The Historic Districts Commission held a meeting on Wednesday, February
16, 1972, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room of the Town Office Building, Lexing~
ton. Present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Philip B. Parsons,
Secretary; George E. Graves; Donald J. Shaw; Georgia H. Williams; and Associate
Commissioners George W. Emery and Albert T. Pitt.
A hearing was held at 7150 P.M. on the application of Salvatore Vella with
respect to the erects;?n, maintenance, and display of a sign for the store at
1796 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr.
.Jaquith read the legal notice and the application for the Certificate of Appro-
priateness. Mr. Pella submitted three scale drawings of the sign and a photo-
graph showing the store front. He stated that the backboard would remain a
cream color, the .letters would be painted bla.ek, and that the lighting in the
cove, previously approved, would remain. The hearing was closed at St00 P.M.
Mr. Jaquith submitted a bill from Barbara Gilson, Clerk, for clerical ser-
vices for January 1972 of $38.75• It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED
to approve payment of this bill. Mr. Jaquith stated that the .Commission had
had an unexpended balance of approximately $68.00 for 1971.
Mr. Jaquith read a letter sent to him by the Board of Selectmen, re Robert
Lyons' request that the Historic Districts be extended, in which the Selectmen
requested that a member of the Commission be appointed to a Committee to study
possible expansion of the Districts. Mr. Jaquith said that, in thinking of the
long range benefits to the Town, he would like to appoint Donald J. Shaw to
serve as the Commission's representation on this Committee. Mr. Graves moved
that Mr. Shaw be appointed to the Committee to study the possibility of expan-
sion of the Historic Districts and Mrs. Williams seconded the motion. Mr. Shaw
abstained from voting, and the other four Commissioners VOTED in favor of the
appointment of Mr. .Shaw to the Committee. Mr. Jaquith then read a letter rem
garding new rules for the use of the Selectmen's Meeting .Room in which it was
stated that the key to the room would have to be picked up in advance but that
the exterior door key xould be secured at the Police Station as before.
A hearing was held at 8x15 P.M. on the application of the Carlton House
Trust with respect to the erection and display of two directory signs for the
building at 19 Muzzey Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr.
Jaquith read the legal notice and the application for a Certificate of Appro~
priateness. Robert Lyons, Manager, represented the owners and submitted three
scale drawings of the directory sign and of the doorway to show proposed loca-
tions for the signs and also showed a photograph of the front of the building.
H® stated that they planned to remove the "No. 19" from above the doorway and
to place a directory sign on either side of the doorway. The removable panels
on the signs would have a uniform length of 15 1/2" and a maximum height of
1 7/8", which would be screwed on the sign backboards. The hearing was closed
at 8e50 P.M.
A hearing was held at St54 P.1rI. on the application of Leonard J. Colwell.
fora Permit for Demolition or Removal of the garage on the premises at 4 Vine
Brook Road, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Jaquith read the
legal notice and the application for the Permit. Mr. Colwell submitted scale
plot plans of the property and photographs of the garage. He stated that the
foundation is poured concrete slab at ground level and that he xould hardtop
the rear land of the premises for parking. Follatring discussion. regarding
landscaping of the rear of the property to hide the rear of the Battle Green
Inn, Mr. Colwell was asked to discuss this matter with the owners of the Inn.
Judith Uhrig, representative of the League of Women Voters Observer Corps and
a resident of 15 Vine Brook Road, stated that the residents of Yine Brook Road
have asked the Traffic Commission and the Board of Selectmen to put up "No
Parking" signs the entire length of Yine Brook Road. Walter O'Connell, Town
Manager, said that the Board had voted that day to erect "No Parking" signs
from the present signs, which are 90' from Waltham Street, to Winthrop Road.
The hearing was adjourned at 9125 P.M.
A hearing was held at 9130 P.M. on the application of The Le~dngton Dews
Trust for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the erection of a building at
IO•~12 Muzzey Street and for a Permit for Demolition or Removal of the two
buildings on the premises, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr.
Jaquith read the legal notice and the application requesting the Certificate
and the Permit. Present for the petitioner were Constantinos and Amelia
Samoylenko, Trustees, and C. Harry Erickson, Architect. Also present were
Judith Uhrig; Walter O'Connell; Earl Street of Street Company, agents for the
owners of the property at 5-8 Muzzey Street and 17g2~1812 Massachusetts Aver
nue; Robert W. Crooke, D.D.S. and John H. Reichheld, D.M.D., owners of the
property at 14 Muzzey Street; Kenneth and Lois Smith of 44 Grant Street= and
Mrs. Erickson. Mr. Erickson submitted three sets of scale drawings of the
proposed building and photographs of the two buildings to be demolished.
Mrs. Samolyenko stated that these taro buildings will not be demolish®d until
they are ready to start construction which they wish to do as soon as possi-
ble. There followed considerable discussion conoerning the building to be
constructed; type of construction, windows, lights, downspouts, gutters,
blinds, colors, possible tenants, etc. The hearing was ad3ourned at 11e55 P.M.
The meeting was adjourned at i t0 t.
~ . ~~-c.,
Philip/B. Parsons