HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-23 BISTi'~IC DZST1tZC~ COlIlKISSZON A seating of the Historic Districts Commission xas held on Wsdrsesday, Angnst 23, 1972s ~ Roos Q15. Teem Office ~~+@t.-Lexington. Present xere Commissioaera Wilber M. Jaquith, Chairman; Philip B. Perseus, Secretary; George l~. Graves; Donald J. Shax; and Associate Conrlasioners S. Laerrence Whipple, Albert T. Pitt, and Toyston T. Daley.. For the first setter of basiness Mr. Jaquith asl~d Mr. Shax ts, take aver as Chairman Pro Tam Bird appointed Nr. Pitt to serve for himself ~ l1ti~. Raley to serve for Georgia H. Williams xho xas unable to be present. Zt ~ :Quad, seoonded, and unanimeusly YOT2D to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to A. Giroux Realtor with respect to the erection of sigtrs for the ofriae at 3833 i~lassachuaetta Avenue, xhieh is xithia tars Battle Green District.- Part3.cW ipating in this decision rare Comsi.asioriers Donald J. Shax, Philip B. Parsons, George B. Grave:, axui Associate Cossrissioxiers Albert T. Fitt and Royston T. Haley. Mr. Jaquith resmsed the Chair.. Following a ba-ief discussion of the ap- pliaation of Colpitta Travel Center for a Certificate of Appropriateness irlth respect to ahangea ixr the entrance doorway of the atore.at 17'93 Massachssetta Avenue, xhich is within the Hattls Green Diatriat~, Mr. ibex moved that the ap- plication of Colpitta Travel ,Center for a modification of the sntranae door for the l+b~ssaohusetts Amnue entrance doorway be disallowed for tare reason that the proposed modifiastion appears tc be in violation oY the ~~n6' Code, such disapproval to be xithout prejudice to the film of.a xrw? app3.ica- tion, unless tare applicant anbadta a written extension of #ise of .not leas than 30 dsys to the Comsissien on or before August 28, 197'2.. The motion xas seconded by Mr. Paraona:and unanisously YO'1~D,. Participating in this deaaion xere Cemmisaioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George Graves, Donald J. Shax, and Associate Commi.saionr Royston T. Daley. ` Hr. Jaquith discussed the ].attar written by Walter. Pierce to the Hoard of Selectmen and said that he had xritten to Allen Re:rney, Chairman of the Board. i1r. Jaquith said. that he had stated. that there was nothing ~+.in, Imo. Pi®rae`s suggestions of appvintobnt as the aomsittes setting up the Cbm- ffisaion had goons through this 3n 1956 and that hs would review and xri.te i~ letter to the Board. on the method of aeleat3on of sssbers decided upon Lr 1956. Kr. Jaquith subsdtted a color chip for the barn door .desired ba? Jaws Silva for the barn at 15-17 Bedford Street xhioh is xithin:the mottle Green District. It xas moved,. seconded, :and uman3sonsiY YATSD to issue a Cert3f'i,• Date of Appropriateness to James and..Dale Oleo Silva xith respect to :changes 3ai the existing barn attached. to the house at 15-27-.Bedford Street.. Partici~ pacing in this deoisien mere Commisaionera Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George B. QaGaves, D©nald d. Shax, and Assoaiata Ca~mdasiernsr: 3. Laxreaxss Whipple. i~fr. Jaquith ate~ted that an application had been received Eros YiLlage Artisans for smvir~ the vertiaslsign letters, 2~. Jagvi.th stated that Carlton Hoes® hsd pa atoakade Yenas arou~ tJre air conditioning unite at 19 MuB~ Street. ?he seet3s~ ras ad~ournsd at 9 Philip B. Parsons SseretarJ