A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednes-
day, April 19, 1972, in Room G15, Town Office Building, Lexington, at
7t4g P.M. Present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Philip
B. Parsons, Secretary; George E. Graves; Georgia H. Williams; and Asso-
date Commissioner S. Lawrence-Whipple. Mr. Whipple was appointed to
serve for Commissioner Donald J. Shaw who was unable to be present.
Mr. Jaquith submitted one set of new plans of the Lexington Mews
Trust and stated that a hearing was scheduled for May 3, 1972 at 7t45 P.M.
on the changes and that Herbert Eisenberg was now the architect on this
A meeting was held on Change 1~7 of Certificate of Appropriateness
X71 C-25 of August 25, 1971 issued to Sheldon Corporation, Robert Cataldo
President. C. Bix Shoemaker submitted a sample of the narrow .frame
channel combination window which they wish to install on all double hang
windows on the second and first floors. The casings and all inserts
would be enameled the same beige color as the house and the windows would
have charcoal acrylic coated screens. Following discussion and withdrawal
of Mr. Shoemaker, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to approve
the combination windows submitted in accordance with Change #7 of Certifies
cafe of Appropriateness X71 C-2,5 issued August 25, 1972. Participating in
this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons,
George E. Graves, Georgia H. Williams, and Associate Commissioner S.
Lawrence Whipple.
A meeting was held with Mrs. Bernard Eseeson with respect to the
change of color of the dwelling at 44 Hancock Street, which is within the
Hancock-Clarke District, The house is now painted a beigy buff color with
light trim and white blinds and the applicants (Bernard and Sylvia Eseeson)
wish to change the color to a Ridge Green for the house which is a light
olivish green with blinds and doors of a Walden Green and with all existing
white trim a Wayside Chamber White. Following discussion and the with-
drawal of Mrs. Eseeson, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to
approve the Chang®s in color requested for the dwelling at 44 Hancock
Street. Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith,
Philip B. Parsons, George E. Graves, Georgia. H. Williams, and Associate
Commissioner S. Lawrence Whipple.
Mr. Jaquith stated that he had bean reappointed to another five year
term as a member of and chairman of the Historic Districts Commission. He
requested that the members of the Commission bring in their letters of ap-
pointanent to the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at
Philip B. Parsons