HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-14 i • • xtsTORZC DZST}txcrs coMMZSSioN An adjourned meeting of the Histaria Districts Commission was held on Thursday, September 14, 1972? the Selectmen•s Meeting Room, Town Office Banding,. Lexington. Present xere Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman Philip B. Parsons, 3eoretary~ George E. Graves= Donald J. Shawl Georgia H. Williams: and. Associate Commissioners S. Lawrence Whipple, Albert T. Pitt, and Royston T. Daley. Mr. Jaquith stated that the hearings this evening had been adjourned from September 13, 1972. An adjourned hearing was held at 7=~+5 P.M. on the application of the First Parish Unitarian-~Univeraalist Church for a Certifioats of Appropriate-~ Hess with respect to the erection arxi display of txo signs for the front of the Church. Mr. Jaquitls read the legal, notice and the letter of appl3.oation. Charles Cole, architect, represented the Church and subsd.ttsd three scale draxings of each sign atxl of the front of the Church showing location of the signs and of the front of the Church also xere aubodtted photographs. The signs are to be located beneath windows on either side of the front door and wi71 be behind columns. The signs will be 5'2" in height,' 3•$" aide, and of 3i4" thick plywood. Mr. Cole stated that the Laymen's League had raised the money for the signs xith a viex to 1975. One of the signs outlines the his• Cory of the Church buildings. The other ai.gn, xhich rill have removable plates flush to and fastened to the backboard so that changes may t?e made, ~ gives the time of aervicea, names of Minister, Minister Emeritus, and either Assistant Minister or Musio Director. The signbackboards will be painted xhite and the Roman letters will be painted bleak. The moldings will oast ' shadows. These signs are similar to those on the Church of Our Redeemer ' except for the Dolor of the letters.Robert Cvstanae will make the signs with a hardwood edge covering the plywood. and Newton Norman wi11 do the letter- ing. A problem was raised regarding the height of permitted signs versus the height of these signs. Zt was stated that a variance might ba neceasarq as flyers never have been signs on this building. The hearing was adjourned at 8s 15 P.M, Mr. Jaquith then asloed the Commissioners if they had an6? obi Section tv signs of Chia height and 2~lr. Persona said that he feels they are I large signs but that they will be located on a large, high buildir~. Mr. Jaquith stated that two new applications had been received and he xas scheduling hearings for October 1$, 1972. One is for a sign for the i store at 1 Mariam Street and the other is for exterior changes in the dweLi.~ I ing at 26 Hancock Street. Mr. Jaquith stated that the Library Addition Committee was meeting with the Permanent Building Committee on September 27th and would like. to have ' tlbe Commission meet with them at the same t3~ informally. Zt xaa deoided that the Co~ni.ssion would be willing to meet informally with the Library Adw ~ dit3on Committee at a different tame. I 'j i HISTORIC DISTRICZJ COMMi3SI0N - 2 September 14, 1972 a Aa adjourned hearing was held at 8t30 P.M. Mr. Jaquith stated tt:at a joint notice had been published covering five applications for Csrtifieates of Appropriateness for signs for stores in the nett Central ID.oesk. He said. that one hearing would bs held bat that separate Cartifieates would be ism sued. lid. Jaquith read the legal notioe, the letter from Ernest A. Giro requesting the hearings for five applications, and also a second letter from Mr. Giroux withdrawing the application of the Wine grid Cheese Ce11ar,.Ine. Three sets of scale drawings of each sign were submitted by Carlos C. 3ev®ro of fetal Letters Corporation. The four applications were fort Sxetsoff Gales ~ lery at 3 Mariam Street, Jonathan David at 1845 Massachusetts Awuaue, Danish House at 1841 Massachusetts Avemse, grid Lexington Camera Shop at 1853 Masaa- chusetts Avenue. fetal Letters Corporation x171 do the four signs anti will use 10" capital letters and 6" lower letters instead of the 12" espital letr- tars and 6" lower letters as shorn on the scale drawings. Mr. Raciti stated that he was a frsnshised Kodak camera shop and was supposed to nee the Kodak logo. Hs stated that he would have three bays on Massaohusetta Avenue so wanted the words "Camera Shop" and "$odak" and on the Mariam Street eleva- tion he xould have five bays qo wanted the words "Lexington Camera Shop" and "Kodak", Mr. Jaquith stated