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The Historic Districts Commission held a meeting on Wednesday, Novem
ber 3, 1971, in Room G5 of the Tanm Offioe Building, Lexington. Present
were Commmisaioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Philip B. Parsons, Secretary;
George E. Graves; Donald J. Shaw; Georgia H. Williams; and Associate Commis
aioner George W. Emery. Also present was Judith TJhrig, a member of the Obi
server Corps of the league of Women Voters. The meting was called to order
at 8100 P.M. by the Chairman.
Mr. Jaquith submitted a bill from Barbara Gilson, Clerk, for $109.w7
(Telephone, $3.69; Postage, $1.05; Hearings and Clerical 3ervioes, $105.00).
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously YOR~,D to approve payment of this
Mr. Jaquith then read a letter from Ralph J. F'rissore regarding the
sliding windows to be installed in the three arches of the Giuliano property
at 33 Hancock Street,. which is within the Hancsock-Clarke Diatriet. It was
moved, ssoonded, aril unanimously Y07ED that Certificate Ho. 71 Cr35 issued
on September 22, 1971 be changed to permit the nss of snap-in permanent wo®d
muntins and also to require that "landsoaping oonaiating of shrubs and vin®s
oomparable in type and height to the existing landscaping shall be perms
neatly maintained in Pront of the three ashes". Participating in tlai.s dew
aiaion were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Philip B. Parsons,
Secretary; George E. Graven;,Donald J. Shax; and Associate Commissioner
George W. Emery.
Mr. Jaquith withdrew and Mr. Shaw assumed the chair to discuss the draw-~
ing submitted by Walter M. Cobe, Ino. which does not have the words "Carroll
Perfumer" oentered as 1t is not a aoale drawing. It was moved, seoonded,
and unanimously VOTED to change the wording of one sentence of the Certifies
Date voted on October 27, 1971 to oonform to the aketoh subadtted. Partite
oipating in this deoision were Commissioners Donald J. Shaw, Chairman Pro
Tem; Philip B. Persona, Secretary; George E. Graves; Georgia H. Williams;
and Associate Commissioner George W. Emery.
Then followed s brief discussion on the sign for "Clip & Curl", and it
was decided that the sign on the rear of the afore eonld be maintained and
displayed in that location and that the sign for the front of the afore
should be replaced by a sign identioal dto the sign on the rear of the store.
As voted on October 27, 1971, it was moved, aeoonded, and unanimously V07ED
to issue a Certificate to Nioholas and Elisabeth Nabardy with respeot to the
maintenance, erection, and display of signs for the store at 43 Waltham
Street, which is within the B~?ttle Green Distriot. Participating in this
decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Philip B. Parsons,
Secretary; George E. Graves; Donald J. Shaw; and Georgia H. Williams.
Hr. Jaquith stated that he had received an extension to November 23,
1971 from flee Scottish Rite Masons.
HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMt~SSION w Page 2 November 3s 1971
Mr. Emery asked if Mr. Jaquith wanted someone to appear at the Board
of Appeals hearing on November 9th regarding the exterior vertical sign re-~
quested by Yil].age Artlaans. Mr. Finery said that h® xould attend acid asked
for instructions from the Commission as to what, if aiaythiug, he should say
at the hearing. It was decided that Mr._Emery should inform the Board. of
Appeals that the sign that Yillage Artisans is requesting for the outside
of their store has not been approved by the Historic Districts Commission
and, if approved by the Board of Appeals, that the approval should be corm
tingent upon approval by the Historic Districts Commission and also contin-
gent upon no signs being placed inside the doors xhich are visible from the
Mr. Jaquith stated that the budget must be submd.tted this xeek. He
said that the Town Manager assumes that Mrs, Cole will do more than either
Donald E. Nickerson, Chairman of the Board of Appeals, or he had assumed
that she would do for the Historic Districts Commission. The Town Manager
apparently feels that all legal notices should be prepared by and mailed
out by Mrs. Cole. It was decided that Mr. Jaquith should submit the budget
on the basis of the 1971 budget but incresae the clerical services account
by ly'~.
Tt was stated that the Miirute Man Park Realty Trust owners had not yet
been in to pink up a building permit although they had applied for one and
had let out Mds for the aechanical work. This is for a one-story building
for which the Commission issued a Certificate of Appropriateness in Febru-
cry 1966,
Mr. Shaw withdrer at 9~~+8 P.M. and Mr. Emery was appointed to serve for I,
Mr. Shaw who is unable to sit on the Scottish Rite application. Mr. Jaquith
began the discussion by submitting three scale drawings of the Massachusetts
Avenue elevation. Mr. Emery stated that he would vote against demolition of
the house. Mr. Jaquith asked Mr. Emery if he had decided to vote against the
entire proposal. Mr. Jaquith stated that, if Mr. Emery had decided to vote
against the entire proposal, hs should not sit on the case but that, if he
had an open mind on the proposal except for demolition of the houses then it
world. be proper for him to serve. Mr. Emery said that he had an open mind
on the mnseuier-library complex and that, if the Commission can agree on dram
ings that are appropriate, then he would be in favor of the proposal. Mr.
