt..of.the.plat.pLtn fer s11 Luil,din~s oatside..the District.' Mr. braves. weoed and. it was nmaiaeasly Y0T6~.tLst !h`. Jagaith be aathorieed to draw ~ ~ sctasl emote for tipin6 by the, Clerk.. Mr. dags~t.th read a Csrt3fieats of App~ropa~lateneas drawn nP for the First Parish Dnitariarr»Daiversslist.Charch applloatioA for the eraati.ea sad d3.aplsy of taw signs. It was wn?od, seconded, ~ad..aaaniaoashp.VaT~I to is+ sne this Certificate. Partioipati.ag .in tlai.s doaisien were Coasdasionirrs 'f' ~Iilbar 11.. dagaith, Phili.p~ B. Paraoss, besrgs 8. Iirayss, Georgia II. Wi,2lians, and ?ssoaiate Cass<i.asioner wlbert T. Pitt.' The aaarbera at the Ceaarisaion then exaudned the drawings for the, sign Per t1at. Laadpgton Food. Market Corp. anti the Ceasdsaieners agreed that they did net like tho design or the lettering sad sbted that they wouldnaich prefer.;a siwple otraight baokbeard. The asisi~ng was ad3ov~rned at 113 - •~/L~~_G'r~r-•~-r/ Philip B. Parsons aecsretary