HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-12 ~ ffiSC DI$TEtTCT3 CO1rIl~4tSSI0K L meeting of the $1.atoria pistriets Coasdaaioa xaa-held on Wedneadaq, ding 12, iQ?2, in the Selectmen*a 1~ssting Room, . Tox~ Q!'fi~ Hnil~tit~g, .T.a~dng~* ten. Present xera Co~mei.aaionera ~Tilbar M. Jag03th, Chaia~rani. Philip B. Persona, Secretaryt George I~. Gratesi Donald. J. Shari and Aaaoeiats Conod.a~» aioners Albert T. Pitt and S. I~xtenae'Whipple. Mr. whlpple xaa appointed to serve for Commi.saiener Georgia H. Williaees rho was unable to.be present. A xas held at 71,50 P.M. oh the applloatlen of Irexingten 8nter- prisea, Ina. Peking Garden). for a Certificate of Appropaiatenssa xith respect 'j to the ereotion and display of signs and exterior alterations to the building at 29 Walthase Street, xhich is xithin the Battle Green District. Present for the applioant xere Miaa l~arguerits Hraaco, Preaidenti Mr. Mfoez~ one ,of the :,i proprieterai Carlos C. Setero of. Meta]. Letters Corporatfoni and Mrs. Rose llevilacqua. Jaquith read the legal notice and the appliaatiens. ,The ex- terior ahangea oeaaist of replaoing the present xeoden.doors xith bronae fY~r- i fished alueairnue doors. Thr~ oopies of a scale draxing xere aulaaitted as xere three .copies of scale draxings of the proposed signs. Mr. Setsro stated that qou cannot put red color.lettera against rad.briek and that the Chinese lilas red as to they it. represents happiness, good luck, etc. Therefore they pro- pose a. baked alvad.mua backgrotued of xhits xith red letters. They plan to utiw lies some of the letters from tees xord "B~ostaurant". They 'rill close in the three Chinese ehsraater: xhioh read "Peking~Gaiden".from right to let't. The 1 i/4" baokboard xould be set out 1/16" to i/8" trop the briok xith a 1 I/4" to i i/2" molding around tM backboard xhich xould be. anodised .so xould not pit. The letters tm; the xard."Peking" xould be 1" thick x 20" in height the letters for the xord "Garden" .xetti,d be. i" thick x !t" in. height, and the.. charaotera are 12" .:ta 1#" in height ..and ~/4" . ttsiok of faborioatsd mod painbd ts. match the red letters. It xaa stated that the "Modern Geurmet" aigna are, to be reaaved as Mrs.. ICa~e,n has gone to .Kenton.. It xaa al~o.a#ated that they hope to a~en on Mondaq, July 2~th. Mr. tiratea asked if . flee Caosdasien oegld apgrow Dote lighting if .tlea appliaaYet desired -this lighting. Kr. Jaquith. stated that the (3oasAission xetild. hate to .hats scale draringa before sore light" iag.wn bs apprated. Mr..Shax atated..that the sign is ~fi" in height and asked if it could be out doxn. l~&. Serino said that flee sign oould be aut down to 30" and that,. if the Comctaaion desired, the lengtde oouxd be shortened somsw xhat. Mr. Jaquith requested nsx scale draxings rri.th tl~e baokboard 30" 3.n height x 20' in length and 16" masimune aise letters for the xord "P®id.ryg" and stated that the charaatsrs might haw to be dearease8 in aise. It xas stated. that three spotlights in the bu~hes..at the entrance shires on the xord "Reatau- rant" bq the entrance door ao that no nsx lighting is asked for there.. Mr. Jaquith asked .if the Words "Restaurant" and "Cocktails" Tny the dooreraq lead to be approved by the Board of Appeals. and this, x111 be alzecksd. The .letters of the txo xarda xould bs 6" is height. Mr. Jaquith aaked.if theq ranted lighfr ing in the rear and Mrs. Betilaoqua said that there xas_a laerpp®st in tho rear that lights uP the sign so theq:.do not.xiah to install._additloaal lighting there. Stainless steel iettsrs for the aver sign and flue taro xorda bq the door are proposed. Ties hearing xaa adjourned at 9e35 P.M. .I • HL9TOB,IC DISTRICTS CQlII~ffS3I01~ - 2 duly 12, 19'p'2 Aa informal meet3.ng was held with Irving Mabse of. the P®rmanent Building Committee] Shirley F13.11 Stole,. representative of tb~e Zibrar8 Trustees on the Library Baildiag COffimi'ttee j xobert ~i1t012y Dirsctmx Of the Cary Memorial. S.i~ brargj arai Mr. end®rson of Arahiteots Design Coronp.: 1~&. I~bee said .tbat.tilsy were looking at both Phase I and.Plisse Il;at this time. Mr. p,rxierson stated that the draw sul~ad.tted were preliminary architeotural aohematic.drawings. and totally incomplete exteriors at this point. Plans are basically confirmed. to SQ;~ is answer to a question..by Mr. Graves. They will iholude the former 1lswell.property for parking. It was stated tbat..tltisy are required by law to have a ramp sad elevator for haadioapped persons. Zlte addition will be sta~cao on ae~omnti unfortunately, 'they' cannot afford a fieldstone Poandatlon. The plaaa.call.for deleting skylight near the entrance dootxsy and installation. of s~jrlighta in. the sew reading roost area. The architect stated that. he would leave a model at the Library which w311 be in the Director's Office ao that members of the Cossrl.saion can study the roofliaea Prom that. 1~. da~uith submitted a bill. for. Jnne 1972 from Barbara Gilson, Clerk,. for $88.0 ($66.25 for clerical services and $2.OS For postage}. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously YDT~ to approve pal?ment of this .bill,. Mr. dagv3th stated that he had received a letter from George Mattheaon, Trnatee of Manhattan Builders, stating that he could not attend the hearing. on the Lexington Rntsrpr3.ses, Inc. but that he approved their proposed changes. Mr. Jaquith stated that he had received aletter from Bohn Cirogtt of i Pine Brook Road approving the fencing for the AsrMaon rear yard at Waltham Street which abets his property. 7.'he meeting was adjourned at 11135 P.M. Philip B. Parsons Secretary