that it xaa the practice of the Commission not to approve a product an a sign. Mr. Raciti said that, since Kodak is the biggest part of his busir~sa, ha feels the word "Kodak" is more important than "Camera Shop". Mr. Jaquith asked him, if the Commission deletes the xord "Kodak", xould ~ change the legends and Mr. Raciti said that he would leave them as they are. Ha said that he feels the side to be aonsidsred is the Mariam Street elevation and that, if "Kodak" is omitted, he would haw to put a neon sign in one of the windoxs and he,does not rant to do this as hs does not like neon signs ared also hs lives in Le~d.ngton. Hie said that Kodak is very particular and he may haw a laxsuit if he does not use the Kodak colors but that he would agree to the Roman style letters xith ?1+kt. gold leaf to match the other signs on the building. Mr. Chsit, President of Jonathan David, Inc., said that he had no objection to raising the "J" ao that the bottom of drat letter is even with the bottom of the other letters. It was stated that Danish House has a pastry shop in Action and that they play to franchise them. The hearings were closed at 9t45 P.M. 3~. Jaquith read pertinent parts of the Board of Appeals Permit issued to The Lexington Mt?wa Trust and then read a draft of a Certificate for this. Minor Changes lrere made. It was then moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certi.f"icate of Appropriaterreas to Amelia G. Samolyenko et ale, Trustees of The Lexington ?bra Treat, for the erection of a building complex at 10-12 Hussey Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Fartici~ pating in this decision rare Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shaw, and Georgia H. Williams. It was moved, secoruied, and unanimously Y01ED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to William F. Fletcher, Jr. with respect to the erection and display of a sign for the second floor store at Mut;$ey Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Participating in this decision were Com- missioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shaw, and Georgia H. Williams. s~ F HISTORIC DISTRICTS CONIl~SBION ~ 3 September 14, 192 It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Seymour Swetgoff d/b/a Ssiet$off Gallery with respect to the erection and display of one sign for the store at 3 Mariam Street, whioh is within the Battle Green District. Participating in this decision Were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquithm Philip B. Parsons, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shax, and Georgia. H. Williams. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Jonathan David, Ina, With respect to the erection and display of one sign for the store at 1$45 Msasachusetts Avenue, Which is within the Battle Green Distriot. Participating in this decision Were Conr- missioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George E. Graves, Dona7.d J. 8hax, aril Georgia H. Williams. It was moved, seoorided, aril unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Danish House With respect to the erection and display of one sign for the store at 1841 Massachusetts Avenue, Which is within the Bate tie Green District. Participating i.n this decision Were Co~mnissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shaw, arm Georgia H. Williams. Before leaving Mr. Daley said that he feels very strongly`that the Word "Kodak" should not appear on the Lexington Camera Shop signs as it might be Preoedent setting. Mr. Shaw moved that the Word "Aodak" be eliminated from both signs of the Leac3.ngton Camera Shop, seconded by Mrs. Williams, and unanimously VOTED. It Was then moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to the Lexington Camera Shop With respect to the erection it and display of one sign on the Massachusetts Avenue elevation end one sign on the Mariam Stmt elevation, Which is within the Battle Green Diat~ict. Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M.-Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shax, aced Georgia H. Williams. Tlse meeting was ad3ourned at 11e30 ~r Philip B. Parsons Secretary IjrsTrx~IC DZSZ~CTS cc~russzoN An adjourned aas®ting of the I~.storic Districts Commission xaa held on Thursday, September 14, 1972, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room,. Tbxn Office Buildir~, Lexington. Present xere-Co~mmissiorrtra Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairnan~ Philip B. Parsons. Secretary= f3eorge E. Gravest Donald J. 9haxP f3eorgia H. Williams and Associate Commiasionera 3. Laxrence Whipple, Albert T. Pitt, and Royston T. Daley. Mr. Jaquith stated that the hearings this evening had been adjourned from September 13, 1972. An adjourned 1»aririg xas held at ?r~5 P.M. on the applioat3on of the First Parish Uni#srian-Unieeraaliat Chnrah for a Certificate of Appropriate- ness xith respect to the erection end display of taro signs for the front of the Church. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice grid the letter of application. Chadea H. Cole, architect, represented the Church and aubadttsd three scale drawings cf sash sign acid of the front of the Church shooing location of the signs ark of the front of the Church also rare subsdttpd photographs. The signs are to be located beneath xindoxa on either aide of the front door and wi]1 bs behind columns. The signs x111 be 5'2" in lueight, 3'8" aide, and of 3/k" thick plywood. Mr. Cole stated that the Laymen•s Leagas had raised the money for the signs with a view to 1975. One of the signs outlines the hi~- tory of the Church buildings. The other sign. which will have removable plates flush to and faatsnwd to the backboard so that changes may be made, gives the time of services, names of Minister, Atiniater Emeritais, and either Assistant Minister or Music Director. The signbaakboards x111 be painted white and the Roman letters x111 be painted black. The moldings will oast i ahadawe. These signs ors similar to those on the Church of Oar Redeemer except for the color of the lettsra.Robert Custance x111 Hake the signs t+i#h a hardwood edge aaoering the plywood, and Nexton Norman x113 do the letter- ing. A problem was raised i+egarding the height of permitted signs versus the height of these signs. It was stated that a variance might be necessary as there never have been signs on this building. T'he hearing wsa ad~ournsd at 8ti5 P.M. Mr. Jaquith then asked. the Commissioners if they had any olr ,~eotion to signs of this height and Mir. Parsons said that he feels they are large signs but that they will be located on a large, high building. Mr. Jaquith stated that two new applications had been rweiwd stmt he xas scheduling hearings for October 18, 1972. one is for a sign for the store at 1 Mariam street arsd the other is for exterior changes in the dwell- ing at 26 Iiancoak Street. Mr. Jaquith stated that the Library Addition Committee was meeting xith the Permanent Building Committee on September 27th and would lily to have the C~i.asion meet xith them at the same tuns informa].1Y. It was decided that the Commission would be xilling to meet informally with the Libr:°ary Ad• dition Committee at a different tame. ffi8'ICC DI3TRTCT9 COI~lIS3ION • 2 September !4, 1972 An adjourned hessing was held at 8:~0 P.M. Mr. Jaquith stated that a point notice had been published aavering f9.ee appltoat3ons Por Certifiaatea of Appropriatets3ss Yor signs for stores in the new Central EQook. Iie said that ores hearing would be held bat that separate Certifioatss would be is- aurd. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice, the 1®ttsr from Ernest A. Giroux requeatir~ the hearings Yor five appliaations,.and also a aeoord letter from Mr. Giroux withdrawing the apglioation of the Wine and Chase Guar, Ina. Thrss sets oY soak drawings oY esoh sign were subodtted bpr Carlos C. Severo oY Metal Letters Corporation. The Your applioations were tort 3wetsotY Gal- lexy at 3 Mariam Street, Jonathan ThEVid at 1$45 Ifassaohnsetta Ave+taie, Danish House at 1841 Massaahusetts Avenue, and Lexington Camera Shop at 1853 Masaa- ohusetts Awnue. A4sta1 Letters Corporation will do the four sigees and will ttae 10" capital letters and 6" lair®r letters instead of the 12" oa~tal let- ters wed 6" lower letters as shown on the Goals drawings. Mr. Raoiti stated that he was a Yranahised Kodak Damara shop grid was supposed to use tip Kodak logo. Hs stated that he would have three bays on Maasaohnsetts Avenme so wanted the words "Camera Shop" and "$odak" and on the ~Fsriam Street sleva- tion he would have five bays so wanted the words "Lexington Camera Shop" and "godak". Mr. Jaquith stated that it was the praati~.oe oY the Commission riot to appraw a product on a sign. Mr. Raaiti said that, ainae Kodak is the biggest part of his business, he feels the woad "Kodak" is mre important than "Camera Shop". Mr. Jaquith asked him, it the Commission deUtes the word "Kodak", would he change firs legends and Mr. Raaiti said that he would leave deem as they are. Hs said that he