HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-16 IiISTOl~C DISTRICTS COM~IISSION A meeting of the Historic Districts Ca®amsi.aaion waa held on Wednesdag~ August 16, 1972, in the Selectmen's Meeting Rocm<, Town OfYi.ce Buildings Lss? ington. Present xers Comedssio~ra Philip B. Farsohs, Searetaryo George E. Grawa~ Donald J. Shawl Georgia. H. Williamssy and Asseoiate Co~rmissioners Albert T. Pitt arsd Togston T. Daleg. Mr. Graves moved that Mr. Shaw serve as Chairman Pro Tess, seconded bg .Mrs.. Wi.l7.iama, and so ~OTSD. Mr. Shaw ap?? pointed 1~. Pitt to serve for Wilbur H. Jaquith, Chairman, who was unable to be present. Mr. Shaw introdnaed Mr. Daleg xho was recentlg appointed to fill an Asaoaiata Coatiisaioner vacaneg. A hearing was held at 7~i+G P.M. on the application for a Csrtificats of Appropriateness to A. Giroux., Realtor, with respect to the erection and diaplag of signs for the atora,at 1833 Maaaaohnsatts Avenue, which is within tAe Battle Green District. Mr. Shaw read the legal notice and the applicaw tion. He also read s letter from Mr. Girowc stating that. the building ad•• dresses were 18331831 Haassahnsetts Avenue,. iw7A Msriaw Street, and 21+27 Depc?t Square and that all signs for the building would.be specified in the leases as hood letters aovered with 24~kt gold leaf! approadim?te7.y i" deep and 1/2" off the backboard, with capital letters of i©" and lower case let~* tars of 6" in height. Mr. Giroux stated that the fasoia board is painted.a vanilla color as apsoified by the as-chitect and,..uafortunatelg,.the gold.letr~ tare do not show up toe well against ,this fascia board. Mr. Giroux aubssitted three scale drawings of the sign .far the Hassaahuaetts Awmse aide of tbs office and .also three scale drawings .for the sign to be arected_on the Depot Square sid® of the aYi'ice. The capital letters are to be 10" high and the lower sass letters 6" high. One of the tenants bad bean told that a wry fine buck line around. the base of each letter xonld delineate thelettsra better. Phis would be dens bg painting the hack of the letter black and barelg wiping it. around the edges.. The hearing was ad3anrned at 8x10 P.M.. A hearing was held at $t20 P.M. on the application of Colpitta Travel. A$snay for a Csrtifiaats of Agpsropriatsnssa with respect to exterior altera» bons for the store at 1793 Maasaahuaetts Avenge, xhich is within. the Bottle. Gran District. Mr. Shax read-tbae legal notice and the application. Mrs. Cioere,, Manager,.agbsdtted tastes scale drawings ahcrwing the change. whichaon+~ slats of wooing the esl.ating door forward to the .front of t~ building. A letter Prcaa do:eph Trani, Tract of The 177 Bsa].tg. past, appra+ring this change was read. Mir. Shaw stated thst the Comdaaion wogldhave to consider the change in.appsaranae ot.,ths building. Hr. Daleg caked where the property lines xss and stated thtt,.if the edge of .the bu3l,ding wraa on the property lisle, it would be illegal to move the door forward. as it xowld open .onto rase. fawn sidewalk. Hrs.. Cicero said t4st she would look into taxis. It was stated that, if the l~lding goes to the propert~r lisle,. then,. the..appliaation would haw to bs disapproved. ?he hear3ssg was deaZarsd ad~ogrned at 8x32 F.M. Mr. Graves said that he feels this.xoald spoil the contisusity of the building Mr. Shaw submitted a bill .from Barbara Ei3.tson, Clerk, . 2'ar d 197R of $76.it9 ($73.75 for olesiaal serviosa and $2.3,5 for postsgs). It was moved, seconded, and unaninouslp 1tOTBD tc approve payresnt of tasia bill. It was decided to west an Wednsadag, Augaat 23rd, to sot on the appliaa~ bona of E. A. Giroux Realtor and James Silva. ~ • HI3TDRIC DISTRICTS C3TO~P • 2 Augaat 16, 19'72 Mr. 3bax passed out copdes of aletter sent to the Board of Seleatmert by Walter Pieroe of Pierce ~ Pieroe, Arohiteats of Nexbux~ 9tsset in Boaton~ and a former camber of the DssigM Advisory Ganm3.asion_regasding the ao~osi- t3vn of the Hiatoria Diatriota Coumia=ion. Mr. Shax requested that the mem* beta take the letter home and read it std stated that there xould be no dia• ouaaion of the letter at this tine. Mr. Shax read a letter from-The Lexington Mexa S4~tst xithdraxing_their application for a Permit for Demolition or .Removal. of the. house at 10»12.. Massey 3trest and Por a Certificate of Apprepriatsnsas.xith reapeat to the erection of a building on the abase prem3sea and altsrat3.ona.to.the banding on the premises knoxn as 1fl Rear .Massey Street as.ths Board..ot_Appsala had. denied the various for itysuffiaient set back. An.infarmal meeting xas held xith Mra..Amalia Samo]~enka.,.Trustee..et '1'hs hexington Mara ~ttat, and.Berbert Riaenberg, Arohiteat. Mrs. 9amo7,,g~snko ahowd a rendering of the.. net grvpoaed building and. Mr. Riaenberg aakuaittrsd three seta oP scale draxinge of the:. net prepoaed building. There.. x111.be ~ xirr3vrs on either end as brick tixexalls rill be required. The banding xnl be 18"~?#" inside the rear lot line. Five stores era pLnned for .the first floor plus the ainetea. The plans are eeaentially the name swept Por the solid brick ends. Tltie root line x311. ruin the same. The main pick uP and. delivery xnl.be on Musaey Street and there x117. be a trash compactor in the basement. The building x111 have a brick veneer on concrete block. The building is set beak 11"'6" from Massey Street. It xas stated that a hearing on this application xas scheduled Por Wednesday, September 6th. The meeting xaa ad3vurnsd at 9t Philip B. Parsons Secretary