Jaquith said that the Commission had given them an informal approval for ds+
molition of the buildings if they submit satisfactory plans for the complex.
It was stated that this is not a collection of small buildings and it
is not of colonial design. It is a complex of modern structures based on
present day standards for museum design. Mrs. Williams said that she feels
it is about as "low key" as can be but that she hates to see the character
of the area changed. Mr. Jaquith said that the drawings presented have all
been of brick buildings and that noone had asked about construction of con«~
Crete block covered with clapboards, He said that he thinks what is approved
. ~ •
IitBTORIC DISTRICTS CCM~ff89I0N - Page 3 Nrnrember 3, 1971
in an academic community like Cambridge has no bearing on the Act as set up
for the Town of Lexington. The East Village District idea was to preaer.e
the line of march of April 19, 1775 and also to preserve the business aom~
munity of the 1840's to 1850's when the East Village xas more prosperous
than the Center of Lexington. Although dust outside the East Village Die-
trict, this house comes within that general category. Mr. Jaquith asked
the members of the Commission if they wish to 3eopardize the whole Masonio
pro3ect to save one house of no great historical value. Mr. Persona said
that he does not think the plan submitted is appropriate. Mr. Jaquith
asked him haw it could be changed and Mr. Parsons said that there are no
xindows to speak of although the atrnoture will be well hidden by trees.
Mr. Jaquith asked him how h® would like it changed and Mr. Parsons said
that he would like a colonial structure. Mr. Emery suggested that perhaps
dumzgy windows. and false chimneys could be installed on at least the eleva-
tions which would be visible from either Massachusetts Avenue or Marrett
Mr. Jaquith asked hox it would be possible to take a museum and fit
into this type of area considering the current concept of architectural
change in museum sts+uctures to allow For good display of museum materials. 'I
He asked if the nex aonaepts could be reconciled with a colonial building
design. Mr. Parsons asked Mr. Jaquith if he maintained that this building
is appropriate for this location and Mr. Jaquith said that xith proper land
seeping he felt it world be appropriate. Mrs. Williams said that she was
thankfti~7 that the complex plan location had been swung around. Mr. Jaquith
said that the Commission could deem the complex inappropriate for the area
but issue a Certificate on the "hardship" clause although he stated that he
would prefer not to use the clause in this particular area for this project.
He said that he feels it caaiea down to xhether or not the Commission Feels
that this is of snffiaient importance to the Toxn to go along xith modern
architecture. Mr. Graves said that he does not object to the brisk complex
but that he would prefer to see more xindows, particularly in the areas
that would be visible. Mr. Jaquith said that he feels that the architects
can do better on the front elevation, xrs. Williams said that she feels
the wirxloxs are the only striking feature and that she is amazed that the
building is "so Quiet".
Mr. Jaquith said that woodbine would cover the brick in two years as
it groxs very rapidly. Mr. Parsons said that, if they xould agree to cover
with woodbine, he would go along with the building. Mr. Jaquith said that
he was a little bothered by the rooflines becoming monotomous. Iie added
that the buildings x311 be quite low in comparison to the other buildings
in that area. Mr. Parsons acid that it looks like a hodgepodge xithout xin~
doors and that, iY the architects would introduce more xindoxs, he could go
along with the plan. Mr. Graves said that he thixilcs the section that xill
shox most predominately is unattractive. Mr. Jaquith said that what th®y
are asking for now is general approval of the schematic drawings and the
Commission has to decide whether the schematic plan is acceptable or not.
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TiISTORIC DIS73~ICT5 COP4iLSSION » Page 4 November 3, 1971
If the Commission feels the schematic plans are unacceptable, then their
reasons should be given to t]re Masons arsd. the architects. Mr. Jaquith said
that the architects cant to do the entire project at once.
Mr. Jaquith said that he thinks that they have designed 'the shields by
the windows tc> fit in with the roof. Mr. Graves said that he did not think
much of the shields. ?!r. Jaquith said again t1~at the architects want a
feeling from the Commission as to whether the schematic plan is possible or
impossible. Mr. Graves said that he thought it was a71 right except for
the front elevation. Mfrs. Williams said that she thinks they are coming
along in the right direction grid that the complex is surprisingly pleasing
considering the modern aspects of the project. She said that she is not
happy with the front elevation which will be predominant. Mr. Parsons said
that scattered windows should be put in where visible. Hrs. Williams acid
that it is modern architecture so does not think windows necessary bat that
she does not like the front portion. Mr. Emery said that he agreed that
the visible building should be different but that the general design is all
right. Mr. Jaquith said that the members of the Commission should come up
with a change for the nse of the front area and comr].noe Mr. Newbury of
this and then perhaps the front predominant building would be changed. Mr.
Graves said that, if the architects improve the front, he will go along with
the plans.
The meeting was adjourned at~~- " ?-?.+,,,~,f/
Philip B. Parsons