Yeela the slde to bs oansidered is t2a Mariam Street el.avation and that. it "Kodak" is ami.tted, he would 2iav+e to put a neon sign in one oY the windows and he does not went to do this as he does rent like won signs and also he lives in Lsxingtt+n. He said beat Iodak is very particular and he may have a lawsuit it he does root use the Kodak oatora but that he would aSree to the Roman sty'l.e letters with ?1akt. gold lest to match the other signs on the bsdldixeg. Mr, Chait, President of Joasthan David, Ire., said that he had no ob~reestion to ruisiang the "J" ao that the bettcme oY that letter is even frith the bottom oY the other ls' ten. It was stated that Danish House has a pastry shop ire Aotian and that they plan to f'ranshise them. The hearings war. closed at 9e45 P.M. 2~. Jaquith read pertinent parts oY the Board oY AppssLs Permit issued to T9~e Lex3ngtern pfsxa Trost and then read a draft of a Certitiaate for this. Minc?r a2tanges were made. It was tkren moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTRD to issue a Certif'ioate oY Apprapriatenea~s to Amelia G. Samoly+enko et ale, Txuateas of The Ieadngtore Mars 'hhrat, Yor the erection of a building oomi?].ex at 10-12 Musas~r Street, whioh is within the Rattle Breen District. Partioi- patini in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, {3eax"8e 8. Graves, Donald J. Shaw, and Gsorgix H. Williams. It was moved, secon~'ed, and unanimously YOTH;D to issue a CertiYiaate oY Appropriateness to William Fletcher, Jr. with respect to the sreotion and display oY a sign Yor the seoond floor store at 4 Hussey Stmt, which is xithin the Battle 4reen Distri.at. Participating in this deoision waexe Com- missioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip Parsons. George R. Graves, Donald J. Shaw, ar?d Georgia H. Williams. HISTOiR,IC DISTRICTS CCri~9ISSI0Pt - 3 September 14, 1972 It raa moved, seoonded~ and ur~sr~imously VOTED to issue a Certit`i~t+e of Appropriate~sa to Seymour 9retsoff d/bfa 9aetsoff Gallery wi#h respect to the erection and display of one sign for the star. at 3 Mariam Stmt, rhich is within the Battle Green District. Partioipat3.ng in this decision rats Canmd:siors$ra Wilbur M. Jagnithm Philip B. Parsons. George Grav®s, Donald J. Sher, and Georgia H. Williams. It was mated. secondsd,-and unanieeusly VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Jonathan David, Ins. with respect to the era tion and display of one sign for the store at 1$45 I~ssaohw?etta Avernse, rhioh is within the BattZs Grsen District. Participating in this decision rare Com- miasionera Wilbur H. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George E. Graves, Donald J. 3hs~r, and Georgia H. Williams. It raa moved, sssonded, and ~arlimonsl~y VOTE to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Danish House with respect to the erection and display of one sign for the store at 1841 Maasaohuaette Avenue, which is within the sett tie Gresn Diatriat. FartSoipating in this decision rare Commissio~rs Wilber M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shag, and Georgia H. Williams. Before leaving Mr, Daley said that he feels very strongly that the word "Kodak" should not appear on the Ls~cington Camara Shwp signs as it might be Precedent setting. Iii`. Shaw moved that the word "Kodak" be eliminated tTOm both signs of the 7~dngton Camara Shop, seconded by Mrs. Williams, and unanimonaly VOTED. It ras then moved, seconded, and unanimonaly VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to the Iwxington Camera Shop with respect to the erection and display of one sign on the Massachusetts Avenue elevation and one sign on the Mariam Street elevation, which is within the Battle Green District. Participating in this deoLion were Commissioners Wilber M, Jaquith, °hilip B. Parsons, George ib. Graves, Donald J. Shaw, and Georgia H. Williams. The meeting was ad3ourtsed at 1130 P.M. Philip B. Parsons Secretary HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION September 21, 1972 To Commissioners and Associate Commissioners of Historic Districts Commission An informal meeting between the Historic Districts Commission and the Library Addition Building Committee.. has been scheduled for Tuesday evening, September 26th, at 8:00 P. M., at the Cary Memorial Library. The Lexington Permanent Building Committee will .not attend this meeting. Attendance at this meeting by as many Commissioners and Associate ,Commissioners as can conveniently attend is requested. Wilbur M. Jaquith Chairman