HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-11-17 HISTORIC DTST4iSCT5 COMi~38I0N The Historic Districts Commission held a meeting on Wednesday, Novem- ber 17, 1971, in the Selectmen"s Meeting Room of the Town Office Building, Lexington. Present ware Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairmani Philip B. Parsons, 3ecretaryi George Gravest Donald J, Shawl Georgia H. Williamsi and Associate Commisaiornsrs George W. wry and Albert T. Pitt. A hearing was held at 7:50 P.M. on the application of Arlene M. Peters and Rose A. Reynaud for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respeot to the erection and display of a sign for the second floor store at 6 Hussey Street, which is within the Batti.e Groan Distriot, Jaquith read the legal notice and the application fora Certificate. The applicants sub- mitted three scale drawings of the proposed sign and photographs of the building. The sigh will consist of the legend, "Apple Saruffa Boutique"~ in 2~" black letters painted on a white baokboard. Following disoussion, it was decided t1~at a 3` x 16" sign oentered below the two front wiYxloxs of the store would be preferable to a sign between these two windows and the canter windox of the aeoond floor. T~ hearing was closed at Si25 P.M. A hearing was held at 6e30 P.M. on the application of Sal Vella for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection and display of a sign for the store front at 1796 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Breen Dietriot. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and the applies cation for a Certificate, Angelo Martinelli, representing the petitioner, submitted drawings of the proposed sign which w®re not aoeeptable as they were not scale drawings. Following discussion, the hearing was adjourned at 6s45 P.M. Mr. Jaquith sul~dtted two bills. One from Goodwin, Proctor & Hoar was for $25.14 for Deeds & Plana ($2.36), Postage ($4..16), and ~eraad.ng ($16.60). The other bill was from Wilbur M. Jaquith for $16.14 for toll II'~ palls in regard to the Mim~te Man Park Realty Trust application. It was moved, aeaonded, and YOTRD to apprave payment of these two bills. Mr. Jaquith abstained from voting on the two bills. I~ Mr. Jaquith then briefly discussed the problem of obtaining a file of photographs of buildings, signs, eto. within the four districts and said that he would like to make arrangements to purohase film with one of the camera shops in town. No deoision was reached on this matter. A hearing was held at 9t00 P.M. on the application of Thomas J, and Wendy A. Holsbog for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to ex«~ terior arahiteatural changes in the dwelling at 5 Hancock Avenue, which is within the Hanaock~Clarke District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and the application for a Certificate. Mr. Holzbog subnd.tted three scale drawn lugs of the proposed change, photographs of the dwelling at 5 Hancock Avew nue without exterior fireplace chimney, and photographs of the house at 3 Hancock Avenue showing the chimney which the Holzbogs wish to add to their dwelling. He also submitted three brick samples. Fo1l.owing discussion, the hearing was closed at 9:30 P.M. ~ . • TiISTORTC DISZRICTS COt~tISSION » Page 2 November 17., 1971 1Kr. Jaquith stated that the Narrative portion for Part A of the Town Report was due on December 10th and that the detailed statistical portion for Part B was due on January 14th. lo5r. Jaquith stated that budget re~• quests for 1972 had to be submitted shortly and that the Commission had reW ceived an appropriation of $1,600.00 for 1971. Through November 17r 1971 the Commission has spent $1,237.00. Following discussion, it was decided to submit a budget with a 15~ increase for clerical servi.oes and the same amount for other categories as requested in 1971. Mr. Jaquith stated that there will be an informal hearing on the prop» arty at 10 Muzsey Street and that C. Harry Erickson is to be the architect on this project. The new owners propose to demolish the house and the - t*3,g cunt blook building i.n the rear of the property and erect a building which will have a general concept of an open arcade area between their building and Dr. Crooke's property. Mr. Shaw suggested that perhaps the Commission could draft an applica+ tion form and also a form letter to be sent to all applicants for Certifi» cafes xhich would explain what must be submdtted at a hearing. i It was moved, seconded, and unanimously YOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Thomas J. 8e Wendy A. Holzbog with respect to changes in the exterior architectxiral features of the dwelling at S Hancock Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Participating in this decision were Commdssioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shaw, and Georgia H. Williams. It was moped, seconded, and unanimons].y Y01ED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Arlene M. Peters and Rose A. Reynaud for a sign for the second floor store at 6 Hussey Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shaw, and Georgia H. Williams. The meeting was adjourned at iit M ~e_- ..7 Philipp B. Persona Secretary